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Technical Support / "Crash Detected" after reboot
« on: September 07, 2014, 09:24:00 pm »

every time after rebooting my system ( Windows 8 ) with the Bitshares X Qt Wallet still running, I get the error message "It appears that BitShares X crashed last time it was running." when running the program the next time. Do you guys have the same issue? Seems there is a problem in the cleanup code of the wallet. The program works fine despite this message.



With nearly 90% of the market volume, the BTSX/CNY trading pair on BTC38 is quite important to keep track of.

A site similar to BitcoinWisdom for the BTSX/CNY trading pair on BTC38 can be found here:

If you are usually trading in BTC markets and not in CNY markets, it is kinda annoying to have to manually convert CNY prices to BTC prices to get a grasp of the current valuation of BTSX in China. I wrote a small script that automates this process. You can simply copy it into the URL bar while you are on and press enter to execute it. After executing this script, a second price is shown on the site giving the always up-to-date BTSX value in BTC (using the current Huobi BTC/CNY ticker value for the conversion).

Code: [Select]
$('head').append('<style>.dark #sidebar {color: #0F0;} .dark #sidebar {color: #F00;};</style>');$('#price').after('<div id="priceinbtc" style="text-align:center;font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;height: 40px;line-height: 40px;"></div>');function updateBTCPrice(){console.log('updateBTCPrice');var ticker=$('#ticker_huobi_btc').text();var huobi_btc_cny_ticker_val=ticker.substring(ticker.indexOf('¥')+1);var val = $('#trades .row:nth-of-type(1) .p').text()/huobi_btc_cny_ticker_val;$('#priceinbtc').text(Math.round(val * 10000000) / 10000000);$('#priceinbtc').attr('class',$('#trades .row:nth-of-type(1) .p').attr('class'));};updateBTCPrice();$('#trades').bind('DOMNodeInserted', updateBTCPrice);$('ul.nav-item-list.clearfix').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', updateBTCPrice);

EDIT: pasting the command to the URL bar seems not to work in firefox. Instead, you can open the javascript console by pressing F12 and execute the command there (without the leading 'javascript:').

Just wanted to share in case it is useful to someone else!


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