Author Topic: losing patience with bitshares x  (Read 10084 times)

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Offline bitmeat

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Few things to ponder on:

Many newcomers think they can become a delegate from the get go in reality they are wasting resources trying to register as one. I propose that option be removed from UI but still available in command line. Running a delegate from the UI has myriad of issues. Suggested method is a private Linux server running 24/7.

Secondly to all those that complain about problems, ask yourself wouldn't you have said the same thing about bitcoin when it was $0.01 and buggy? I'm not happy about the issues either, and even I am guilty of complaining, however the more positive approach we all take the sooner these problems will go away through a collaborative effort.

Offline gamey

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there is a big difference between a product which is not on the market yet, and one that is on the market and officially trading - even being an alpha version with bugs..

it does not matter to 'be first - before the competitors' with an important item as a new virtual currency.

even if many good products will pop up over the near future - I as a customer/user/investor might try out a few - but I will eventually pick the one which is smooth, stable and revolutionary.
why would a developer release a product - for official trading that is -  and risk lose potential customers due to too many bugs?
a few bugs I can live with, but missing stability will turn me away.

edit: even if the client will eventually turn stable - but that would be too late I'm afraid

I disagree with you on multiple levels.  Not sure what your intention is as your account is only 10 days old.  You say they should have never released it.  I say it is alpha and don't use it for now beyond what is needed.  It is standard software releasing.

I've not been using the wallet regularly.  I've been staying away from it.  What is there to do with it right now that is so pressing for you ?
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline bytemaster


there is a big difference between a product which is not on the market yet, and one that is on the market and officially trading - even being an alpha version with bugs..

it does not matter to 'be first - before the competitors' with an important item as a new virtual currency.

even if many good products will pop up over the near future - I as a customer/user/investor might try out a few - but I will eventually pick the one which is smooth, stable and revolutionary.
why would a developer release a product - for official trading that is -  and risk lose potential customers due to too many bugs?
a few bugs I can live with, but missing stability will turn me away.

At the time of release the last dry run was "stable" and there were no known bugs.    Developers cannot catch all bugs on all platforms prior to launch. 

As a developer running a client every single day and performing transactions, market operations, etc with my client I have not experienced ANY crashes of my desktop GUI.

I had many successful software company CEOs tell me "If you are not embarrassed at your first release, you waited too long".   Many things that we are trying to test require money to be on the line (ie: how do you test market dynamics???)

Bugs are temporary... and rapidly being fixed.  Polish will come.   

So what is BTSX good for today?  It is good for early adopters to use to get involved.  It is good for developers to test integration.   Sure you shouldn't be using it as your day-to-day crypto at this point in time.

All of that said, I was pushing to hold off on launching.  But with open source that isn't my call and DAC Sun thought it was ready.   Over all I think they were right despite the bugs.   

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline sky

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there is a big difference between a product which is not on the market yet, and one that is on the market and officially trading - even being an alpha version with bugs..

it does not matter to 'be first - before the competitors' with an important item as a new virtual currency.

even if many good products will pop up over the near future - I as a customer/user/investor might try out a few - but I will eventually pick the one which is smooth, stable and revolutionary.
why would a developer release a product - for official trading that is -  and risk lose potential customers due to too many bugs?
a few bugs I can live with, but missing stability will turn me away.

edit: even if the client will eventually turn stable - but that would be too late I'm afraid
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 09:22:58 pm by sky »

Offline eagleeye

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@gamey and others:

You are just confirming that a product should not be released before it is fully ready..

edit: or should a say: you are just underlining my statement that nothing should be released before it is fully ready..

No I am not.  There are questions of resources etc that are likely not even being considered here.  Things are released all the time before they are fully ready.  Beta and Alpha software is released all the time and often stays in Beta for years. 

Most people who complain tend to see the world in a very utopian manner.  There are bugs, they suck.  They don't see any worse to me than similar related software.  Dan has a cool project, he has gotten good developers because of it.  I assume it'll start evening out here shortly in big noticeable ways.

Assume nothing, we must be vigilante.  However, what you believe, will probably come to pass.  For victory!

Offline Riverhead

  I assume it'll start evening out here shortly in big noticeable ways.

I agree. It can seem like a senseless pile of spaghetti at the start but once it starts to take shape the wins come quickly. I do agree that it should have been clearer that this software was in beta on the DAC Sun Limited site however that ship has sailed.

Early teething problems will get ironed out and those sitting on the sidelines can join in with confidence.

