Author Topic: bitUSD ATM/Kiosk  (Read 13464 times)

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Offline DMo09

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BIG  +5%
Thank you and keep up the great work!  Best of luck!

Offline bitcoin42


Thanks @devlux for the update! Since yesterday we have a domain! :) So you can go to   ... Payment options are not working yet, but will be up soon. Also httpS will be active asap, so you can feel a bit more comfortable sending your data to us.

There is an article which was about the ATM on but our hosting provider lost it! Seriously, stay away from We changed to them, and after horrible customer service experiences we moved back to our old provider  ... Weloveservers send us a broken backup link, and after asking for a new one they said the deleted everything! So we would need to recover all our website updates from 3 moth manually and we just didn't have the time to do that. So sorry for the dead links on

@Pheonike  Rather then the "main steam" raspberry, check out this awesomeness. That's what I call real open source from bottom to top, and they also come with LCD touchsrceens:

But all this is future development. As Devlux said, first we want to ship a solid Simplicitiy Model A+

Stay tuned!


Offline devlux

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Just a heads up.  On the bottom of the partners page on the sales site you'll see a company called ValorTech.  That's my company but the link goes nowhere just yet.  That is the company that would be tasked with doing any customization work you may want (such as supporting more than just a single exchange, supporting an alternative billacceptor etc). 

In the meantime, PM me here if you require customization work. 

The whole source code for the ATM will be released eventually, there is no need to keep it secret, but I do need to do a code cleanup, especially my code comments which in many cases no longer reflect what is actually going on.

Offline devlux

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I took quite a bit longer to get everything fully functional than I thought it would.  The cable we had planned to replace the Pi with ended up not doing the job so we had to find a new supplier.  I apologize for that, but I won't let something ship unless it's solid and reliable.  We had to raise the MSRP in order to cover the costs of the new hardware, but it's not that much higher.

We have several demo units ready, and we'd like to sell an entire production run. 
We've decided to skip the master reseller arrangement in favor of local franchises for those who are interested.

In the meantime, while we work to build up our network, we are selling units for as low as $777 off this first production run. 

The MSRP is $1495.
We will be batching them out in 100 unit orders.

You can find more info here...

Of course we accept bitUSD, although the cart doesn't yet. 
Just contact to arrange for payment.


Offline devlux

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It might be the kernel & os rather than the Pi.  It could also be voltage leakage on the connectors zapping something.
The Pi standalone without a tablet would be an awesome idea and it's something we're considering for the next iteration.  I think once we get the leakage issue resolved it might work too.

Current goals are to be as "part for part" compatible with the Skyhook as possible.

Offline Pheonike

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We're tracking it pretty closely.  The ATM is 3 different pieces of software all talking to eachother.
The front end speaks a specific API to the backend, and the backend communicates with "providers" who all speak "backendese" as well.
The "provider" does the translation work between asset engine and backend.

We have a provider for bitshares almost done and plan to have one for graphene.  We also have providers in the works for a few of the different exchanges.  It will be up to the operator to enable the providers that they want to see on their own machines though.


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How long will it take to make the atm work with graphene?

Offline devlux

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk

I am here, will send them PM
@ccedk It's possible no one is checking until middle of this week.  If you want to drop me a PM with a contact email, I'll make sure it gets in front of the right folks.

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk

I am here, will send them PM
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Offline kenCode

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk
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Offline DMo09

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Thank you for your hard work, and keep it up!   +5%

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thx devlux for the update!  +5%
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Offline devlux

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This project is still alive and kicking, sorry for being so quiet lately but I'm not one to talk unless I have something important to say.
The original design for this called for it to be "part for part" compatible with the Skyhook.

After getting the first units off the line and performing burn in testing it was found that the the Pi is a serious design problem.
It can randomly "panic" requiring a reboot.  I strongly suspect that this is a result of voltage leaking, i.e.  RS232 is a 12V protocol and USB is 5v.  Whatever the cause, the fact is that the Pi was throwing a kernel panic at random intervals when connected to the bill acceptor.  I only found this out when connecting the Pi to a monitor and tailing syslog.

Unfortunately there was no way to indicate this "distress" condition to the user, so the end result was an ATM that randomly decided that it wouldn't take cash.

I went back to the drawing board and scrutinized each part of the design.

In a Skyhook, the Pi is sort of used for everything and the tablet is nothing more than a webbrowser pointed at a webserver running on the Pi.   One of the major differences between the Simplicity & the Skyhook is that with Simplicity we moved all of the business logic into the android tablet. 

At this point, the Pi is being used solely for interfacing with the bill acceptor. 
The only reason for keeping the Pi is that Pyramid does not have an android compatible API. 
So I've been writing one, it's not a direct port of their API, but it gives the essentials needed for the android and the acceptor to talk directly with eachother.

The other challenge here was that the Pi also functions to connect the bill acceptor into the system in general. 

Physically and electrically, the tablet connects to the Pi and this was how the tablet is being charged. 
Removing the Pi and replacing it with a straight through UART (part that translates the RS232 serial port of the bill acceptor to a USB one) means blocking the only port on the tablet that can be used to charge it.  Since the UART cannot tolerate the amperage required to charge the tablet, a standard USB hub or even a Y cable will not work here.

