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Messages - jae208

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Distributive applications, in fact a more distributive internet is where we are heading. I'm very confident that as long as we all keep an open mind and strive to make progress we will one day see that it was all worth it. I personally still support I3 and this community. My view is that whatever needs to be done in order to move forward should be done.

Random Discussion / Re: BTSX User Newton - Please Contact
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:54:31 am »
What goes around comes around?

Random Discussion / Re: How smart dust could spy on your brain...
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:47:28 am »
Get this.

If you implant a device into a rats brain that lets us control it with a remote control, the rat will feel that it is in control the whole time.

Same with humans.

Exponential change...linear bad for most of humanity

Ironically the only way to protect ourselves is with ever more powerful technology. Linear comprehension served us well in the past but as technology advances exponentially we need to change our intuition. I think we'll be fine though. This is why we need to set up colonies on mars and the moon just in case those of us on Earth go extinct or something.

I'd say that we are all delusional because what we perceive as reality is limited to what our senses show us. For instance,  we can only see a part of the electro magnetic spectrum but it isn't all that their is. I have a green/red color and as a result what I think is blue you might think is green.

Anyways, you know how they say you are what you eat? Well you are what you think too and this causes the brain to rearrange itself. The brain is like the only computer that can change its software and hardware.

Random Discussion / Re: How to Start a Startup
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:30:33 am »
 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

I just bookmarked this the other day but haven't watched any of the videos yet haha.

Thanks for posting. Your post reminded me of this. I'm going to watch some now haha

Random Discussion / Re: Free college in Germany?
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:18:51 am »
You can pay a fee and get a certificate proving that you took a particular class and passed and transfer it over to a college of your choice. I haven't looked into it too much, you should check it out.

Looks like Antioch accepts it as credit, which wouldn't be a bad start, if I were willing to finish a degree at Antioch. Seems worth further consideration.

A degree really doesn't mean much these days. For instance, Bytemaster doesn't have a degree in cryptoequities and I guarantee you that he is doing much better now than he ever has in the past.

A degree is like permission to hire you for the good jobs, even if they're unskilled jobs and your degree is Sumerian Literature in the Acting World.

I'm never going to invent DPOS and IPO in a BOX.


I think you and everyone else, myself included is much better off learning new skills and using those skills to become a an entrepreneur, even if the only job you end up creating is for yourself.

I respect your ambition, but I just need to find something respectable, I wont be changing the world. I need a backup plan in case the huge risk I'm taking right now never pays off --that's why I'm freaking out right now. It doesn't even have to be college. I'm just aiming for 15-20 an hour. I was checking out places trying to be an optician apprentice the other day, for example, but they're all full up. I'm also stalking the postal service listings waiting for something to open up near me.

You should look into manufacturing jobs in your area. I'm not sure if all manufacturing jobs are like this but at the manufacturing job I worked at I'd work 3 days one week and 4 days the next week. Now, it was 12 hour shifts but even then I'd get several breaks throughout the shift and I was making $17.30 an hour. Also, I don't have a college degree just a high school diploma. Although I did go to college for a while but then stopped going because in my opinion a college degree doesn't really matter these days. Why? Well first let me make clear that I am not against learning or acquiring new skills. However, I am against believing that a college degree automatically earns you a great paying job, it may for some but I've seen too many people working in lower paying jobs despite the fact that they have a bachelors degree or something like that.

Our educational system worked well in a different time but it doesn't anymore and in my opinion you are more likely to go into large debt by believing that college is the only answer. It isn't. The memorization of information really isn't necessary because of the internet.

You have greater computational power in the palm of your hand with your smartphone and greater access to information than President Clinton did 20 years ago. I say this because you have access to tons of scientific literature through Google Scholar, you have access to all of human knowledge through wikipedia, you have access to the whole diy maker movement, access to tons of tutorials on a variety of subjects via youtube etc. In short you have the power to change the world thanks to the tools and access to information that are available to us today.

What this means in terms of economic opportunity is that despite what you see in the news or what people say about the way President Obama has steered the country we have greater opportunity today than previous generations ever did. is a great resource for making money online. Last I checked the guy was making over $80,000 a month via his blogs and podcasts. I'm not sure if that's something you'd be interested in, I thought I'd mention it though. :)

Anyways,  if you really want to go to college and you live in the United States I recommend you look for manufacturing jobs as they tend to pay a little better and they will reimburse thousands of dollars a year to further your education. Anyways I wish you the best man! :)

Actually, I'd say that Germany is probably one of the most innovative and forward thinking societies in the world. Germany is way ahead of the United States in preparing for the tgird industrial revolution.  They have a significant amount of electricity generated by renewables.
Heck I'm even considering moving to Germany now! Haha

Unfortunately,  the less scientifically minded bible thumping folk in the United States would try to stop renewable energy progress. *sigh* such a shame they are too short sighted.

Random Discussion / Re: Free college in Germany?
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:38:08 am »
You can get free higher education from sites like and
Coursera was founded by a stanford professor and they offer classes from many universities for free.
Udacity was started by the google engineer that was in charge of the self driving car project.