If I recall correctly even the iPhone had serious issues when first released. Android was a mess, and don't even get me started about Windows 95 -> Vista. All of these companies could have done better but they took their lumps and continued on to great success.

Offline gamey

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@gamey and others:

You are just confirming that a product should not be released before it is fully ready..

edit: or should a say: you are just underlining my statement that nothing should be released before it is fully ready..

No I am not.  There are questions of resources etc that are likely not even being considered here.  Things are released all the time before they are fully ready.  Beta and Alpha software is released all the time and often stays in Beta for years. 

Most people who complain tend to see the world in a very utopian manner.  There are bugs, they suck.  They don't see any worse to me than similar related software.  Dan has a cool project, he has gotten good developers because of it.  I assume it'll start evening out here shortly in big noticeable ways.

I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline eagleeye

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Like you, I have to reinstall an earlier version.  I will do that but there are some things I do, some things I dont.  I believe that talking on this forum is the most important aspect of my digital waiterness.

Hi eagleeye,

Forgive me I am a not very technical but can you please explain to me what is digital waiterness?

Its a person that goes from thread to thread, comment to comment, with prior past knowledge and experience and takes peoples orders (comments) and gives them what they want.  All I ask in the end is maybe a tip.  But only if this succeeds and not now.  My job is to satisfy each and every client, whether they are rich, or poor, whether are developers, or side developers, or legal team, or just general users etc.

Also I should have said Digital Waiter.

You are funny guy  :). I would like to tip you with BTSX just need registered account  name.

Thanks dude.  Tip me when it matters.

Offline vegolino

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Like you, I have to reinstall an earlier version.  I will do that but there are some things I do, some things I dont.  I believe that talking on this forum is the most important aspect of my digital waiterness.

Hi eagleeye,

Forgive me I am a not very technical but can you please explain to me what is digital waiterness?

Its a person that goes from thread to thread, comment to comment, with prior past knowledge and experience and takes peoples orders (comments) and gives them what they want.  All I ask in the end is maybe a tip.  But only if this succeeds and not now.  My job is to satisfy each and every client, whether they are rich, or poor, whether are developers, or side developers, or legal team, or just general users etc.

Also I should have said Digital Waiter.

You are funny guy  :). I would like to tip you with BTSX just need registered account  name.

Offline eagleeye

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and still Transaction scanning progress -100% is popping up

For this specific issue, I ran into it myself and noticed that for whatever reason transaction scanning was disabled.

Issuing the command "wallet_set_transaction_scanning true"  in the console enables it. After that, run "rescan".

Can someone please direct me to what the bitsharesx -> console, is even used for?

Offline ionx

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and still Transaction scanning progress -100% is popping up

For this specific issue, I ran into it myself and noticed that for whatever reason transaction scanning was disabled.

Issuing the command "wallet_set_transaction_scanning true"  in the console enables it. After that, run "rescan".

Offline eagleeye

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Like you, I have to reinstall an earlier version.  I will do that but there are some things I do, some things I dont.  I believe that talking on this forum is the most important aspect of my digital waiterness.

Hi eagleeye,

Forgive me I am a not very technical but can you please explain to me what is digital waiterness?

Its a person that goes from thread to thread, comment to comment, with prior past knowledge and experience and takes peoples orders (comments) and gives them what they want.  All I ask in the end is maybe a tip.  But only if this succeeds and not now.  My job is to satisfy each and every client, whether they are rich, or poor, whether are developers, or side developers, or legal team, or just general users etc.

Also I should have said Digital Waiter.

Offline eagleeye

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Indeed I will stay away - but that is not because some here in this thread advice so - that is my intention anyway.
The devs should not have given in to group pressure, stand strong in your own belief, produce your thing, release it when you feel good and ready about it - if it is revolutionary it will succeed however long time it takes to be ready.

Good luck - and Gods speed

Sky it is a race.

Offline vegolino

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Like you, I have to reinstall an earlier version.  I will do that but there are some things I do, some things I dont.  I believe that talking on this forum is the most important aspect of my digital waiterness.

Hi eagleeye,

Forgive me I am a not very technical but can you please explain to me what is digital waiterness?

Offline sky

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Indeed I will stay away - but that is not because some here in this thread advice so - that is my intention anyway.
The devs should not have given in to group pressure, stand strong in your own belief, produce your thing, release it when you feel good and ready about it - if it is revolutionary it will succeed however long time it takes to be ready.

Good luck - and Gods speed