Our solution was to design a custom cable and find a cable manufacturer, one who could embed the UART into the cable , while also providing an electrically isolated charging channel so we effectively have a single "smart Y cable". 

The cable can detect when the tablet is trying to establish communication with the bill acceptor at which point it shuts off the power flow to the tablet.  When the tablet and bill acceptor cease communicating, the cable will resume charging the tablet.

I have some initial engineering samples arriving this week and if everything goes well, they should be in production by the first week of October.  Doing this will allow us to rid ourselves of the Pi and the extra complexity it introduces. 

Using the custom cable is $10 per unit more than utilizing the Pi was, so this doesn't save us any money.  However we think we can still keep the same MSRP, but at the wholesale level it will be a little higher priced.  We're still cheaper than a Skyhook though!

I also took the domain offline for the time being.  Once the retooling is complete, I'll be releasing the full sources to the front end directly on github in hopes of spurring the maker/hacker community to action to make awesome front-ends for these things.  Web design was never my strongest suit :)

In addition to all of that, we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.  I think we will be having an announcement on that very soon, but I'll invite the exchange partner over to make the actual announce.

On another note, we're reconsidering the Master Reseller arrangement.  I can't speak too much about it right now, but the goal has always been to get these into as many hands as possible as quickly as possible.  A huge part of that has been to make sure that warranty service issues were handled in a professional manner.  I confess though, we have really overbuilt these devices.  Every single component is high enough quality that the expected MTBF is over 2x the warranty period. 

Unlike previous efforts in this space, we're working directly component manufacturers and assembly houses. 
Nothing is being built in house with 3D printers and hand soldering :)

What this means is that the need for a nationwide network at roll out, probably isn't as pressing as we had anticipated.

Therefore, we may move to a direct sales model,  we're setting a pre-order price well below MSRP in order to get the production volume up. 
We will be accepting payment in bitUSD for all direct sales, so if you're interested in getting your very own Simplicity Model A+ please contact you'll be notified when we're "sales ready".   

That's it for now, thanks for your patience everyone!

Offline roadscape

Hi all,

I have been totally away from this board. I can confirm all what Devlux has been going on here. Check out some teaser of how the thing looks like in its raw form.



Sharp!  |  witness: roadscape

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Hi all,

I have been totally away from this board. I can confirm all what Devlux has been going on here. Check out some teaser of how the thing looks like in its raw form.



Wow... lets have them EVERYWHERE! :)  +5%
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Offline bitcoin42

Hi all,

I have been totally away from this board. I can confirm all what Devlux has been going on here. Check out some teaser of how the thing looks like in its raw form.



Offline konelectric

If you plain on adding a lot more cards, you might want to add a keyword search so the use doesn't have go through a bunch of pages.
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline devlux

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A few more comments:

1. The paging goes one page too far, to a completely empty page with no cards.
2. If you click the wrong payment method, you have to go all the way back out and start over to switch it.

Thank you, that's exactly the type of feedback I'm looking for right now.
I'll be uploading a new version with lots of fixes tonight.  Still don't have bitUSD functional, it works on development but not live.  I'm just scratching my head on it at this point.

Offline Troglodactyl

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A few more comments:

1. The paging goes one page too far, to a completely empty page with no cards.
2. If you click the wrong payment method, you have to go all the way back out and start over to switch it.

Offline roadscape

Probably a bit late in the game for this, but I just realized that the bitUSD logo we're using doesn't match anything I've seen anywhere.  I originally had another guy working with me on the art side and he was the one who obtained assets such as the logos etc.  He was tasked with making sure it was either public domain or creative commons commercial use allowed etc.

I really have no idea where this logo came from.  Does anyone recognize it?  I just don't want to violate any licensing terms.
Also is there an official bitUSD logo we can use?


Check out the media kit here:  |  witness: roadscape

Offline devlux

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Probably a bit late in the game for this, but I just realized that the bitUSD logo we're using doesn't match anything I've seen anywhere.  I originally had another guy working with me on the art side and he was the one who obtained assets such as the logos etc.  He was tasked with making sure it was either public domain or creative commons commercial use allowed etc.

I really have no idea where this logo came from.  Does anyone recognize it?  I just don't want to violate any licensing terms.
Also is there an official bitUSD logo we can use?


Offline Pheonike

I can see it a scenario where a business can issue it's own gift card to customers and offer a 5% discount. Or 10% discount on purchases if they open a account using the a referral.

Offline devlux

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Hi devlux,
It looks like you are doing something really big here.

But before I make any further comments I'd like to make sure I understand it correctly:
Will the ATM/Payment Kiosk be able to accept and dispense fiat cash?

Assuming the answer is positive:
1. What is the most obvious use case for your kiosks? Where would you see the very first instances to be installed? I guess they are meant to be kept inside the premises of an existing business (e.g. a small shop or a bar) as opposed to being installed in the street (where the security issues are much higher). Could you shed some light on that?
2. Will I be able to top up my BitShares wallet with 100 bitUSD by inserting a 100 USD banknote? And the opposite way: will I be able to get a 100 USD banknote by sending 100 bitUSD to the kiosk?
3. How reliable is your firmware at distinguishing between valid banknotes and counterfeit ones?

