Author Topic: Kevin Harrington and St. Martin  (Read 29914 times)

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Offline NewMine

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I'm envisioning some Casascius-minted physical BitShares here. Something tangible people can understand and order from the privacy of their own homes.

And if you order now we will throw in a free Star Registry.


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Whatever it will be, it will be so aweome :D

Offline donkeypong

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I'm envisioning some Casascius-minted physical BitShares here. Something tangible people can understand and order from the privacy of their own homes.


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We are not paying for an infomercial... someone else is taking that risk/reward on their own.
Thanks for clarifying!

I would still hate to see that happen. I suppose if you aren't paying for it, then you can't control it.

I have to disagree w you, infomercials can cause massive marketing buzz and break tremendous ground.  It's proven that many people are deeply affected by well produced infomercials.  And although you may not respond to them well, there are many people out there that would. Leave it to the guys that have made tier millions off of them and please don't complain.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 12:14:46 am by bitbro »

Offline NewMine

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We are not paying for an infomercial... someone else is taking that risk/reward on their own.
Thanks for clarifying!

I would still hate to see that happen. I suppose if you aren't paying for it, then you can't control it.

Offline donkeypong

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3 a.m. grannies are definitely a sector of the market that is untapped and worth reaching.

Offline GaltReport

Hold on just one cotton-pickin minute!  I Had two of those Jack LaLane Juicers.  Like'd them both!! Just saying.... ;D

Offline bytemaster

We are not paying for an infomercial... someone else is taking that risk/reward on their own.
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Offline NewMine

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Haha, slow your roll there NewMine. He made his money in infomercials and a number of other marketing techniques. That doesn't mean he's going to push a crypto info infomercial. I'm sure he has million great ideas and the connections to see them through.

I was going off this quote:

Kevin has been in talks with me & my partners  to do an infomercial deal regarding cryptocurrency, which is highly significant.

I just don't think it's a great idea. No matter what the pitch. Even if it's just an informative interview like infomercial without the selling of anything, it's a bad use of advertising funds for Bitshares. A full page newspaper ad would be better than that and reach the same target demographic. Web ads on Stock websites and things like Pandora, iTunes Radio, big City or trendy city outdoor ads. Anywhere a young mid 20's to late 30's professional would see.

Offline Riverhead

Haha, slow your roll there NewMine. He made his money in infomercials and a number of other marketing techniques. That doesn't mean he's going to push a crypto infomercial. I'm sure he has a million great ideas and the connections to see them through.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 10:28:54 pm by Riverhead »

Offline NewMine

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Interesting thread.  I was the person that brought Kevin to the event, and I did so for several reasons.  I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few relevant to this discussion:

Kevin Harrington has sold over $4,000,000,000+ in products.

Kevin has been in talks with me & my partners  to do an infomercial deal regarding cryptocurrency, which is highly significant.

Kevin has been educated about Bitcoin by myself and my partners for the last 8 months, and is getting comfortable with putting money into bringing it more mainstream.

Kevin has some massive connections in many industries that could yield some major backing for palatable mainstream adoption of services built on Bitshares DAC - such as Bitshares Music...Imagine all of the recording industry contacts that could be brought to the table from that alone.  There are many implications from this alone.

The Saint Martin mastermind was intended to yield very specific results, all of which were met from all parties that attended.  It was meant to bring some people that are powerful marketers, together with those that understand Bitcoin and Blockchain - to educate them and get them on board with the overall message.  The idea is that once we have people like that on in our corner, to advocate and educate...then the efforts of this amazing team of individuals will be amplified 1000x over.

We hit that out of the park.  Brian has been 100% integral to making that happen, and is working actively with several of us to get this project to another level. 

Very big win guys.  Congrats.


A crypto currency infomercial? I hope you are joking. That is the last thing this industry needs. No matter how legit the infomercial is, you will be setting the industry back.  The industry has a hard enough time separating itself from the "drug money" labels it unjustifiably gets because of the Silk Road takedown. The infomercial has a history of selling garbage in pump in dump formats.  There are stock trading and gold buying infomercials that are known to be infomercial scams and this is going to lump crypto into those categories.

