Author Topic: Community Awards and another attempt at internet awareness/education  (Read 11112 times)

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Offline fuzzy

Haven't read all the comments on this thread because I'm moving quickly today and have to be offline soon, but Just wanted to let everyone know that Legendface66, Gamey and JoeyD are all vital at this juncture to the project we call "Beyond Bitcoin".  So although I appreciate the credit, they are very important too.

i second gamey for the help he gave me clarifying some concepts on mumble.

Looking forward to working with you man :)
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Haven't read all the comments on this thread because I'm moving quickly today and have to be offline soon, but Just wanted to let everyone know that Legendface66, Gamey and JoeyD are all vital at this juncture to the project we call "Beyond Bitcoin".  So although I appreciate the credit, they are very important too.

i second gamey for the help he gave me clarifying some concepts on mumble.

Offline fuzzy

Haven't read all the comments on this thread because I'm moving quickly today and have to be offline soon, but Just wanted to let everyone know that Legendface66, Gamey and JoeyD are all vital at this juncture to the project we call "Beyond Bitcoin".  So although I appreciate the credit, they are very important too.
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Offline ripplexiaoshan

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On behalf of  the Chinese subforum, I would like to recommend two friends:
麥可貓---For his continuous effort to translate important English posts for Chinese subforum
Snail--- For his excellent job in building ---a window for Chinese community to acquire the latest BTS news

Please see our discussion:
BTS committee member:jademont

Offline liondani

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liondani, because I keep getting recommendations to include him

+5% +5% +5%

PTS address   PeuoKYVnWNzr8wzYo88UsnakYCN3rmrGnP

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... and a few more unawarded, because I'm *sure* I can't remember everyone off the top of my head. PM me for nominations.

Made my day. I can tell this plan is gonna be awesome  +5% +5%

Also nominate for the June Awards here

I have patience...  :)

Offline CLains

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- So can I ask that you give my 35 PTS to (or add it to another award if you were going to make one already) to whoever you think does the best job promoting Bitshares & the last days of AGS on other forums in the next few weeks?

 +5% +5% +5% very cool idea also

Offline gamey

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I reread my post and I sounded harsh.  It takes effort for me to lay the sugar on lol.  I really do not know what Brian does.  Since his job is to be noticed it sounds like an insult.  It is just a product of me coming from forums and interactive media.  I think everyone who is behind Bitshares should work together, but I'm not sure how that can happen.  It is just very obvious to me that they need more developers to grow.  I go on and on about why, but meh it is obvious. 

You need people who are passionate.  Not necessarily the same people you meet at conferences with resume in hand etc.  Conferences are great, but the motives that lead people to conferences are different from forum nerds who are driven by their love of the technology.  I'm not trying to insult anyone here.. but.. pretty sure this is how it works. 

For people to love the technology, they need to meet the technology.  Then they need to copulate with the technology and make little DACs for us to enjoy.  It is the basic life cycle. 
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline santaclause102

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So can I ask that you give my 35 PTS to (or add it to another award if you were going to make one already) to whoever you think does the best job promoting Bitshares & the last days of AGS on other forums in the next few weeks?
+5% hats of for Empirical! wouldn't hurt so substantially size up that bounty... The ecosystem will profit from more suporters and contributers. The value proposition of AGS will increase if the infromed group of DAC supporters is bigger....


I agree with this except I would go further.  Developers come from internet communities. I do not believe they usually come from whatever the marketing guy is doing.  Developers will create DACs independently which is what Bitshares needs.  Users will then come for the DACs or exchange.  Right now Bitshares has an approach and future technology to be released.  Users are great, but future developers are where its at.

If you want a network effect, we need developers.  They are the first step.

Advertising at conferences etc is a very expensive way to likely accomplish less although it could lead to investment/consulting for I3 which is also very good for Bitshares.  I am not sure what the marketing guy does, but when comparing his expenses + salary to this sort of stuff it seems borderline no-brainer.  No slight to him personally, currently I just don't think traditional marketing has much value in this "space".

my 2 cents.

I agree 100 %. Getting quality people here (developers and people that can find attacks, people that can write articles and have contacts in the space) is key! How do we get there? Let's work out a plan with Brian.
For me it has to be a tandem. Brian is great at talking to news outlets aiming at a general public....
But for the goals described above we need structured and well incentivized community efforts. This OP is a great first step...
I myself would like to do more (incl. Mumble interview for third party devs etc.) in this area but I just have so much other stuff to do (when I am coming back from holidays ;) )....