Also, could you explain the difference between 1-way and 2-way versions? What does 2-way version do that 1-way doesn't?

#1 Yes indoor only, they are not water proof.
#2 Yes
#3 It's a major manufacturer who specializes in bill acceptors for casinos.  So we hope it's pretty good, but we haven't tested with fakes ourselves.

#4 1-way money goes in, asset comes out.  2-way includes one way functionality but allows you to dispense cash.

That's really great stuff.

I'd like to understand how you envision the business model for these machines.
Let's assume my company becomes a distributor of your machines and we manage to convince a local shop to install one of them on their premises.
Who will be responsible for maintaining the appropriate number of banknotes in the machine: my company or the shop owner?

Because of the flexibility of the machines we expect there to be a lot of business models that crop up around them.
It will really depend on you, the purchaser and what you want to arrange.  The local laws in your area will probably impact this quite a bit.

For example, in SoCal the bulk of these machines will be deployed to replace existing Skyhooks. 
The law in California is changing.  It will soon be very hard to operate a crypto ATM there.  This is major reason we went with the gift card thing.

The law says that soon you won't be able to deal in virtual currency without a special license. 
This could kill the existing ATM operators.

Simplicity allows you to sell electronic gift cards and codes which are not something that falls under this regulation.
One of our exchange partners is providing codes that can be loaded to your exchange account, or if you already have an account there, the credit will be direct.  That provider is not in the USA and so doesn't fall under the money transmitter business guidelines.  You are selling codes that we are acquiring from outside sources and we are not a US company, thus not subject to US Federal Jurisdiction let alone any US State.  We believe it would be the same thing as selling a gift card for Alibaba or Amazon in this case or at worst a PayPal MyCash card.

One of our earliest customers is using this principle to sell codes that are exchangeable directly for ounces of gold and silver at a real gold depository in San Diego.  These codes cannot be faked, they correspond to serialized gold and silver numismatic instruments on deposit. Their ownership is tracked directly on the block chain.  You can go to the depository at any time and physically retrieve your actual metals, or ask for them to be shipped to you at any time. 

However you can also transfer ownership the same way you would any other UIA. 

This reseller's model revolves around providing the depository with free equipment, placement and service in exchange for a per sale fee of a couple of dollars.  They aren't really touching any other crypto.  However the depository will now have hundreds of outlets around the San Diego area without the risk associated from holding gold or other precious metals in a retail environment.

That is just one business model.

A distributor can set their own prices and make their own arrangements with the place where the devices are situated.
In mexico near the border areas they are being marketed as a "casa de cambio" for small offices.

It's getting harder and harder for anything but the smallest businesses to deal with USD here.
Once amounts begin to exceed $300 USD a whole different set of laws apply now days.

Come here for a medical appointment.  You might need to pay $500 USD for the visit and service.
The solution is to use Simplicity in "collection mode" and turn off "exchange mode" 

This way you just stick your dollars in the machine and the Dr's office gets pesos to their account.  This is handled in conjunction with a Mexican bitcoin exchange.  The machine owner and the Dr both have an account at the same exchange.  Each time money is put in the machine, the machine contacts the exchange and does a transfer to the Dr's exchange account for X dollars worth of BTC which is then automatically converted by the exchange into Y pesos.

In this case the machine owner has a route that they service on a regular basis.  These aren't used in a typical mode, the user can't just walk in stick in dollars and get BTC.  There is nothing hardware or software wise preventing the owner, but they configured it this way because it suits their business model.

The distributor in the area does nothing other than sell the machines to the route owner who then services his own machines.

Other areas might be different.  It's quite possible to be owner, reseller & distributor.  Master distributorships exist for the same reason master franchisers exist.  Warranty service points and a single place to ship a large number of units.  They aren't there to sell individual units, but to bring on distributors.

Regional distributors and resellers are allowed to customize their offering to whatever suits their fancy. 
This includes putting up their own front end and even provisioning isolated backends or replacing the backend all together.

The profit depends on the business model of the company doing the distribution.

In short it's your company and your product, you should do whatever makes you the most profit!  :)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 09:13:34 pm by devlux »


  • Guest
Hi devlux,
It looks like you are doing something really big here.

But before I make any further comments I'd like to make sure I understand it correctly:
Will the ATM/Payment Kiosk be able to accept and dispense fiat cash?

Assuming the answer is positive:
1. What is the most obvious use case for your kiosks? Where would you see the very first instances to be installed? I guess they are meant to be kept inside the premises of an existing business (e.g. a small shop or a bar) as opposed to being installed in the street (where the security issues are much higher). Could you shed some light on that?
2. Will I be able to top up my BitShares wallet with 100 bitUSD by inserting a 100 USD banknote? And the opposite way: will I be able to get a 100 USD banknote by sending 100 bitUSD to the kiosk?
3. How reliable is your firmware at distinguishing between valid banknotes and counterfeit ones?

