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Messages - giant middle finger

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General Discussion / Re: Overstock issues cryptobond for itself
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:48:30 pm »
He wanted to be the first

Indeed he won't be the last

General Discussion / Re: Overstock issues cryptobond for itself
« on: August 01, 2015, 07:06:16 pm »
He wanted to be the first to do it legally.  From the release:

"FNY's HYDRATrade, its proprietary market access software, would integrate with Overstock's tØ.com cryptosecurities trading platform."

They are paving the regulatory road for us to follow.  So, congratulations on not getting sued Pat.  ....yet

More from the release:

"Overstock also hinted at the complex regulatory process it expected to encounter when first launching its attempt to build a decentralized stock exchange last year, suggesting the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved the offering.

Overstock intends to hold a launch party to celebrate the issuance at NASDAQ's New York headquarters this Tuesday."

Answer to the microtransaction dilemma :

create a "super poweruser" account

What happens to the users who just want to listen to unlimited ad free music without all of that other stuff like tokens, you know the ones that just unchecked the box for notifications.

This single click - audio play and go away - model was made famous by Pandora.  Only in our case, you will not only be able to rate songs you like to affect your random playlist, but also purchase audio or equity from the artist.

I think the reason they aren't just going with that is that the model is freemium and they dont expect a lot of the potential users to ever pay any signup fees or anything.

The referral program is optional, just another revenue option.  Those with 2000 Facebook friends will make a killing.  Everyone else won't even notice the hidden option.

Nothing to lose, $$$$$$$$$ to gain.  The referral program is already game-proof.  Easy money.  No Risk.  Yours to lose.

I can see it now.  Little 14 year olds starting network marketing empires between classes (tell me that won't make the evening news) (VIRAL). Trading pokeymen, I mean Artist Coins, and getting their friends to sign up because it is cool.. This is little Billy's first crypto.  and you don't want to let him start a business?  Tell me what other crypto could hold a kids interest for more than 5 seconds.  DOn't deprive the yourh.

Adoption is the name of the game, and I don't see any 14 year olds even opening a bitshares wallet

This is Graphene crypto for the youth of america.  this is dogecoin2.0  if BTS is bitcoin2.0

don't skimp on the meat.

What do you want for christmas Sally? 

$100 busks to start a business?  WTF?

"Please mommy, all the other kids are doing it"

I dare you to show me lower hanging fruit.  This option is alteady coded, all we have to do is "not delete the option" (wow that was hard)

or we can just delete this option to teach our youth that individual capitalist enterprises are for suckers when the state is willing to take care of them. 

Wasn't one of our goals to funnel/educate people/groups/kids into BitShares?



If BitShares was an experiment .. what would you call ethereum?

simple POW to POS chain, proposed with months of hindsight marketing advantage over the BitShrares real time dynamic development marketing plan (DDMPTM) which evolves over years of real time

Why is it always Ethereum and never Bitshares.

Simple:  transparent trust

People know what it is, because it never changes.

BitShares investors have a flare for the grandiose avant-garde dynamo

General Discussion / Re: BitLicense
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:55:39 pm »
When the government shows up at your place of business, you go ahead and give them the middle finger, I'd like to see that

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