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Topics - inarizushi

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General Discussion / BitShares article on coindesk
« on: February 05, 2015, 11:04:21 pm »

Well done, that is a great article for us ! Congratulations to anyone involved :)

General Discussion / SVM : the world dumbest idea ?
« on: February 03, 2015, 06:09:41 pm »
A very interesting paper in my opinion (but I don't know much about economy) :

Shareholder Value Maximization : a very bad goal for a company. It's sad that so much people have a short term view in crypto... short term view enabled by instant trading ?

This resonates with politics also : many politicians (at least, in France) aim at maximizing support rather than setting a vision of where to go. The irony being that the more consensual they try to be, the more hated they become.

General Discussion / Paying subjects of Scientific Experiments
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:22:10 pm »
Hello all,

I may have a great possibility of BitAssets use : remunerating time spent on scientific experiments/surveys.

I am a cognitive psychology PhD student, and as such I need to find subjects to pass experiments. It is extremely time consuming to be present during the experiment, so setting up an experiment on internet is much easier. But it's basically impossible to both 1) pay subjects and 2) make sure a person passes the experience only once. Amazon mechanical turk can do the trick, but it's unavailable outside the US, and most mturk workers do taht for a living and don't try to comply with the requirements of the experiments, for example they listen to music or do something else simultaneously (yup, some research has been done on that). Moreover passing experiments is not at all in the spirit of amazon mechanical turk, which is designed for brainless activity (well, a brain requiring brainless activity !) like classifiying images or typing relevant text from images.

I don't know how marketers and survey makes find their prospects, but for scientists conducing experiments in front a computer, be it psychological experiments or surveys, there is NO solution to the problem of finding subjects on internet. Which is crazy, when we think about it : this is remunerated work, generally not interesting, but at least uncommon and varied.

So, I would love to have that service on a blockchain, paying with BitAssets, and, the icing on the cake, the possibility to uniquely identify subjects (when the Vote identification functionnality is there...), to cross-check data between different experiments, etc. That would change everything in the way we psychologists work.

It probably cannot be decentralized : as I see it, the blockchain would track who did what experiment, so that the subjects can be paid. The experiments themselves would be passed, and data collected on an external website. (I would LOVE to see scientific data on a blockchain, but that's probably very inconvenient).

For adoption of BitAssets, it would be great : with so many people looking for ways to earn money, remunerated work markets itself.
The amazon mechanical turk market and the survey market are, I guess, huge compared with what we little scientists do, but I can't see why they couldn't be implemented on a blockchain. However, if I were to provide this service, I would probably want to start with my little niche scientist market.

Probably, it would be quite costly to make this a third party DAC. It should clearly use the BTS DAC, with its BitAssets and (present and future) identification features. As I see it now (not much reflexion yet), the subject connects himself to the website and chose a proposed experiment. He would then be asked to identify himself by sending a transaction to a specified account (maybe with a specified memo), then pass the experiment, and receive his payment at the condition he respected some specified rules of the experiment, automatically verifiable (obviously, he must go the end of the experiment). It would be so much better with unique identification, but it could still be great without. I think that I could convince some colleagues to use that service to run their experiments, and that it would be quite easy to find subjects, so it might be a great way to find new users and drive adoption of BitAssets (well, I know, mini market, but the concept seems good to me :D ).

What are your impressions ? Do you see any reasons that would make it hard to implement this service ?

Also, has someone thought of/is someone putting amazon-mechanical-turk-like service on a blockchain ?

Français (French) / Article sur
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:28:46 am »
Hello à tous,

Suite à ce topic, voilà mon article en français sur BitShares sur le site : J'espère que ça pourra servir de référence pendant un certain temps.

Dites moi ce que vous en pensez, s'il y a des choses que j'ai mal expliquées ou si j'ai commis des erreurs, et n'hésitez pas à le partager !

Français (French) / Traduction française de la GUI
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:38:27 pm »
Hello !

J'ai commencé une traduction de la GUI de BitShares en français. Pas évident, il y a énormément de vocabulaire de la bourse qui n'a pas vraiment d'équivalent en français (asset, short, cover, margin call, pour ce qui me reviens). Il faut dire que je ne connais pas le monde de la finance.

Je vous propose donc un petit google doc avec l'état actuel des choses :

Les lignes non traduites commencent par "//", et beaucoup d'autres sont sans doute à revoir également. Il faut se référer à pour le fichier original en anglais.


It's really strange to realize that we could easily multiply our market cap just by being present in more countries. Internet is worldwide, but English is still a barrier to most people.

I wonder if translating the wallet and subtitling BM's key videos is enough to spark interest in BitShares in a country. If it does, then it would be extremely cheap to hire some translators in at least all the major languages, maybe even in some niche languages were other cryptos have not reached yet. What do you think ? We may trigger huge interest in BitShares in some developed developing countries (like the Chypre crisis bitcoin thing) by pushing other pegged currencies. We may harvest some of the country best talent without pain by just showing interest in their problems and offering a great solution. Rich countries don't really need us, but in some developed developing countries, I guess that BitShares can fill a crucial need, and if it is the case, we don't even have to market the thing : they will just flock to us.

It also seemed to me (I have no real data to back this up) that Japan is very open to cryptocurrencies. Has any thought been given to try to open the market in Japan ?

Français (French) / Traduction française de
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:51:41 pm »
J'ai proposé une traduction française de, et elle est en ligne : Il y a surement des choses à améliorer, n'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos commentaires si vous voyez quelque chose qui vous parait maladroit.
Les mots comme "asset" ou "equity" sont vraiment pas toujours évidents à traduire.

General Discussion / How could I help implant bitshares in France ?
« on: October 23, 2014, 07:38:42 pm »
Most people have heard of Bitcoin in France, and numerous Bitcoin start-ups popped up. Some altcoins are known too, but of the few crypto enthousiasts I've met, none looked into bitshares.

I am clearly not a marketing guy, but I'd love to help, however little I can, to spread bitshares in France.

I don't know what is the marketing plan, and I wonder if markets in new countries are targeted, but simply translating and giving access to the key information seems an easy way to get more supporters at a very low cost. is available in German and in Dutch. I could do some translation job. Is someone charged of translations ? (and is it even a good idea ?)

Besides translating, what are the first steps to give bitshares some visibility in a new country ?

Français (French) / Comment implanter bitshares en France ?
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:09:02 am »
Hello les métropolitains,

Ce serait sympa que la France ne soit pas totalement à la traine sur la nouvelle vague de crypto, et bitshares en particulier. De quoi a-t-on besoin pour implanter bitshares en France ?

Je suis actuellement en doctorat, et le monde de la recherche me laisse froid. J'aimerais me tourner vers l'entreprenariat après. J'ai des compétences correctes en informatique bien que ce ne soit pas mon domaine (je viens des sciences cognitives). Je ne m'intéresse à la finance et à l'économie que depuis quelques mois.
Monter une boite autour de bitshares me plairait beaucoup, et j'ai même une petite idée de DAC. Je ne suis connecté à absolument personne de la sphère bitcoin. Ma décision d'investir dans bitshares est totalement personnelle.

Donc, petit sondage : qui ici serait sur le principe intéressé à l'idée de monter une boite pour vendre bitshares en France ? Moi même, je ne peux faire ça qu'à la seule condition de gagner suffisamment d'argent pour me permettre de renoncer à mon contrat doctoral.
Je suis socialement assez inepte, je ne peux clairement pas faire le marketeux de la situation, mais je suis geek comme il faut.

Voilà, juste une petite bouteille à la mer

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