we konw BTSX is a very very grand project. BM is one of most smart man I have konw. but grand project need money for continual devoloping. I don`t konw if it is a problem now, but is there a long plan to resolve this problem , should I suggeste as follow:
1.BTSX can inflate 10% per year (first year 10%, 5% or small after this, 1% will become a huge money if BTSX develop well), compare with BTC ,it is small. but the differrent is that this BTSXs are not consumeed by POW, this BTSXs are belong to delveloping fundation. it will been used for BTSX developing and push btsx out of solar system ':P

. I suggest it is controled by BM,because he is the father of BTS. and other hand a predictable inflation can give invester a big confidence without a unpredictable dilution.
2.BM and delvelop team list plan of BTSX developing and how much money them need per quarter . list each expenses of fund as AGS.
and develop team also can select burn btsx out of developing using if needed .