Also, could you explain the difference between 1-way and 2-way versions? What does 2-way version do that 1-way doesn't?

#1 Yes indoor only, they are not water proof.
#2 Yes
#3 It's a major manufacturer who specializes in bill acceptors for casinos.  So we hope it's pretty good, but we haven't tested with fakes ourselves.

#4 1-way money goes in, asset comes out.  2-way includes one way functionality but allows you to dispense cash.

That's really great stuff.

I'd like to understand how you envision the business model for these machines.
Let's assume my company becomes a distributor of your machines and we manage to convince a local shop to install one of them on their premises.
Who will be responsible for maintaining the appropriate number of banknotes in the machine: my company or the shop owner?

Offline devlux

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And one more question: is your project in any way related to this one,16490.0.html
or is it a completely separate initiative?

bitcoin42 said they would crowdfund on,16490.msg211215.html#msg211215

I think that's being read wrong because Alec is German.  Good with English and almost a native speaker, but sometimes the written word gets confusing.

Bitcoin42 = Alec Hahn's company that specializes in selling and servicing crypto-atms in Mexico & LATAM.  They were a major sponsor of this work.  They are the master distributor for Mexico.

Gemspace = A company that specializes in crowd sourced funding for startup companies.  We asked Alec Hahn to be our CEO a long time ago.  They are not the same entity, but they share a CEO.

Simplicity =  The ATM you see before you.  Designed to be drop dead simple to operate, while providing a host of features that will make it desirable and eye catching.  It was first thought up by a group of Skyhook owners who between them owned most of the Skyhooks in Southern California.  They were having problems with reliability and asked me to step in an come up with a plan to fix it.  In the end I realized that the Skyhook software stack has too many issues, security and otherwise to really be viable in the long term.  Ergo I began work on a new software stack that addressed the concerns.

The end point manufacturer for Simplicity hardware is Privada but the owners of Privada are also directly involved in Gemspace.  So the Gemspace brand is being used and simplicity is really just the software stack.  The Simplicity IP, such as software and branding is owned by Gemspace, but ATMs are not Gemspace's core competency, Gemspace is focused on crowdfunding as I mentioned previously.

The decision was made early this year that we were going to produce a low cost, solidly built attractive ATM that could compete with the Skyhook in terms of price.  The purpose is to spur mass adoption of crypto-currencies as a method of payment and provide a gateway for people globally to load crypto-accounts.  A major reason they exist is so that you can sell BitAssets through them. 

Most Gemspace offerings will be offered on NXT or Bitshares (depends on the company and what features they need), we gateway that in the background.  The user doesn't have to worry about it. 

As long as the owner of the ATM keeps the Gemspace Public "UIA" tick box, enabled in their settings,   Users will be able to go to their ATM to buy and sell bitAssets.  It is the default, you have to disable it for it to not work.

bitUSD is the prefered settlement mechanism.  I haven't even bothered to place hooks in the backend for settlement via anything else.

Offline devlux

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I went to You have a good selections of gift cards. What's the clock/timer for?

It looks like an inactivity timer to return to the home screen to me.  It looks like there's a bug that adds 60 seconds to it every time there's any activity instead of resetting it to 60 or to max(current,60).  The clock button in the bottom right appears to be a "more time" button, but the timer is also not reset when clicking the home button.  This means that if one user repeatedly clicks "more time" and then clicks home and leaves, the following user may have an unreasonable timeout when starting a session.

Both of these should be super easy fixes and aren't that big a deal.

Ohh good catch!  I fixed that weeks ago.  I'll go through the code and see what changed.

Yes it's an inactivity timer to let the user know how much time they have before they will be shunted back to the mainscreen.  It can be disabled, I leave it there because when it does hit zero it sometimes throws console spam that I'm still trying to find the root cause of.  It doesn't always happen and it doesn't appear to effect anything when it does.  But warnings are always errors to me.

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Hi devlux,
It looks like you are doing something really big here.

But before I make any further comments I'd like to make sure I understand it correctly:
Will the ATM/Payment Kiosk be able to accept and dispense fiat cash?

Assuming the answer is positive:
1. What is the most obvious use case for your kiosks? Where would you see the very first instances to be installed? I guess they are meant to be kept inside the premises of an existing business (e.g. a small shop or a bar) as opposed to being installed in the street (where the security issues are much higher). Could you shed some light on that?
2. Will I be able to top up my BitShares wallet with 100 bitUSD by inserting a 100 USD banknote? And the opposite way: will I be able to get a 100 USD banknote by sending 100 bitUSD to the kiosk?
3. How reliable is your firmware at distinguishing between valid banknotes and counterfeit ones?

Also, could you explain the difference between 1-way and 2-way versions? What does 2-way version do that 1-way doesn't?

#1 Yes indoor only, they are not water proof.
#2 Yes
#3 It's a major manufacturer who specializes in bill acceptors for casinos.  So we hope it's pretty good, but we haven't tested with fakes ourselves.

#4 1-way money goes in, asset comes out.  2-way includes one way functionality but allows you to dispense cash.

Offline devlux

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And one more question: is your project in any way related to this one,16490.0.html
or is it a completely separate initiative?

