Dont put to much on your plate.
Let PTS live and be its on thing, just distance yourself from it. Someone else must head PTS, someone must be picked who is voted on by the community (this is if you run PTS which im thinking you do).
UPDATE for Bytemaster/Dan
You have $10 million possible in funding. You have already agreed to the 2 billion BTSX cap. Either your going to raise the BTSX share cap, or pay out of money you have on you, or?
Watch your burn rate, you need a 5 year burn rate in cash.
UPDATE No.2 for Bytemaster/Dan
If you raise the market cap by 10% people will flee BitsharesX and as ive been saying in private to Joey/Maybe Fuz it will go to 42 - 44 million market cap, at the least.
UPDATE No.3 for Bytemaster/Dan
Joey/Fuz are good strategiets, especially Joey. Both are ex-military and both know there stuff. I was trained to be a General at 5 years old but I would consider myself self-trained as a Intelligence Officer, though I have never been in the military as I went a different course.
UPDATE No.4 for Bytemaster/Dan
Consider me your own personal Central Intelligence Officer, though I do not work for the CIA and I am not American, even though I was conceived in the United States, San Diego, California. Any CIA Agent would not be able to tell you this so you must understand I do not work for them.