And the main demographic of infomercials is? Not 25-44 as they would tell you. Most of those people are of the TiVo/DVR commercial free tv or have cut the cable cord and switched to Netflix and etc. The infomercials main demographic is the "baby boomer", who could care less about a financial revolution because they are set in their ways. Ever try and get your average 60+year old computer illiterate to connect to the internet without much resistance and hesitation? I Didn't think so.

I don't get this approach. What are you trying to sell? The only thing there is to sell is BTSX through a third party exchange. What does I3 or Bitshares have to do with that unless it's another third party trying to pump and dump shares THEY bought and sell through THEIR own non-exchange exchange? For example, trying to sell 10k BTSX for $100 and all they have to do is send them the $100 and a BTSX address.

If I3 is looking to advertise, how about Omnicom, WPP, or Interpublic? Why are we seeking 2nd rate advertising? No offense, as I am sure you guys are great people and good at what you do, but Bitshares shouldn't be lined up after Shamwow chamois, Jack Lalanes Juicer, Ron Co.'s Food dehydrators, or known Stock trading scams! Having Joe Schmo the sleazy car salesman with a 70's porn stache telling people to go download BTSX and then buy some will backfire big time.

Buy ads that will spread the name, not sell a product. No one who is going to embrace bitshares is a person willing to sit through a half hour spiel about cryptocurrency on a Sunday morning. If they are sitting through it, they are already involved before hand and didn't need to be sold on the idea.

This is not a knock on OP, but rather the approach that is being made.

Offline solaaire

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welcome aboard murderistic and thank you (& bytemaster) for the insight. much appreciated!

Offline xeroc

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Welcome and thx for your efforts +5%

Offline cass

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Interesting thread.  I was the person that brought Kevin to the event, and I did so for several reasons.  I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few relevant to this discussion:

Kevin Harrington has sold over $4,000,000,000+ in products.

Kevin has been in talks with me & my partners  to do an infomercial deal regarding cryptocurrency, which is highly significant.

Kevin has been educated about Bitcoin by myself and my partners for the last 8 months, and is getting comfortable with putting money into bringing it more mainstream.

Kevin has some massive connections in many industries that could yield some major backing for palatable mainstream adoption of services built on Bitshares DAC - such as Bitshares Music...Imagine all of the recording industry contacts that cold be brought to the table from that alone.  There are many implications from this alone.

The Saint Martin mastermind was intended to yield very specific results, all of which were met from all parties that attended.  It was meant to bring some people that are powerful marketers, together with those that understand Bitcoin and Blockchain - to educate them and get them on board with the overall message.  The idea is that once we have people like that on in our corner, to advocate and educate...then the efforts of this amazing team of individuals will be amplified 1000x over.

We hit that out of the park.  Brian has been 100% integral to making that happen, and is working actively with several of us to get this project to another level. 

Very big win guys.  Congrats.

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your efforts. It's an exciting time to be involved in Bitshares!

Welcome Murderistic!  +5% +5%
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Offline donkeypong

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Interesting thread.  I was the person that brought Kevin to the event, and I did so for several reasons.  I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few relevant to this discussion:

Kevin Harrington has sold over $4,000,000,000+ in products.

Kevin has been in talks with me & my partners  to do an infomercial deal regarding cryptocurrency, which is highly significant.

Kevin has been educated about Bitcoin by myself and my partners for the last 8 months, and is getting comfortable with putting money into bringing it more mainstream.

Kevin has some massive connections in many industries that could yield some major backing for palatable mainstream adoption of services built on Bitshares DAC - such as Bitshares Music...Imagine all of the recording industry contacts that cold be brought to the table from that alone.  There are many implications from this alone.

The Saint Martin mastermind was intended to yield very specific results, all of which were met from all parties that attended.  It was meant to bring some people that are powerful marketers, together with those that understand Bitcoin and Blockchain - to educate them and get them on board with the overall message.  The idea is that once we have people like that on in our corner, to advocate and educate...then the efforts of this amazing team of individuals will be amplified 1000x over.

We hit that out of the park.  Brian has been 100% integral to making that happen, and is working actively with several of us to get this project to another level. 

Very big win guys.  Congrats.

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your efforts. It's an exciting time to be involved in Bitshares!