I only had time to glance at the link but I can tell you it's the same project. 
If anything differs from what he is saying then it's my mistake, but likely the business plan evolved since may.  I'm only the technical side of things around here I'm not business or marketing, some things stay in flux.

Bitcoin42 is Alec Hahn's company.  They sponsored the development of the project in exchange for master distribution rights.  Alec Hahn is CEO of Gemspace he speaks in an official capacity in regards to all business related matters.

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wish  bitUSD volume liquid  better

Offline Troglodactyl

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I went to You have a good selections of gift cards. What's the clock/timer for?

It looks like an inactivity timer to return to the home screen to me.  It looks like there's a bug that adds 60 seconds to it every time there's any activity instead of resetting it to 60 or to max(current,60).  The clock button in the bottom right appears to be a "more time" button, but the timer is also not reset when clicking the home button.  This means that if one user repeatedly clicks "more time" and then clicks home and leaves, the following user may have an unreasonable timeout when starting a session.

Both of these should be super easy fixes and aren't that big a deal.

Offline Akado

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And one more question: is your project in any way related to this one,16490.0.html
or is it a completely separate initiative?

bitcoin42 said they would crowdfund on,16490.msg211215.html#msg211215 | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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Offline konelectric

I went to You have a good selections of gift cards. What's the clock/timer for?
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.


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And one more question: is your project in any way related to this one,16490.0.html
or is it a completely separate initiative?


  • Guest
Hi devlux,
It looks like you are doing something really big here.

But before I make any further comments I'd like to make sure I understand it correctly:
Will the ATM/Payment Kiosk be able to accept and dispense fiat cash?

Assuming the answer is positive:
1. What is the most obvious use case for your kiosks? Where would you see the very first instances to be installed? I guess they are meant to be kept inside the premises of an existing business (e.g. a small shop or a bar) as opposed to being installed in the street (where the security issues are much higher). Could you shed some light on that?
2. Will I be able to top up my BitShares wallet with 100 bitUSD by inserting a 100 USD banknote? And the opposite way: will I be able to get a 100 USD banknote by sending 100 bitUSD to the kiosk?
3. How reliable is your firmware at distinguishing between valid banknotes and counterfeit ones?

Also, could you explain the difference between 1-way and 2-way versions? What does 2-way version do that 1-way doesn't?

Offline devlux

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Please read this before asking questions


Q:  Where can I demo the ATM/Payment Kiosk?
You can visit one in person <maplink>
You can call a local distributor or reseller to arrange a demo in person <distributor list>
Or if you just want to see the software in action, go to our website and click the "demo" button, try to keep in mind that version is live.

Q: Why do I see a bunch of gift cards?  What if I don't want to dispense gift cards?
A:  We are an authorized reseller for gyft.  This is a value add and allows your machine to have more appeal than a straight crypto-currency ATM.  Nevertheless, gift cards are just a category of products, you can enable any product by group or by item, from the admin console <admin demo link>

Q: I tried to buy a $10,000 Amazon Card. Bitcoin reload, bitUSD reload etc.  It wouldn't let me. What's up with that?
A: There are few reasons.  The first is AML/KYC, by default we limit your max purchase on crypto reloads to $500 daily.  There is no limit on gift cards.  However we don't keep unlimited amounts of money on tap with Gyft.  So what you see as the max amount is either the limit of funds we have there, or the limit that Gyft applied for whatever reason.

Q: Are you going to place similar limits on my own inventory items?
A: No, what you do with your inventory is your business, remember that settlement occurs in bitUSD only.

Q: What did that last guy mean by inventory?  Do I have to buy cards from you and then be stuck trying to resell them?
A: No, not at all.  There are public and private inventories available.  The public inventory includes the gift cards from Gyft, we make these available to you for resale.  You are not required to purchase them ahead of time.  In addition to that, you may add items of your own choosing and elect to make them either public or private.  If they are private they will only be visible on machines you own.  If they are public everyone will have access to sell them, when they do you will receive bitUSD

Q: Why bitUSD?
A: A reliable market pegged crypto currency, with fungibility and an interest yield.  Why would we use anything else?

Q: So do you have plans to support. NXT, DOGE, MYFavorite Alt?
A: If there is enough demand, we may support some other alt coins, but they are not on the table right now.  The cost for us to add a custom altcoin to the back end is currently $3,000 bitUSD.  This barely covers our development & maintenance costs and the coin must support multisig wallets to even be considered.  The only exception to this rule is people who are purchasing or leasing more than 10 units.  Larger purchases have their own isolated backend and can be customized quite a bit on request.

Q: Is there any other way to support an altcoin?
A: Yes, if you want to provide a wrapper that is compliant with our API, then you can just add it like any other inventory item.

Q: What's the difference if I do it as inventory vs paying you for integration?
A: If it's integrated it will be useful as a payment mechanism, i.e. you and possibly others will be able to accept it as a method of payment and not just as something you dispense.  Also if it's integrated we guarantee full settlement.  Inventory settlement is up to you <link to api docs>

Q: Is this product opensource?
A: The back end is source available, but to master distributors only. 
Purchasers and Leaseholders can obtain access to the full source code by signing an NDA. 

