Hello everyone, I'm a newbie here... though I have been into bitcoin for about 3 years... I am one of those 6-12 hours per day nut jobs, totally addicted to all this!
The past 4-5 days I have researched, discussed and thought about Bitshare alot! -- just when I thought I "got it" I stumble on this thread.
If I may give you an "outsider's" perspective:
a) if I'm not mistaken, when you talk about "dilution" you are talking about increasing the number of BTSX (rebranded to BTS), if yes, then i have to quote one of your forum sr. members who used the word "DECEITFUL" when describing Ripple for increasing their XRP units, and jumping forward in marketcap because they haven't yet released all the new ripples while the simple unit multiplier distorts the chart
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=10095.msg131987#msg131987b) I finally got around to understanding, and liking, the initial idea and reasons behind PTS and later AGS... I was also liking the idea that these DAC's/coins would continue 'living' to provide an onramp to new DAC share distribution to people in the know. Kind of forming a symbiotic relationship between those who quickly distribute a bunch of new shares, and the PTS holders generally being an agreeable bunch would hold on to them to give new projects a chance to get going.
c) while starting to discuss many of my positive findings about Bitshares with friends, one strongly advised me to keep away because of "all the hard forks they have all the time"
d) I started buying BTSX even as the price dropped. Generally, I felt bad obviously after each purchase as I would see the price drop a little more (in the past 4-5 days)... but then I would get a boost after reading posts here, and especially after listening to the Oct 17 hangout!

[I don't feel so positive now, and it is not because of price drops]
there may be a few more things i could list... but I want to keep it short, and PROPOSE some ideas for a. b. c. and d. [i don't expect a response/praise and definitely no attacks, since I understand that I may completely misunderstand everything you are discussing here, so here are my newbie proposals:
A) Please do not "seem" deceitful, keep BTSX as is, do not fork or raise the limit on the total number of BTSX, I do not know what the "market" will do, I for one would wait before investing any more, and would definitely become very skeptical of such major changes in the rules.
B) Keep PTS/AGS running, I don't see why they cause you much headache, they have a life of their own, a clear purpose/mission, you really don't have to do anything with them. I see a huge MARKETING benefit, and to make sure I know what I am trying to say, I even downloaded the PTS wallet to confirm, it is BEAUTIFUL! I love the familiar QT interface! And as DONKEYPONG said " one benefit of having PTS out on its own is that it theoretically reaches more people"... one of those people was ME

it didn't reach my pocket, but it really got me thinking, and I may still buy some, especially if you do what I suggested in a more detailed post before:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=9548.msg130847#msg130847 but this is not so important.
C) OK, all the "forks" that occur, I still don't understand. They are probably minor compared to what you are proposing here. If you change the total BTSX or completely abandon it and start BTS... that would really make me feel bad. I have told my friends (as I believe you have described Bitshares) BTSX is one DAC that is build on the IDEA of Bitshares, it is not a "property" of Bitshares. I like that, with this proposal you seem to want to changed that, and make Bitshares be one specific thing. I liked it as it was before quite a lot!
D) I will deal with my own feelings!

I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK! Please get some rest, you seem overworked!

I will keep following all your developments, you are obviously one of the "good guys"
