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Messages - giant middle finger

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Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Creative people! BRANDING FUN TIME
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:36:09 am »
This thread has gone to shite. What are you guys, like 12 or 13 years old?

no, but our audience is.

 Donkey Kong?  Isn't he dead yet?  WTF are you like 100 gramps?

Rocks is a cool name too. Probably better than Starcoins. But it sounds like fucks so you my friend are only a slightly better person than the rest of us in this here thread like you said

For anybody who has yet to figure it out. This is the first masses-ready application of "build your own bitcoin on our public blockchain"

just like you built your own facebook page

just like you have your own email address

in the future grandpappies will all have their own cryptoequity just like everyone else on the planet. how else do you expect to receive micropayments for your own personal microservices?

people are selfish, they want "mycoin"

you buy my equity on the open market and i have to reimburse you when you give them back to me weather i am a bricklayer or phallic guitar player.  this is peer to peer community survival at its most basic unit of measurement

1 peer or person = 1

mostly i like "rocks" because it's what everone under 50 now refers to their "ballz" as ("testicles" for those over 60)

lick mh rocks beitchez

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Creative people! BRANDING FUN TIME
« on: December 14, 2015, 05:16:24 am »
which would you rather be?

a rockstar

or a pornstar?

because with "Starcoins" you can be either!

General Discussion / Re: STEALTH / BTS Market now accepting bids.
« on: December 14, 2015, 05:11:48 am »
Head Shops will too

If you need to spin something to fit your narrative, call Stan.  He's the best in the biz...

Fuck you Stan for being an optimist. Only pessimists are allowed in this forum!

You must dwell only on the dark side!!!

OK now that this [explicit] is set in stone, I have nothing more I can do but open a poll:

what will be the average market cap loss for BTS between now and the time the stealth is out [my guess is about April].

It is ridiculous but I do think you guys are willingly taking a 2.5 to more likely 4 mil USD market cap hit, so CNX can cash 45K immediately, and onceaponaprivacydream can make this 45K suicidal investment.[the one he brakes even in about 3-5 years?]

weighted market cap per CMC
Dec 13 '15 - 9,602,798
till 7 days before the stealth release is announced.

OK since we are taking bets on the future price of BTS in USD terms, and i fully expect the price of bitcoin to rise now that both the bottom and base are in, and there will be zero tax loss selling this year (what caused last years low price in all crypto). I would have to predict that the BTS price drops -20% after the official announcement that VC money and requests for future construction (development) are now entering BTS.

oops. i forgot about the bitcoin halving. when does that happen again?

This is one of the great threads.

what happened to the whole Stock market side of BTS? Overstock just got ok to issue shares on the BTC blockchain with Medici or whatever. I guess BTS will be a second mover in that department

That part of BTS is done already.

Anyone can issue a UIA backed by a share of Berkshire and open a market up and make money like Overstock is doing with their "trust us" version of blockchain based security sales. This is very old news man. 

google "user issued asset". and it will completely blow your f'n mind

(but not knowing where you are currently in terms of base knowledge, you might need to google "google" first)

Random Discussion / Re: What if bytemaster's right ...
« on: December 14, 2015, 04:25:05 am »
in case my post is being misinterpreted, I wasn't attempting to make fun of anyone's beliefs

Muh meme, art, stupid image was an attempt to make fun of the fact that people thought/think I'm controlling various accounts on the forum

take your hand out of my fuckin ass Tuck!

why do you feel the need to apologise?

because you just cost the rest of us potentially 10 minutes of BM productive time (the time it took him to write his response to your post) when he could have been finishing up anon or bond mkt features on our wallet?

as long as you are not bitching then apology accepted.

i'll bend back on over so we can carry on now.

and this time start with just one finger at a time

preferably a small one

General Discussion / Re: [ANN - AMA] bitCash - Digital Money of the Future!
« on: December 10, 2015, 05:06:26 am »
yeah i stole your idea.  so what.

what do you want?


good luck with that.

but there is something I can give you.....

yeah, me and Tuck in the same room. Worlds collide. So what. What did you think would happen?

I talk to people about BitShares like I own the company.

and , you know what?

I do

General Discussion / Re: [ANN - AMA] bitCash - Digital Money of the Future!
« on: December 10, 2015, 04:49:38 am »
that doesn't have anything to do with me revealing a picture of my actual middle finger?


you know. signed messaging and all that shit that people like you and Tuck, who obviously inspired my handle know more about than somebody like me who after weeks of apprehension and then frustration, finally got my wallet working.

Is it that hard to believe that there just might be more than 6 people who think that Daniel Larimer is at least as smart as Gavin Andresson, or Charlie Lee or Eric Voorhees, or the Dogecoin guy or the DASHman?

I went right down the coinmarketcap100, and when I got here, Tuck made me laugh, Dan made sense, and I made an Avatar

so no, I'm not on your list nor particularly want to be.  I thought that you wanted
support to build the wallet that Max Wright has been crying for all year (the bitcoin/bitUSD missing link) that will require the bitcoin masses to actually use BTS without knowing that they are making me rich.

General Discussion / Re: [ANN - AMA] bitCash - Digital Money of the Future!
« on: December 10, 2015, 04:48:14 am »
what could I do to prove otherwise?

no fucking shit. 

so haters quit hating and either give up some love to our rich uncle onceuponatime or go code your own "super-secret-stealth-mode BTS GUI"

this is a free community and you are free to compete, but bitching about free money will land a giant middle fucking finger in your face

for free

bite the hand that feeds, and you will undoubetedly get the finger first

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:13:24 pm »
We should crowdfund the bond market after this.  Those who bought into the bond market will get a % fee.

great idea, count me in

that is, of course, unless someone here wants to pay for it:



General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:11:49 pm »
holy shit

take it before she changes her mind!

General Discussion / Re: Discussing the problems with bitUSD (smart coins)
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:59:00 pm »
I expect there will always be a premium with a volatility proportional to BTS volatility. This is fundamentally worse than the same volatility centered around parity.

it absolutely puts us at a huge financial disadvantage when the masses favor stability over security by 2 orders of magnitude (which is the factor i'd wager)

until we approach "stability (liquidity) parity" with Nubits, we are but a novelty for the paranoid (or insecure) (which is obviously the number 1 common thread that our community has)

General Discussion / Re: Discussing the problems with bitUSD (smart coins)
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:11:40 pm »
dollar stable product

that's what it is

but is stability more important than security here?

maybe, until MtGox...maybe not, and Nubits is proving this.

Nubits seems to be monetizing stability, while we have mad security

I guess we are truly different, and the only way to be "better" is to provide equal "stability" while advertizing our "unique counterparty-risk free security"

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE blockchain information site
« on: October 23, 2015, 11:10:11 pm »

don't like the reserve fund? Vote to burn it all

fuck you cob!

i vote to spend the dev fund on hookers and blow for MUSE holders!

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