It'd be a lie for me to tell you I'm only doing it for the knowledge. I want one of the employability papers (a degree).

EDIT: I know you can still find your way if you know your shit. toast, for example. but I'm not that smart. I need structure, and the option to seek conventional employment.

You can pay a fee and get a certificate proving that you took a particular class and passed and transfer it over to a college of your choice. I haven't looked into it too much, you should check it out.

A degree really doesn't mean much these days. For instance, Bytemaster doesn't have a degree in cryptoequities and I guarantee you that he is doing much better now than he ever has in the past.

I think you and everyone else, myself included is much better off learning new skills and using those skills to become a an entrepreneur, even if the only job you end up creating is for yourself.

General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 19, 2014, 11:15:58 am »
I dont like the part with " unlimited dilution" :/

Stakeholder approved dilution... I say this because the "hard rules" will force us into "consensus busting problems" in the future. 

I am working on ideas for better control over the voting process for "hard forks"....

This really does show how adaptive bitshares can be! Look at bitcoin unable to adapt. Still mining away, still diluting to pay for "security", etc.
Bitshares is able to change and adapt to the situation at hand. Doing what you mentioned above will greatly help Bitshares maintain a competitive edge.

"...let the strongest live and the weakest die"- Charles Darwin

You just have to be stronger than the weakest in a particular environment in order to survive.

Random Discussion / Re: Free college in Germany?
« on: October 19, 2014, 11:11:46 am »
You can get free higher education from sites like and
Coursera was founded by a stanford professor and they offer classes from many universities for free.
Udacity was started by the google engineer that was in charge of the self driving car project.

General Discussion / Re: Is it time to close the curtains?
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:56:58 am »
I completely understand the desire to protect intellectual capital from parasites.

However, this technology is about far more than winning an arms race.

It's about changing the world - and I'm not being glib.

If other platforms can use the ideas generated here to advance decentralized global finance, so much the better.

Bitcoin -> Bitshares -> ?

I don't know what's next, but the sooner we (as in humanity) get there, the better.

TL;DR an open community is the only way forward.


Let's move forward with transparency. I am still here because of the transparency, I doubt that Bitshares would be where it
is at if it were more secretive than it has been.

General Discussion / Re: 100,000,000,000,000. FREE
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:51:54 am »
I have 100 billion STARs available! :) Who wants some? They are free for the asking.

I want some STARs and FREES
send them to Bitx :)

I have no doubt that Bitcoin will be replaced in the medium term. It's unique selling point was that it solved the disadvantages of centralisation and was private. In practice it's very bad at both for most.

It's not pulling away from the competition either despite global exposure and massive investment this year it's down and struggling.

It's pulling away in terms of adoption and therefore usefulness.  Not altcoins are making significant progress in adoption, but Bitcoin has important new announcements every week.  (The entire crypto space is currently down, lead by Bitcoin's decline price decline.)

Atm BTSX isn't a competitor as it's still new and in rapid development and is currently more CPOS than DPOS. + I guess they need the same merchant, PayPal type access as Bitcoin. But in general they're developing so fast that it's a few months away from changing everything.

I doubt that PayPal is going to add support for 5 different cryptocurrencies.  Adding even 1 more is probably well more than a few months away.  No altcoins are making significant strides in mainstream adoption.  Bitcoin widens the gap everyday.

Isn't PayPal partnered with Bitcoin payment processors so that people that use PayPal can also use Bitcoin?

General Discussion / Re: PSA: I'm buying... and you probably should be too
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:19:56 am »
For any that have not been following this thread:;topicseen please be aware that a major breakthrough happened today.

Bytemaster proposed and implemented a mechanism for paying rewards (interest) to bitAsset investors.

This means that bitUSD, bitGLD, bitBTC, bitCNY or any bitAsset will now earn the holder rewards (interest).

Moreover, it is likely the rate will be substantially higher than offered by fiat institutions.

People all over the world can now hold their wealth in stable asset classes and enjoy a ROI that is greater than debt with basically zero counterparty risk.

The importance of this cannot be understated. The Eurozone is now pushing negative interest rates. Most other deposit/money market/cash interest rates are a fraction of a percent.

The world is absolutely rabid for yield, and everything with a decent yield is either obscenely inflated (equities) or comes with enormous counterparty risk (sovereign debt).

If BM is successful and bitUSD5 works there will be a tidal wave of wealth flowing into BTSX that will make BTC look like a Dogeparty.

The usual disclaimers apply - this is a high risk investment, don't invest more than you can lose and you are responsible for your own actions.

 +5% +5%

General Discussion / Does the Wallet still display incorrect amount?
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:21:43 am »
Does the wallet still display incorrect amount of bitshares? For the latest release?

The 32-bit version of the Bitshares X 4.12 version wallet just finished re-indexing and it ran smoothly with no issues at all on my Windows 8 laptop.  I recommend using the 32-bit version of BTSX 4.12 if the 64-bit version does not work with a Win8 computer.

where do you download the 32-bit version from?

I downloaded the 32-bit version from the following link:

click on the "BitShares X-0.4.12.exe" button to download the 32-bit version.

thank you :)

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