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Messages - mhps

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As for distributing it  "in a 'close-auction' so it can be given to people who will care about it", is the same fake premise I am fighting with Stan in the other thread.

The market price of NSR has been close to -- even at times dipping below -- the IPO price for a while now. Anyone who wants to get in at the IPO price ($18 - $24 / 10k NSR) is having the opportunity.

 The signed message command gave me assert exception. The import wallet command worked. Thanks!

Guess I have overlooked somewhere obvious but how do I claim the "new" PTS in the new wallet with my "old" protoshares in the old wallet?
It seems that the commandline option -datadir and -conf don't work for the new wallet, how do I get a list command line options ?

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 24, 2014, 08:54:27 am »
I mean that you will need an increasing number of buyers day after day just to buy the new generated from interest nubits, the moment that you will have more nubits generated than the buyers can buy, it will be the moment this ponzi will colapse, the interest rate will rise even more to keep the price down but all those new generated nubits will be even harder to be sold.
Fair point, so we worked on a solution to burn NuBits
If you are interested it is currently a proposal for NuShareholders to consider. You can find it in our forum (

Yep. The community works. 30% the shares will be sold at very low prices.

Just when I thought you little OlBugs were all removed ...  :)

I see the entire cryptocommunity an ecological continuum. Bitshares is just the next village from where I usually hang out.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 21, 2014, 12:11:56 pm »
Nubits can issue NBT more than America's GDP as long as "the share holder agrees".

You got it wrong. NuNet can generate NBT more than America's GDP as long as "the share holder agrees". Those NBT don't enter circulation unless someone pays $1/NBT to buy or paid out as interest. If they don't enter circulation, for all practical purposes they don't exist.

right.... that goes without saying,because circulation means buy and sell.

You seem to miss the point that a Nubit sold by the bot to enter circulation is backed up by 1 USD cash -- paid by the initial buyer.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:50:13 am »
Nubits can issue NBT more than America's GDP as long as "the share holder agrees".

You got it wrong. NuNet can generate NBT more than America's GDP as long as "the share holder agrees". Those NBT don't enter circulation unless someone pays $1/NBT to buy or paid out as interest. If they don't enter circulation, for all practical purposes they don't exist.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:57:25 am »
If I make a coin with 100% premine , I can easily do the same trick,as long as I don't run off with the money I sold from the coin.

And ,the team maybe only 1 person ,even after selling some shares in the public,the main power and fund still controls in 1 person.

The team is not one person. The members of the dev team  have long track record in the peercoin community. Every one in the community can chip in ideas and expect the ideas to get considered. The Nu networks is owned by share holders, and executed by custodians that the network can afford to lose. The long-term goal is decentralized shareownership and custodian selection.

You can't easily do the trick. The protocol and the commnity interact to make Nu working.

General Discussion / Re: NuBits
« on: September 22, 2014, 04:49:35 am »
Has anyone scoped the boards on their forum? The peer coin/primecoin community is almost non existent. This makes me think that they have a fishy market cap similar to ripples. I found this on their forum, I guess one address is staking 25% of the new coins.

You read my post wrong. That address generates 25% of new *blocks*.  Those blocks are generated by many small stakes so the reward tends to be small, too. The address doesn't generate more new coins than its share of Peercoin money base on average.
The biggest Peercoin addresses are probably owned by btc-e.

It's get off and back:
40320   0,01499792   08.01.2014
44352   0,01374487   23.01.2014
48384   0,01404314   05.02.2014
52416   0,01724706   17.02.2014
56448   0,03622848   23.02.2014
60480   0,01075983   12.04.2014
64512   0,04121569   15.04.2014
68544   0,01030392   18.08.2014
72576   0,04697974   21.08.2014

I haven't followed pts diff closely but I thought since May the next retarget (from 0.04 to 0.01) time has been projected to be in September-October all the time. Did I missed a low diff run in August? If yes what caused the retarget date to move forward that much? Some big miner stepped in?

11 doesn't seem to be working any more. When is the next diff target change?

BitShares PTS / Had some PTS in ypool account on Feb 28
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:37:06 am »
Because of the 1PTS withdrawl limit, I had some PTS in my ypool account on Feb 28 when the snapshot was taken. I know Bter took a snap shot of its customers' balance to be used to redeem BTS in the future. Does anyone know if ypool did similarly?

ed: typo

BitShares PTS / Re: another PTS. and another ..
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:41:35 am »

alt-PTS are inevitable and desirable.  The distinguishing factor of PTS is that Invictus (and posisbly others) will honor its social contract.  Creating a PTS that does not have a company backing it will not be creating a PTS, it will be creating an altcoin. 

So a "clone" is not a clone, unless you consider your neighbors house to be a clone of yours because it is also a house.

Agreed. Others have to create a company or system around a PTS-type of infrastructure. It's not trivial but not too difficult once someone has done the heavy lifting to show the way. Plus you don't need a real successful company to sell a me-too coin backed only by the concept at a me-too price, ultimately at original PTS' cost.
Yes, but those inevitable failures will just increase the value of the ones that really do hold true to the social contract.  It's a natural process.

Well there will be true ones other than the original. I think there will be no end of "new-and-improved PTS" if the original PTS is successful and rare.

BitShares PTS / Re: another PTS. and another ..
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:20:29 am »

alt-PTS are inevitable and desirable.  The distinguishing factor of PTS is that Invictus (and posisbly others) will honor its social contract.  Creating a PTS that does not have a company backing it will not be creating a PTS, it will be creating an altcoin. 

So a "clone" is not a clone, unless you consider your neighbors house to be a clone of yours because it is also a house.

Agreed. Others have to create a company or system around a PTS-type of infrastructure. It's not trivial but not too difficult once someone has done the heavy lifting to show the way. Plus you don't need a real successful company to sell a me-too coin backed only by the concept at a me-too price, ultimately at original PTS' cost.

BitShares PTS / Re: another PTS. and another ..
« on: December 08, 2013, 02:43:14 am »
What if, after Invictus has shown the way, other companies does the same thing and eat your lunch? You can't patent your mode of operations. Other companies could do better than you exactly because it's a free market. Holders of your PTS may as well hold other Invictus-alike company's PTS.

We will invest in whoever we think has the best product while we are building on top of her improvements to our improvements to his improvements. With free, open source software there's no such thing as building a lead and sitting on it. Having competitors to keep the pendulum swinging means a healthy market with lots of investment opportunities for everybody.

That is fine.  It will be a perpetual uphill battle as an business. I guess my question boils down to what your strategy you have to keep your edge.  Technology can be copied and improved by others. PTS' combination of limited supply and interesting prospect (high valuation) just makes alt-PTS more likely to happen.

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