The front end is opensource, you can in fact make your own front end to replace it if you like.  The source is available by right clicking on the demo page and doing a "view source".  Or you can screen scrape it.  It is very likely we'll put it up on github soon, the only thing holding that up right now is time and other projects we have going on.  There are API docs available <api doc link> feel free to build your own, but keep in mind you need to have an account with us before the back-end will credit you with sales.

Q: What languages did you use to write this?
A: Backend is golang, front end is HTML5, CSS & AngularJS.  Database is postgres and the blockchain.

Q: How does the bill acceptor/recycler work?  Couldn't someone just hack the webpage and make it think payment had been tendered, thereby robbing the owners?

A: Unlikely, the part you actually see and interact with is just a view that represents a stream of data coming from the back end.  Each bill acceptor has a unique signing key embedded in it and it communicates directly to the backend to update state.  The backend pushes these state messages to the app which then displays whatever the backend tells it to.  However the backend keeps control of the situation at all times.

Q: Can't someone just compromise the backend server and get at the funds?
A: Funds are not kept on the back end server.  Keys are not kept on the back end server.  The back end works by firing a callback to an activity server.  The activity server is on a private network, only talks to the backend and the wallets.  Furthermore, no more than 1% of funds are kept in any crypto wallet.  Anything beyond that requires manual intervention.  When you add an inventory item to your own machines using our API, what you are essentially doing is creating your own activity server. 

Q: What happens if my personal inventory/activity server goes offline?
A: If your activity server goes offline the product(s) assigned to it will disappear until such time as it regains uptime integrity.  If this happens in the middle of a transaction, you will be responsible for fulfillment and this can result in a "delayed fulfillment" message being presented to the user.  Taking the server offline is not the preferred way to disable inventory, but it does work.

Q: What is "delayed fulfillment"
A: This means that the transaction exceeded the hotwallet balance and will need to be manually reviewed.  Or if it's a user issued item, it means that the user's activity or inventory server went offline or encountered some other issue.  Basically the user will now have your contact details presented to them in order to help them complete the transaction.  Or ours if it's one of our products.

Q: How can I limit the products?  How can I add products?
A: There are two ways.  The first is through the admin panel under add/remove products.
The other way is via our API.

Q: I want to place this in a coffee shop / bar / retail establishment and I would like to offer them the ability to sell their own giftcards as a deal sweetener.  What's the best way to do this?
A: There are 2 ways to do this, the way you do it is up to you.  If it's a pre-provisioned product that the store will be fulfilling, then the easiest way is to upload an inventory CSV file to the admin panel.  Codes will be selected from inventory and emailed to the customer upon order completion.  When you run out of inventory, the product will no longer be available to customers.  The other way is to add an activity server that responds to our RESTful API and then you can manage inventory however you want.

Q: I sold a public product that was issued by another user, it was sold for cash deposit.  How do I settle up with the user?

A: You should have bitUSD sitting in your reserve account at all times to manage this type of thing.  There is no minimum or maximum and reserves pay interest.  We use bitUSD for settlement and settlement is automatic once the sale confirms.  If your balance is insufficient to cover it, then the product should not have sold.  It is possible if you have enough machines in operation that your reserve can drop below the required threshold to complete the sale settlement procedure.  When this happens we offer cash deposit options that allow you to go to a local bank or even a gas station in some areas and deposit cash to increase your reserves.  You must do this, your machine will not continue to operate until this is done.  If you have more than 10 machines in operation or you find you are frequently in this position, you should consider a business line of credit to increase your reserves.
If the reverse happened, meaning someone sold your public product, then we guarantee settlement, you as an owner or operator bear 0 risk.

Q: I have way too much bitUSD in my reserve account, what can I do with it?
A: Draw down your balance to your own wallet then trade it at your favorite exchange.  Keep in mind that bitUSD pays interest and is rapidly gaining acceptance.

Q: What do these cost?
A: We don't resell individual units in areas where we have distributorships already.  Our MSRP is $1200 bitUSD for 1-way models and we expect the 2-way models to come in around $1500 bitUSD.  Your local distributor can get you better pricing information.

Q: Can I buy a 1-way model and upgrade to a 2-way model later?
A: Yes, see your distributor for more details on the specifics for your locale.

Q: I already have a Skyhook, why do I want to buy a Simplicity?
A: We designed these to be footprint and hardware compatible with Skyhooks.  You can upgrade your Skyhook software directly to the Simplicity software stack and enjoy all the benefits (except 2-way functionality) right away.  Contact a local reseller for more details.  If there isn't one in your area email

Q: I already have a Skyhook, the uptime is terrible!  But I only want a crypto ATM so why would I want to buy a Simplicity?
A: We've actually fixed most of the problems that Skyhooks usually have most of that was software.  You should at least consider upgrading because of that alone.  With our software there is no bag holder risk.  No matter the price of the currency, you aren't holding them so you have no risk from price changes.  You set the spread to whatever you want and make your profit without the foreign exchange risk you would otherwise be facing.

