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Messages - fumanchu808

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General Discussion / When will short function work?
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:32:04 am »
Hello, noticing I still can't purchase other peoples shorts. When will that be fixed?

General Discussion / Here's the second part of my BitsharesX article
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:48:18 am »
Feel free to add to the discussion!

Thanks again for all the help.

Im currently getting the same error too.

Technical Support / Ver 0.4.12 kicks out this error
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:30:16 am »
Running on Win7 64 bit - "The version of this file is not compatiable with the version of Windows you are running"

Is there a 64 bit version of 4.12 hiding somewhere?

General Discussion / Re: Are shorts not able to be purchased right now?
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:47:33 am »
They should just let market dynamics handle the equilibrium point. If someone wants to short BitUSD when it's moving in the wrong direction and someone else is keen on buying that short position, they we should just let that action happen. Otherwise do away with the ability to short altogether and we can just buy/sell with one another.

The short seems like it wasn't working properly anyway. It should need to be collateralized by the user and it should amount to a contract for X amount of BitUSD to be paid back in the future or if the difference becomes larger than the collateral the user placed. Aside from that regular market dynamics should handle the rest.

General Discussion / Re: Are shorts not able to be purchased right now?
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:14:14 am »
That version won't even start on my system.

General Discussion / Re: Are shorts not able to be purchased right now?
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:04:48 am »
I mean whats the point of letting people short, if you're not going to let them short away from the peg and subsequently lose money. That's how the equilibrium works doesn't it?

I mean, make them collateralize it by all means but call in their order as soon as the collateral can't cover the difference. Problem solved. I thought that's how the system was advertised.

Am I missing something here?

Hey guys, I've got about 24 hours left on my deadline for part 2 of my Bitshares coverage:

I'd really love to be able to focus on the fact that I was able to execute trades in this economic system that resulted in a profit (which my trades have, thankfully) however I keep encountering problems right at the time I want to execute a trade that conveniently prevent me from making the trades I want and instead lock me in position long enough to make less or no profit.

If it happened once or twice I'd just chalk it up to a bug but every time the market turns and it's time to move either into BitUSD or out of BitUSD, the system inconveniently decides that it won't execute my trades (for a number of different reasons ranging from "insufficient market depth" or a bad version of the application). My point being that I have the growing suspicion that something is rotten in denmark given the timing of the problems (always as BTSX is changing directions).

Rather than simply be paranoid I'd rather bring up the issue here and see what everyone has to say. More than anything I want this system to work as advertised but so far (despite making money) it has fought me every inch of the way.

Right now the market slowed and I wanted to dive back into BitUSD. However, my open orders just hang even though there seems to be people willing to sell at that price. Any clue why that might be happening? (mind you I am losing money every second the sale does not execute, which has happened numerous times already)

General Discussion / Are shorts not able to be purchased right now?
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:45:16 am »
I executed two BitUSD purchases, of which there are two short sales within range. For some reason they aren't executing though. What am I missing here?

I want to buy BitUSD at the price being offered... is the system not allowing the people that are trying to short BitUSD do so right now?

General Discussion / BitUSD trading going to resume anytime soon?
« on: August 30, 2014, 02:29:58 pm »
Having value trapped in one currency, even if for a day, can be costly in a market this volatile. Especially now that BTSX seems to be inching up, thats when I want out of BitUSD, after all.

General Discussion / Does BitUSD pull marketcap from BitsharesX?
« on: August 30, 2014, 04:29:53 am »
Hi again team,

Does purchasing BitUSD or any BitAsset pull value from BTSX's marketcap? Or is it calculated in such a way that once we push value into the whole BTSX system via purchasing BTSX, BitsharesX's total market cap will reflect all all BTSX plus all BitAssets? Just trying to understand the dynamic there.

Would be a very easy explanation for the price drop on BTSX.

Can anyone explain why the order board would ever look like this:

It seems there are Buy order matching or in excess of the asks/sells/shorts but they seem to just be hanging there, looking at each other instead. My system is synced and working, it seems those orders are just not matched properly? Is it that the amounts aren't exact? So instead of fulfilling a partial order it waits until is can completely fill either side or is this just some kind of lag/bug?

Technical Support / Re: Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:39:00 am »
I too have connections now and I was able to perform the transactions I had planned earlier in the day (albeit at a loss but such is the price of experimentation).

Thanks for the help everyone!

Technical Support / Re: Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:59:07 am »
Okay tried that version, still just sitting as "not connected". Sometimes during a restart it will start to sync but then revert back to saying not connected after a few minutes.

Any ideas? Supposed to be writing the 2nd part of my news article on using the BitsharesX platform but I'd rather the whole article not be about how I was unable to access my BTSX all day and as a result lost money...

Technical Support / Re: Not connecting, not syncing
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:52:05 am »
It appears to be version 4.9, which also happens to be the version I get if I visit the site.

Where can I find 4.9a?

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