Author Topic: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once  (Read 161391 times)

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Offline BTSdac

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we konw BTSX is a very very grand project. BM is one of most smart man I have konw. but grand project need money for continual devoloping. I don`t konw if it is a problem now, but  is there a long plan to resolve this problem , should I suggeste as follow:
1.BTSX can inflate 10% per year (first year 10%, 5% or small after this, 1% will become a huge money if BTSX develop well), compare with BTC ,it is small. but the differrent is that this BTSXs are not consumeed by POW, this BTSXs are belong to delveloping fundation. it will been used for BTSX developing and push btsx out of solar system ':P :P :P. I suggest it is controled by BM,because he is the father of BTS. and other hand a predictable inflation can give invester a big confidence without a unpredictable dilution.
2.BM and delvelop team list plan of BTSX developing and how much money them need per quarter . list each expenses of fund as AGS.
and develop team also can select burn btsx out of developing using if needed . :pureland
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Offline matt608

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Is VOTE dac an independant dac and are they still getting its own bitUSD debit card (for their own version of bitUSD) or are they on the same blockchain as BTSX with this proposal?

Offline Empirical1.1

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Yes I especially like the idea of bringing BitShares under one banner and bootstrapping one main BitUSD to the world. (Before someone else does.) Let's do it!

There was always going to be one main bitUSD.  This doesn't mean that DACs won't utilize their own bitUSD to facilitate trading/remove volatility, it is just that the VOTE DAC won't be so cool.  Cool functionality will likely go back to KeyID which can self-fund.

VOTE DAC BitUSD could have potentially competed for BitUSD network effect.

Though don't get me wrong even though I support this proposal, I'm actually mainly in the 'no dilution' camp. I will also invest in a credible hard capped competitor when I see one, because I believe what a constitution enshrined hard cap loses out on in adaptability, it gains in the confidence it provides to many investors, supporters and customers in the crypto-currency space.

BitShares core though can not be all things to all people and the last thing it needs is to compete with itself & divide attention in this area. This issue has already been heavily divisive for nearly a month and I would say the key developers are pretty clear that BitShares needs dilution. So even though there will be fallout. I believe as far as BitShares goes, it should consolidate again as much as and as soon as possible under one simple brand, one clear vision and move forward and this proposal does that.   

We will not have the luxury of being alone at the party arguing among ourselves much longer.

Offline joele

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What BM said likes a rob to AGSer and PTSer.I like btsx just as other DACs and I do not want to lose the opptuinity to get all other DACs.
Same sentiment here +5%

Offline James212

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1. Dilution 
an investor's nightmare

Want me to make a list of stocks that have ever issued new shares? You'll probably reconsider this blanket statement when you realize that basically every successful company that has ever existed has issue new shares in situations where shareholders and management has deemed it profitable.

Of course others become profitable also others failed, I'm talking about if there is a news about share dilution investors know that the value of their shares may take a cut.

Most companies in high growth industries (specially startups) fund their operation through share issuance (dilution).  Dilution is a means of investing in the companies growth.  As long as the market believes in the growth plan (management), the indicators from the long-term/med-term investors should be positive.  Of course in the very short term, the market hates uncertainty, so that is the reaction you are seeing now.  All things being equal, and if managements plan is tight (I think it is) we should see a share price drop followed in time by a rebound to higher highs. 
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Offline sulafeng

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What BM said likes a rob to AGSer and PTSer.I like btsx just as other DACs and I do not want to lose the opptuinity to get all other DACs.

Offline fuzzy

I think a large problem we currently have is that most users do not really know about the entire bitshares platform.  Bitcoin sees us (rightfully) as an enemy imho...and there is not much of a presence outside bitshares that is reaching out to teach people. 

Bitshares is not THAT complicated and I believe the biggest problem we are facing is that we are bumping up against a glass ceiling that exists largely because very few have reached out to create the numerous videos and forms of media that would get us into the public eye.  That should be #1 because it serves two purposes simultaneously:

1) increases value (through an increased network effect)
2) increases public awareness

Since I do not see this coming from marketing (srry I have to say it), I recommend invictus create their own delegates (to reach the maximum 101) that pay out to people who refer others to the ecosystem.  Add them to a slate and have that slate advertised in each Invictus worker's signature.  If people are upset about invictus "centralizing" delegates power under their control---too bad, they should then offer something better (or similar). 

Invictus could even promise that any delegate that wants to substitute themselves for the Invictus delegates to pay for this referral program will be automatically used as a replacement for one of the "placeholder" delegates Invictus' is running. 

Don't change anything because then you risk losing your most loyal base.  Once you do that....good luck getting network effect. 
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Offline Empirical1.1

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BTSX is good and global, why worry about Chinese behavior? The community do not want to see a platform only Chinese support.
Exactly! +5%!

The Chinese community is very important to BitShares. They are probably the biggest market for BitShares atm & China is a huge market in general. Their input and opinions are very important.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 01:42:34 pm by Empirical1.1 »

Offline xeroc

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BTSX is good and global, why worry about Chinese behavior? The community do not want to see a platform only Chinese support.
And on the other hand .. people only "care" about the bitUSD!?

Are you _really_ open minded?!
I personally would neither say I do not care about the chineses .. nor would I say I care about them ...
replace "chinese" in the above at will: possible options: any country!

Offline James212

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I am in favor of the changes for the most part. We are never going to agree on a perfect solution. But simpler in my opinion is better and this simplifies a lot of things.  People are worried about dilution.  10 percent of a dollar is better than 100 percent of a penny any day.

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Offline Cryptomaniac

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BTSX is good and global, why worry about Chinese behavior? The community do not want to see a platform only Chinese support.
Exactly! +5%!
Never give up! Never!!!

Offline liondani

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What sais/thinks toast about the proposal?
How is he imagine the future for KeyID now?
I am very interested to hear a DAC "owner" thoughts...
What think's COB about the proposal?....

Offline 520Bit

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It seems to me the Chinese community is panicking right now. It needs to be communicated clearly to them as well.
*agreed* ..  I seems they misinterpret the term "proposal" :(

BTSX is good and global, why worry about Chinese behavior? The community do not want to see a platform only Chinese support.
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Offline voldemort628

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My Proposal:
4) Add stake holder approved dilution without limit to BitShares X.

"Without limit"? - seems like this would lead to devaluation down the line. Did you mean a 20% dilution only to accommodate AGS and PTS?

any decision to up the total supply cap need to pass a vote by stakeholders. so worry not, stakeholders *will* (hopefully and rationally) decide what's best for all.

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These are the kind of changes you don't make after a launch. It's way too much change for the market to handle and it's not the kind of change anyone wants. The market is speaking.

In my opinion if you want unity then network the DACs using technical means. Don't change the names, don't change the internal structures or centralize it. Allow all DACs to pay a fee to join this network of DACs and use that network as a sort of support network for all the DACs.

It is a company. 
It is competing in a ruthless Darwinian evolutionary environment. 
It must continuously adapt or die. 
Arguments against change are arguments against adapting. 
The dinosaurs already tried that. 

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.