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Messages - sschechter

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People who lost Bitcoins here are probably not willing to laugh along with the meme's guy. Not sure it's good marketing, I think that angry people hate receiving lessons.

Perhaps you were right.   It was not well received.

Perhaps its not well received because many around here trade on BTER because the in client market sucks and is painful to use.

General Discussion / Re: Proposed market pegged asset overhaul
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:27:27 pm »
Will the newly proposed market changes allow for multi-tabbed markets out of the gate (or shortly after)?

I notice that in the new wallet, "Life, Liberty, and Property for all" is highlighted under BTS when in the asset column, but BitUSD only gets "1 US Dollar". Why not make it more familiar and put on it "E Pluribas Unum" ? Just a simple suggestion. Or is there legal recourse from taking that step?

More familiar to whom??

General Discussion / Re: Simple Binary Prediction Market Discussion
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:17:33 pm »
I agree with Rune, plus:

If we're going to discuss adding more core features before/after 1.0, then margin trading is a much bigger market than prediction markets. If you want to find out how little Bitcoiners care about prediction markets, head over to - its volume is tiny.

 +5% Multi tabbed markets will bring much greater trading volume than a prediction market

General Discussion / Re: Will Ethereum swallow us whole come March?
« on: February 10, 2015, 09:25:55 pm »
Over the past many months, which are there more of:
* New people who have heard of ethereum after the IPO and want to invest
* People who invested in the IPO but became frustrated with being unable to touch their money for so long and now want out.

Most of the IPO coins that I have seen either tank upon opening, or have a short pump and then tank.  Bitshares first tanked in July when it was released, before the august pump.

I expect Ethereum to do one of those things.  Its not going to be a fully formed product at release, and it had plenty of hype in the IPO.   It should have both pumps and dumps like any coin. 

I think it will be a great buy at points where it has suffered from dumps and everyone is depressed. 
You shouldnt buy hype in crypto.  Buy a coin when it is very unloved, sell if people get really excited about it.  Buying bitshares after the august pump was bad.  Buying when it was low in July, or now, is probably good.

 +5% I missed out on the IPO but will be watching for the above. I will not be selling any BTS, just looking to pick up a few Ether for some balance in the 2.0 space.

Technical Support / Re: Hello, I guess I'm a Newbie
« on: February 09, 2015, 04:08:05 pm »
Fees Explained:

This is bytemasters blog (aka inventor and lead developer of BitShares).  Almost every question you can ask about BitShares has a long, thorough, in depth, explanation.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares article on coindesk
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:46:28 pm »
Can someone contact them to ask them to remove that statement?

bts: sschechter

General Discussion / Re: Stan's post on the Origin of Bitshares - Awesome!
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:15:50 pm »
As someone who showed up here a month after Protoshares launched and hasn't left since, I can confirm, that this is the way things happened.  Great post. This one is troll food 8)

General Discussion / Re: BTS is 2nd only to BTC
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:18:42 pm »
Is it me, or does anyone else think that the only reason stellar was invented was so Uncle Jebsy could divest his stake in Ripple?  Something about the terms of their launch was fishy. 

Most of your GUI improvement suggestions are already on developers' todo list: a better help integration is coming; more informative markets directory that shows price movements across all markets; multi-tabbed markets would be implemented later (probably in a couple of months) - there are technical limits but we are working hard to overcome them.
Currently the main focus on a GUI side is simplification and ease of use of the basic functionality like onboarding, registering accounts, making transfers, voting. Market/exchange functionality is the next thing we are going to address.

Thank you.  This is the response I am looking for.

Bingo / gambling is out.  I am not looking to push any more controversial forks.

Hurray!  +5% Well done BM!

I think that by now this response would have but obvious...any other answer would be suicide.

What I would like to see next is a re-commitment to building a quality product.  No new features until the UI is something to be proud of.  All the great innovations will be for naught, as people will associate the great ideas of BitShares with shoddy workmanship.  Subconsciously they will say 'see, this is why we need third party exchanges. BitShares tried to make a decentralized exchange, but they couldn't pull it off.'  In their mind, the technology will be a bust when the reality is that the developers weren't interested in finishing the job, but instead starting something new.

I am someone who considers myself an artist.  I am a developer and a hobbyist musician.  I know how hard it is to finish what you started.  The further you make it into a project, the less your efforts seems to have an impact. Software very much follows the principles of 80/20.  When your working on that first 80%, everything seems right in the world, like you can accomplish anything at lightning speed.  Then when it comes down to adding that final 20% polish, it becomes demoralizing as you spend hours to realize that your progress, when described to someone else, sounds like nothing.  But the difference between a project that is buggy and works with workarounds and is only 80% done and one that is 100% done, can be the difference between success and fail.

It doesn't matter if you can functionally accomplish what you set out to accomplish, the rest of the world doesn't see it that way.  Imagine if Peertracks released their product, and the quality was the same as the BitShares wallet...there is no way in hell they could compete with Spotify.  No one would in their right minds would believe the claims Peertracks are making if the product looks like shit.  No artists will sign up either.  Who would want to degrade their own work that way?

In a different music forum, I've seen discussions where people wouldn't use plugins because they hated the UI.  It wouldn't matter if it was the best sounding plugin, if they did not like the way it looked, it would take away any of the fun in using it.  Those people don't just exist, but make up a huge portion of society.  Even though I want to support my own investments and the BitShares ecosystem, trading in the decentralized market is just not fun, and I would rather trade on Bter.  Not only is it not fun, it lacks the tools that actually make trading effective.

So please, no more new features.  Focus on your flagship product, and making whats already functionally done the best that it can be.  Appearances matter.  Finish the job and do it right.

Price swings in the market and be irrational at times and disconnected from the reality of the situation. Short term price swings are controlled by traders.  We will position ourselves well in the long term.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Hardware Wallet presale
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:37:33 am »
I would be interested in this, and willing to pay 100BitUSD.  But I'm not interested in being first and taking the risk. I would purchase after the general consensus of the community is that this product is safe, secure and reliable.

General Discussion / Re: Advertising "The Blockchain Is Hiring"
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:02:21 am »
Usually devs dont sell so as they get paid they gain incentive to do good for the project. Thus 2000-3000 becomes irrelevent once the stash is big enough

They will sell if they need to pay the bills...

Anyways, it doesn't matter.  I'll vote for whoever is qualified and can produce results.  But I am wary about finding developers in the bargain bin. Silicon Valley pays the best because they get the best results....not because they are nice.

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