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Messages - bitcoinnoisseur

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General Discussion / Re: Can you edit BitShares wallet registration?
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:07:02 pm »
I believe the registration faucet uses the gmail account only to prevent abuse, i. e. mass registration through a bot. Only one registration per account is allowed. Or something like that.

It stated that it would get access to the gmail account emails and contacts.

General Discussion / Can you edit BitShares wallet registration?
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:54:27 pm »
I accidentally registered my BitShares wallet under my fathers gmail account as I was using his Mac. I wasn't aware he was signed into Google Chrome. There is also no warning of which gmail account will be registered. I assumed I would have to enter it and the password. I do not want his gmail associated with my BitShares wallet and neither does he. Is there a way to change this and if not, what are the implications? I will have no access to his gmail.

Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: February 01, 2015, 08:31:41 pm »
I accidentally registered my BitShares wallet under my fathers gmail account as I was using his Mac. I wasn't aware he was signed into Google Chrome. There is also no warning of which gmail account will be registered. I assumed I would have to enter it and the password. I do not want his gmail associated with my BitShares wallet and neither does he. Is there a way to change this and if not, what are the implications? I will have no access to his gmail.

BitShares PTS / Re: Keeping track of projects that make use of your PTS
« on: November 11, 2014, 05:34:24 pm »

Will there be BTS and BTSX? When BTS is released will then BTSX be far less valuable? What is the reason to hold BTSX now or in the future if it does exist along with BTS? WHen will BTS be released?

BTSX->BTS is a rename. So there is nothing to do with respect to the pending release. It should be released shortly with the hard fork happening perhaps tomorrow.

To be clear: BTS is BTSX. Same blockchain. Same client. Different name.


QUESTION: If PTS price plummeted as for all intents and purposes it is useless right now, why hasn't the BTSX price plummeted equally? If there was a merger then wouldn't both be useless and worthless now and only BTS(when it's released, based on your holdings of both PTS and BTSX, be useful and valuable?
There was no merger but share drop by BTSX.
PTS has plummeted as Invictus has withdrawn support and BTSX did not as Invictus will continue to develop it and support it under new name BitShares.

Could you elaborate on this no merger but sharedrop with some simple details as I keep reading different things. Will there be BTS and BTSX? When BTS is released will then BTSX be far less valuable? What is the reason to hold BTSX now or in the future if it does exist along with BTS? WHen will BTS be released? etc.

BTSX will become BTS so if you have 100 BTSX right now you will have 100 BTS. Nothing changes except for the name. They are just changing the name from BTSX to BTS. Hope that clears it up for you :)

It does. TY very much

BitShares PTS / Re: Keeping track of projects that make use of your PTS
« on: November 11, 2014, 05:29:44 pm »
QUESTION: If PTS price plummeted as for all intents and purposes it is useless right now, why hasn't the BTSX price plummeted equally? If there was a merger then wouldn't both be useless and worthless now and only BTS(when it's released, based on your holdings of both PTS and BTSX, be useful and valuable

I don't think PTS is useless right now and it certainly isn't valueless.  The market has a value for it, despite being less than it was for obvious reasons.... The value of BTSX or BTS is highly unlikely to be influenced any further by PTS in my opinion.  The question now is, can all those holders of PTS that are participating in the PTS network or third party developers interested in the bitshares toolkit, rebuild value into that network?  The market will respond to those possibilities and the value of PTS will adjust accordingly.

Will there be BTS and BTSX? When BTS is released will then BTSX be far less valuable? What is the reason to hold BTSX now or in the future if it does exist along with BTS? WHen will BTS be released?

QUESTION: If PTS price plummeted as for all intents and purposes it is useless right now, why hasn't the BTSX price plummeted equally? If there was a merger then wouldn't both be useless and worthless now and only BTS(when it's released, based on your holdings of both PTS and BTSX, be useful and valuable?
There was no merger but share drop by BTSX.
PTS has plummeted as Invictus has withdrawn support and BTSX did not as Invictus will continue to develop it and support it under new name BitShares.

Could you elaborate on this no merger but sharedrop with some simple details as I keep reading different things. Will there be BTS and BTSX? When BTS is released will then BTSX be far less valuable? What is the reason to hold BTSX now or in the future if it does exist along with BTS? WHen will BTS be released? etc.

BitShares PTS / Re: Keeping track of projects that make use of your PTS
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:50:01 pm »
QUESTION: If PTS price plummeted as for all intents and purposes it is useless right now, why hasn't the BTSX price plummeted equally? If there was a merger then wouldn't both be useless and worthless now and only BTS(when it's released, based on your holdings of both PTS and BTSX, be useful and valuable

I know there was a snapshot on 11/5. I know that there will only be BTS. However when I was reading I didn't come across anything warning me that PTS price would plummet fore good and that I should sell them all either before the snapshot and buy BTSX or right after the snapshot. All I read was that I would receive BTS for the PTS in my wallet. Incorrectly and naively I assumed that PTS just wouldn't be traded anymore as it wouldn't exist. I have lost thousands by holding my PTS. Why would anyone hold them and why would anyone buy them after the snapshot? I have to say that this whole thing has become a clusterfuck. Names and shares constantly changing, DAC's existing but being abandoned and becoming worthless, airdrops, conversions and rate changes, wallet files needing to be imported or not imported to get shares etc. I have NO idea what the hell this is all about anymore nor what even the name of this thing is I'm invested in as it constantly changes. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone explain to me in somewhat simple terms exactly what is going on. Thank you.

