Bytemaster. You are bitsharesx in terms of the money. Money is the root.
In my understanding PTS is used for funding other DACs. Other DACs may fail, you have not yet.
The PTS in its development is supposed to fund the music, the insurance, the whatever there is a million possible different DACs.
The original holders took risks. Bitshares PTS is like a private equity fund, let them keep it. Just do not be distracted, I understand everyone is pushing and pulling on you. Do not lose friends or allies with eliminating the PTS stake holders, it allows developers to come in and lobby (I believe though I may be wrong)
If you want to later develop more DACs go for it. But bitshares/bitsharesx is the best and biggest and ill help you in the way I can.
Money is the root but as they say can be the root of evil.
Bitshares PTS also helps in brand cache, which is #12 out of 400+ coins. If it disappears it may hurt bitsharesx in value of shares and you may make enemies.
UPDATE I made for Bytemaster/DanRight now you few enemies Dan, stay like that, that is the best way. Watch when you see my vision with bitsharesx, you will see it will be everything in terms of money. We must not fail where the "Paypal Mafia" ie, failed.