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Official ToastMaster's Awards
Transaction Confirmations

Empirical1, for this awesome thread and followup discussion:
Donated back for use in other awards - thanks!

fuznuts, for fighting to get the mumble hangouts organized.

xeroc, for the writeups on the github wiki:

CLains, for the managing micro-bounty initiative

Agent86, for keeping up the argument against me and BM until we upgraded the DPOS voting mechanism to the better solution

merockstar, for reviving my six-week-old plea to get some good writeups of educational material

alt, for all the help in our dry runs

liondani, by popular demand

« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 01:38:25 am by Stan »
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Offline Overthetop


We need one news spokesman for the Chinese community.

Is there any way to get them on the Mumble Server?  In my experience, many people from outside our country "think" they cant speak english, but actually can hold a rather functional conversation.  With that said, it would be helpful to actually get to know the Chinese members in a relatively open forum.  So please, if anyone here is Chinese (or from any other country for that matter), please feel free to use the server--it will help us greatly if we can coordinate internationally and this service (or any other VOIP/Hangout type service) will really improve communication and coordination.   


Well , I mean 3i maybe should assign someone officially as the news spokesman  to take the responsibilty for   Sync/Clarify/Announce the critical information from 3i in fluent chinese.

Why need?

1.  As big part of the community are from china , it is not easy for them to catch up the meaning from english block presicely due to their english obstacle . and that always makes misunderstanding.

2. Though we got lots of enthusiastic members here to translate and transfer important info to chinese block , but I think it is not enough.  Because it is hard to get enough accuracy and efficiency from voluntary labor.

3.If we got one (or more) official spokesman for the chinese community, then we get one efficient bridge between 3i and chinese community,that will help us eliminate unnecessary misunderstanding just like the unhappy story yesterday.

I've asked Bo Shen if he could do this, but I would also like you guys to nominate someone if you can. Maybe yourself, OverTheTop?

Thank you for the proposal , Toast.  :)

I think I am not qualified because of my poor  english.

But I will try to do some help to nominate someone qualified along with the chinese community.

个人微博账号: Overthetop_万里晴空
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3.If we got one (or more) official spokesman for the chinese community, then we get one efficient bridge between 3i and chinese community,that will help us eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings just like the unhappy story yesterday.

Maybe they can help...

Offline toast

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We need one news spokesman for the Chinese community.

Is there any way to get them on the Mumble Server?  In my experience, many people from outside our country "think" they cant speak english, but actually can hold a rather functional conversation.  With that said, it would be helpful to actually get to know the Chinese members in a relatively open forum.  So please, if anyone here is Chinese (or from any other country for that matter), please feel free to use the server--it will help us greatly if we can coordinate internationally and this service (or any other VOIP/Hangout type service) will really improve communication and coordination.   


Well , I mean 3i maybe should assign someone officially as the news spokesman  to take the responsibilty for   Sync/Clarify/Announce the critical information from 3i in fluent chinese.

Why need?

1.  As big part of the community are from china , it is not easy for them to catch up the meaning from english block presicely due to their english obstacle . and that always makes misunderstanding.

2. Though we got lots of enthusiastic members here to translate and transfer important info to chinese block , but I think it is not enough.  Because it is hard to get enough accuracy and efficiency from voluntary labor.

3.If we got one (or more) official spokesman for the chinese community, then we get one efficient bridge between 3i and chinese community,that will help us eliminate unnecessary misunderstanding just like the unhappy story yesterday.

I've asked Bo Shen if he could do this, but I would also like you guys to nominate someone if you can. Maybe yourself, OverTheTop?
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Offline Overthetop


We need one news spokesman for the Chinese community.

Is there any way to get them on the Mumble Server?  In my experience, many people from outside our country "think" they cant speak english, but actually can hold a rather functional conversation.  With that said, it would be helpful to actually get to know the Chinese members in a relatively open forum.  So please, if anyone here is Chinese (or from any other country for that matter), please feel free to use the server--it will help us greatly if we can coordinate internationally and this service (or any other VOIP/Hangout type service) will really improve communication and coordination.   


Well , I mean 3i maybe should assign someone officially as the news spokesman  to take the responsibility for   Sync/Clarify/Announce the critical information from 3i in fluent chinese.

Why need?

1.  As big part of the community are from china , it is not easy for them to catch up the meaning from english block presicely due to their english obstacle . and that always makes misunderstandings.

2. Though we got lots of enthusiastic members here to translate and transfer important info to chinese block , but I think it is not enough.  Because it is hard to get enough accuracy and efficiency from voluntary labor.

3.If we got one (or more) official spokesman for the chinese community, then we get one efficient bridge between 3i and chinese community,that will help us eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings just like the unhappy story yesterday.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 03:26:17 pm by Overthetop »
个人微博账号: Overthetop_万里晴空
“块链创新与创业”交流群: 330378613