Q: I already have a Skyhook, my Country, State, City, Overlords said they're illegal here now.
A: There has been a real effort by banks and other financial institutions to try and raise the barriers to entry on all things crypto lately.  We cannot advise you on the law.  In most cases though, there are settings you can set that will make you compliant again.  Your local distributor can walk you through this process.  If more is needed it will be up to you unfortunately.

Q: How can I become a distributor/reseller?
A: Each country has a master distributor, or will soon.  Their job is to assign distributor/reseller licenses and they make a profit for doing so.  The cost to become a master distributor varies from country to country, but on average you can expect that it will be around $250,000 USD.

The cost to become a regional distributor is around $50,000 USD but the master distributor gets to collect and keep 80% of that.  The remaining 20% is converted to bitUSD and applied to the regional distributor's reserve account he/she may then provision that into accounts for local resellers.  Regional distributors may charge a fee to resellers if they wish.

Q: Why did you structure it that way?
A: We've seen a lot of companies come and go since the time we first envisioned a desktop sized two way payment kiosk.
The one thing they all had in common were the lack of proper supply, distribution and support chains. 
In a word, planning.  If you fail to plan then you're planning to fail.
We are aiming for longevity for both the product and the market.
To do that we needed to first build a supply chain that would be reliable and provide us with high quality source materials. 
That is taken care of and now we are building a global distribution chain. 
This way parts and service are always immediately available to all owners and no one is stuck with a "broken box of useless junk that costs more to ship than to replace".

Admittedly the model introduces some extra costs that wouldn't be there if sales were direct to the public. 
But the size of operations at this level also allow us to make customizations which support local markets that would simply be unaffordable for individual owners or even a small group of owners. 

For example if Greece suddenly did exit the Euro, the distributor in Greece could request a firmware upgrade to Drachmas and a software update to support Drachma as a currency, then make sure to get it out to all the operators right away. 

It's a lot easier for us to provide attention at that level, than to try and service individual owners all by ourselves. 
Resellers make their money not only reselling, but providing service and support options that are attractive to their niche audience. 

Regional distributors make money servicing resellers and master distributors make money supplying and servicing regional ones.

The other reason is also a very practical one. 
There are real economies of scale from mass production. 
Yet each production run needs to be customized for each customer and each market.
Things like bill acceptors need more than just a firmware flash to switch from currencies, in many cases they need to be specific to the currency (width of the bills is often an issue).
By handling production runs on a per country basis, we can speed up the delivery and time to market while handling the national customizations on our end in bulk.

You don't have to wait and hope to be in the next batch, you just contact your local reseller and buy a unit. 
There are also individual customizations, things like loading the signing keys, configuring the default language settings etc.
These must be performed per user and per unit. 

By allowing others to provide the end-user services as a profitable business model, we can focus our attention on driving down the production costs while still maintaining the highest levels of quality.  Also owners who are savvy can still make their own customizations, while those who aren't so technically savvy can rely on someone local for everything from upgrades to adapters.

Q: What countries already have a master distributor?
A: Canada, USA & Mexico are taken already.  Greece is under talks, everything else is available at the time of this writing.
Q:  I'm very interested in becoming a master distributor for my country.  I don't see that we have one, what do I need to do?
A:  Your master distributor arrangement allows you to purchase units at a significant volume discount that is barely above our own costs.  You are essentially paying for the cost of customizing the product for your entire country and then committing to buy out the entire production run in order to secure your position as the only company in your country with that right.  This allows you to set pricing however you want.  You are acquiring monopoly provider power in your country, and as such you have certain obligations such as warranty service and RMA that apply to the entire country.  We back you up on everything, buy you're the one who deals with your country and we deal exclusively with you.  If you feel like this is something you're ready for then we should probably talk.

Q; I have questions that are not addressed in this FAQ, who can I ask?
A: Just email us,

Offline devlux

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Ok good news, bad news.

Good news is the front end and back end are talking to eachother.

Bad news is the admin panel, intro page, database connection and crypto wallets etc appear to have issues right now despite the fact that they are all in their own little docker containers.

So what you CAN do at this exact moment...
You can go to (I'll have SSL up shortly and a force an SSL redirect shortly thereafter)

You can see what the basic / default flow looks like (native app is a phonegap app based on this on this SPA, they share identical code, in fact if I plugged a bill acceptor into the server you could walk into the datacenter and buy with cash).

I've moved the kiosk app to index.html while I sort out the permissions problem with the regular landing and intro pages.
This page will eventually be moved to but realize that the system is in fact live with real money. ;)

As soon as I can get the crypto wallets to connect & sync back up, you will be able to directly exchange BTC & bitUSD between one another as well as use them to purchase gift cards at all of the merchants listed. 

The crypto-exchange thing is just a side-effect of the software of course.  We aren't trying to provide you with a way to exchange cryptos directly, but as it turns out, selecting Bitcoin and paying with bitUSD or hitting bitUSD and paying with Bitcoin just happens to have that effect. 

Nevertheless it is not intended for use as a professional crypto exchange product. 
Owners can enable it as feature, but they bear the local compliance responsibilities.
Furthermore there is very little liquidity at all.  It's mostly there for selling gift cards while we wait for orders to come in.

