Author Topic: BTS  (Read 7530 times)

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Offline JWF

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You are a gentleman and a scholar. Your kindness is only outweighed by your generosity and good looks.

Offline Vizzini

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Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Offline House

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2nd prize goes to House (without the Love Lance references that I've sworn to Joey-D to minimize, it would have achieved first prize).  It's a little depressing (so no TL;DR), and a bit off topic, but the prose was a rose, so get paid my lad.

aww shucks... thanks guys, I must admit I was influenced by Joey-D' colourful expressions ;D
I shall keep it clean(er) from here on in.

Offline onceuponatime

Dear DA:

I have sent you the funds to double the prizes in this thread for the lucky winners.
My God, they deserve it!!!

Offline mint chocolate chip

Whats your btsx?



It don't look like its registered, (its giving me the option to register it).

Whats up?

My plan all along to win the most embarrassing ( title... try again.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 07:36:42 am by currencydebt »

Offline mint chocolate chip

Woohoo!!! On the podium!

I would like to thank everyone that made this possible.

Offline onceuponatime

The talented Vizz takes this:


By thy long neckbeard and glossed over eyes
Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?
I lost it all in Mintpal
Forsooth should’ve entrusted it to thee

Nice work.

2nd prize goes to House (without the Love Lance references that I've sworn to Joey-D to minimize, it would have achieved first prize).  It's a little depressing (so no TL;DR), and a bit off topic, but the prose was a rose, so get paid my lad.

3rd prize goes to:
 currencydebt and fourth goes to JWF

I'll start the payouts pronto.

Honorable mention goes to onceuponatime's neat-o haiku:



very creative my friend.
Dear DA:

What is your true btsx handle and I will forward you funds forthwith (Or is that forsooth?)

Offline fuzzy

WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D

Offline JWF

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The November discovery was a blast
to find that PTS was available at last
That when the mining did begin
and my processors tried to win

Day by day I watched my stake increase
though only a few PTS at a time
In mid March i tried to press the crease
by upping my ability to mine

I feared it was to late
to increase my stake without a buy
it had become obvious to me
the GPUs were really about to fly

The price wandered north and south
my attention went awry
I didn't notice the price
had given a nice big spike

Now I sit and watch
as the prices take a dive
I think back to those times and wish
that I would have paid for shares instead of mine.


Offline Vizzini

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Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Offline House

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Late at night while once asleep,
I dreamed a dream, of Crypto’s Peak.
Then morning came, the trades I’d made
Had multiplied thrice what I’d paid.

With muffled squeal I celebrated
I felt so good I masturbated
Then lay so calm upon my bed
With cigarette and Johnnie Walker Red

Then with the sweat, still on my back
I pillowed up, plugged in my mac
I checked my balance on BTER’s bourse
My shares had crashed like a dead horse

So “anti-up” I told myself
“Go Protoshares” came out my mouth
So nervously I purchased some
then made my bed and cleaned up the cum

I watched the trades go to and fro
Sometimes real high, sometimes real low
I contemplated selling out
But greed did need, so I held out

“Yippee, Hoorah Bitshares is here”
I said out loud, to awkward stares
“No don’t you see, look understand
This is the PTS promise land”

I thought I’d made it, true to my stance
I’d held my shares through the advance
Until BM and Stan  and team
Set dynomite under my dream.

I felt betrayed, confabulated
[Deep breath] I mured, with patience waited
Inevitably, I must decry
“PTS is dead” [with heavy sigh]

BTSX - houseofpereira
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 07:46:28 am by House »

Offline tonyk

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Though I got my angelshares for less,
I should have got me some PTS.

Still would have gotten a snapshot share,
Then immediately dumped PTS like a bear.

Could have done that a few times,
Much more profitable than virtual mines.

Opportunity cost of not getting paid,
Meant a lower chance of getting laid.

The decision was near-sighted,
but now we all are reunited.

Hopefully I will not end up a buffoon,
Cause no BTS for sale till we get to the moon.

BTSX: currencydebt

I like it  +5%

It is a rap tune right? (Like this
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 06:10:15 am by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline mint chocolate chip

Though I got my angelshares for less,
I should have got me some PTS.

Still would have gotten a snapshot share,
Then immediately dumped PTS like a bear.

Could have done that a few times,
Much more profitable than virtual mines.

Opportunity cost of not getting paid,
Meant a lower chance of getting laid.

The decision was near-sighted,
but now we all are reunited.

Hopefully I will not end up a buffoon,
Cause no BTS for sale till we get to the moon.

BTSX: currencydebt
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 06:02:48 am by currencydebt »

Offline Vizzini

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An early entry from the talented Vizzini, which I hope you'll consider. Too busy to write next week:

It was an ancient crypthead
And he stoppeth one of three
By thy long neckbeard and glossed over eyes
Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?

He held him with his white-knuckl’d hand
‘There is a DAC’ quoth he
‘It’ll replace your bank and so much more
Our future is plain to see’

‘Hold off! Unhand me, delusion'd loon!
My money stays in Cryptsy!
Some Bitcoin, Namecoin, a little Doge
Scant PTS I have already!’

On and on through summer’s heat
Besmirched with Gox and pools
I sold my meager DAC stakes
And heeded the cries of fools

Money, money everywhere
And not a penny for me
I lost it all in Mintpal
Forsooth should’ve entrusted it to thee

I wish I’d put it all in BTSX!

BTSX: mosaic
Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.