From an outsiders point of view, it is confusing. I run a crypto group with around 3600+ people, and I can assure you that most don't understand this, at all, so they are very wary of it. They ask me to explain it, but frankly I don't want to risk giving them some bad advice, so I tell them to just go here and figure it out for themselves. It might be simple for some traders, but compared to just buying Bitcoin, it isn't.

I don't own any, and I am not even sure which one I should be buying or dropping as I have not been paying enough attention. It just appears too much like a game of Three-Card Monte. That said, I think the tech and ideas are fascinating. However, I am more concerned about the marketing and investors getting burned for not understanding it well enough. That is why I don't recommend it much, yet.

Why would anyone invest/trade on something he doesn't take time to understand... if you just randomly chose things to throw money at just based on the market cap, you shouldn't be very surprised to have surprises.

I agree it's really time consuming to follow what's happening here, but it's not even officially released. The merger was a correction on the direction to take, and it was based on an excellent analysis of what would happen in the future if it didn't happen. People that didn't agree with this analysis sold, hence the recent big drop in price. Now the developers and marketers can focus on a very clear product, that will be pushed in the next weeks/months.

Some people (i.e. alphaBar) spread some confusion and make the message very unclear, that's sad, but it should be over soon when the leading team pushes the new unified product.

QUESTION: If PTS price plummeted as for all intents and purposes it is useless right now, why hasn't the BTSX price plummeted equally? If there was a merger then wouldn't both be useless and worthless now and only BTS(when it's released, based on your holdings of both PTS and BTSX, be useful and valuable?

It would help having a simple reference table for the DACs, listing key data about what snapshots have occurred; when; and how those honored the social contract relative to PTS/AGS/BTSX/BTS. There are already too many threads of complexity in BitShares let alone other flavours of crypto-assets, to expect most investors to watch all the detail. Just knowing which are considered within core dev team remit and which are seen as third party would be useful.

Perhaps such detail could be put into the wallet GUI? So that holders of BTS can see what is pending and what stage that is at. Anything to make the positives more visible will help.  8)

There already is one. I was directed to it a few months ago:

Keeping track of projects that make use of your PTS

I appreciate everyone's replies and yes you have cleared many things up. However, as clear as you may think Bitshares announcement was, it most certainly was not to everyone. The fact that there are still many trading PTS makes that obvious. And the constant changes make it seem as though there is no direction.

Your logic doesn't make sense. You thought it wouldn't have any value after the snapshot so you held in your wallet and forgot about it. So where exactly are you losing anything? Is it because you could've earned a bit by selling after the snapshot which you didn't? Thats not a loss, more like some gains you've missed.

This was not like a snapshot for a new DAC where people were getting in and out of PTS because they knew price would spike before the snapshot and drop after it. This was a snapshot where all shares(PTS, AGS, BTSX, DNS etc.) would be combined into BTS. So how or why would any logic dictate that after this snapshot that any or all of them would still exist and be traded? They should all be worthless as they don't exist anymore. Only BTS does. BTW a gain I missed is exactly equal to a loss. Its called a lost opportunity and that opportunity was lost because only the few people truly in the know, knew exactly what was happening. I most certainly would have dumped every PTS and BTSX I had if i had even an inkling of a clue that I was supposed to. I sure as hell bet you did.

I hope this link will help with some of your questions.  October Newsletter - Halloween Edition

I already read that and not only is the whole shares allocation confusing, it doesn't answer my main questions. Why does PTS even still exist? Why would anyone still  hold them? Why would anyone still buy them? Every single person that didn't know or understand they were supposed to drop them like hot potatoes lost massive amounts of money by holding them in their wallet like they thought they were supposed to do. How does anything Bitshares related(PTS, AGS, BTSX, Music, DNS etc) still even exist and be tradeable? If a snapshot was taken and everything converted to BTS then all those shouldn't exist anymore and be worthless.

I do know that you don't have to worry about not importing your PTS wallet into your DNS wallet. You will get credit for them when BTS is airdropped. I was never even able to setup my KeyID as I needed to go to one of 2 KeyID account faucets that were always empty. Why I would ever have to do that is beyond me but ridiculous nonetheless. N0 one wants to constantly be having to check here and scour through thousands of posts just so they don't get screwed. The few in the know most certainly profit with every single twist while everyone else loses. It seems as there is no direction as everything is constantly changing.

I know there was a snapshot on 11/5. I know that there will only be BTS. However when I was reading I didn't come across anything warning me that PTS price would plummet fore good and that I should sell them all either before the snapshot and buy BTSX or right after the snapshot. All I read was that I would receive BTS for the PTS in my wallet. Incorrectly and naively I assumed that PTS just wouldn't be traded anymore as it wouldn't exist. I have lost thousands by holding my PTS. Why would anyone hold them and why would anyone buy them after the snapshot? I have to say that this whole thing has become a clusterfuck. Names and shares constantly changing, DAC's existing but being abandoned and becoming worthless, airdrops, conversions and rate changes, wallet files needing to be imported or not imported to get shares etc. I have NO idea what the hell this is all about anymore nor what even the name of this thing is I'm invested in as it constantly changes. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone explain to me in somewhat simple terms exactly what is going on. Thank you.

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