I'm preparing a FAQ, I'll post it here first sometime in the next 30 minutes or so.
Please hold questions until then.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:38:22 am by devlux »

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You're welcome.

We've been having some problems that are pretty much all my fault in getting this thing stood up properly.
Development and testing was done entirely on virtual machines, and it's looking like the VMs were setup different than the production boxes (this is my fault I own it, just trying to sort it now).

There is a bit of a delay.  30 mins to launch, I've got a working backend and a front-end that refuses to load.  I'm trying right now to convert the VM to a docker container and deploy that way.  But it's a slow process.  I apologize for the delay.

We are getting close though!

In the meantime, please enjoy this amusing video of someone else who had a similar issue...

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awesome and thank you for making it bitUSD compatible from the start!

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Yes this is a tease...,zYtDSHd

The first picture is the logo we are using right now for the device.
We are calling it "Simplicity".

The second picture was taken yesterday immediately before final assembly, no components except the bill acceptor are inside of it yet.  This was the first one off the line.
Note that this model is intended to be footprint compatible with the Skyhook, it uses most of the same hardware but weighs half as much which reduces shipping costs dramatically.

The Google Nexus 7 tablet that normally goes in a skyhook is not present in this model yet.  They are getting harder to come by and let's face it, they are pretty stale now anyways.  We are working with a new supplier who will be providing something that has the same form factor as the Nexus 7 but a better and more reliable hardware stack.

The first batch will need manual software loads. 
But I am preparing a new baseband image that will eliminate the need to do sideloading.  This will be sent to the tablet manufacturer and burned into the rom, probably by the end of Q3-2015, hopefully earlier.

The material of the shell is an aluminum alloy. 
Because it is aluminum, welding becomes a bit more problematic at this production scale. 
So it is precision cut and then riveted together.  The whole shell is then re-enforced with welded struts to make it very hard to tamper with.

The shape is slightly changed from the default skyhook.  This is for two reasons.

A major problem we uncovered with skyhooks is that they tend to get placed at eye level.
With the tilt back on the screen, it is harder for the camera to capture a QR code because of glare from the lights in the room.

We reduced the angle of the tilt to compensate. 
This gives it a bit more of a "boxy" appearance in photos, but the result in person is a very nice, solidly built product that looks less like a child's toy and more like a serious device.
But it also gives us a major added benefit.

The benefit is that there is more room in the box.

We have found a reliable provider of bill recyclers that can fit in this shape, but would not fit inside a normal skyhook.
This gives our customers the ability to upgrade to a 2 way model for less total cost than they would have spent on a Skyhook.

At the moment 2-way is not yet available since the provider is still building USD firmware for the recyclers.
As soon as the new recyclers are available, we will adapt the baseband to deal with the 2 different kinds of ATMs and release a firmware update.  Ideally flipping between 2-way and 1-way will be no harder than flipping a switch.

We are providing both 1 way and 2 way ATMs in anticipation of certain legal changes that may make it harder to deploy crypto-currency ATMs especially in the USA.  A 1 way machine, especially one that also sells giftcards etc, will be subject to far less scrutiny than a full on 2-way that deals in various and sundry cryptos.

Currently it's 10:30 AM PST Saturday July 18th 2015.  This leaves 6.5 hours until launch.  I still have a website to finish standing up, so I won't be available most of the day.  I don't intend to let this goal slip.  But when I say these things are literally in manufacturing and the paint is still drying on them, I am not kidding.

If you already have a Skyhook don't fret.  It's just as valuable today as it was yesterday.  Perhaps more so...
You will be able to upgrade to our software directly, and we are also planning to offer parts & service through our distributor in the USA.  This distributor was an early adopter of Skyhook and has had many Skyhooks in operation for quite sometime.

I'll write more later and invite the distributor to stop by for a chat.

Offline BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we will be launching a new kiosk/atm that is footprint compatible with Skyhook, but all new inside and with about 1/3rd the weight.

The first batch just rolled off the assembly line yesterday and official launch is tomorrow.

I'll update this thread and post a link with more info.

This is one part of the Gemspace project and as originally promised it will have bitUSD functionality from the getgo.
Email for more details.

Fantastic!!  +5%
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Offline lafona

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I would be interested in testing it out too if you need more people.
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Offline Pheonike

I would like to test it out.

Offline devlux

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Is it tomorrow yet?
Well yeah it's getting there. 
Public facing site is getting stood up right now. 

If you want to help test this thing, then tomorrow begins tonight, feel free to send an email if interested and I'll get you an invite.
Otherwise, 5PM PST , Saturday Jully 18th 2015 is the specific tomorrow I was referring to :)

Offline konelectric

Is it tomorrow yet?
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline devlux

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Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we will be launching a new kiosk/atm that is footprint compatible with Skyhook, but all new inside and with about 1/3rd the weight.

The first batch just rolled off the assembly line yesterday and official launch is tomorrow.

I'll update this thread and post a link with more info.

This is one part of the Gemspace project and as originally promised it will have bitUSD functionality from the getgo.
Email for more details.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 10:23:43 pm by devlux »