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Messages - zhangweis

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTS矿池设想
« on: May 01, 2014, 12:04:22 am »
1 挖矿所占资源较少
2 矿池生存基础是投票,所以分红比例较高应该是应该的。我估计以后会高到90%左右。只是初期矿池投入较大,所以比例会比较小。

中文 (Chinese) / BTS矿池设想
« on: April 30, 2014, 11:47:40 pm »

We have changed the API of sendtoaddress to make it compatible with Bitcoin RPC....   We are attempting to be as compatible with Bitcoin as possible and to have extended APIs for handling our special features (like support for multiple asset types on one chain).

I agree that the RPC API should be compatible with bitcoin's. As I understand sendtoaddress will be without asset type where asset type defaults to BTS and an extended API like sendtoaddress_asset will be added. I can also see get_transaction_history and will play with that. Good progress, thanks.

Edit: Seems like there's some uncommited changes in fc at the time of writing and I've manually fixed that by adding needed changes (in time.hpp) on my local machine.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: April 27, 2014, 01:24:09 am »
1) Yes the inactivity fee applies to all balances.   The BitUSD collected by this fee is sold for BTS and the BTS is destroyed to pay dividends to shareholders.
2) A long time a go when I was implementing dividends via direct accounting this applied.  Once I switched to implicit dividends (via fee destruction) it was no longer viable to pay this way. 

Instead what the dividends on collateral does is increase the backing on the BitUSD over time.
To have something which price linked with fiat is so important that it's very important to make bitUSD and bitCNY work.
I think it was a good idea to support bitUSD value with interest of collateral. Actually the burning of bitUSD transaction fee has the similar effect but you've decided to buy and burn BTS instead.

Now with implicit dividends I think we can still get the similar approach by returning same amount of BIP instead of BTS when shorters cover the short. The dividends (new collateral BIP - old collateral BIP) can still go to all the holders of bitUSD. It's more complex in implementation but I think it's really important to have some thing supporting the bitAsset to prevent price going to 0 instead of just a name link between bitUSD and USD. I hope we can find an easier way to dispatch dividends.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: April 26, 2014, 09:41:06 pm »
1. Does 5% inactivity fee apply to bitAssets like bitUSD?
2. I remember that the interest of collateral (XTS) will go to holders of bitAsset. I believe this can support the price of bitAsset and prevent its price goes to 0. As the interest is got from transaction fees, will this calculation be based on block by block? If yes, I wonder what is the simplest way to implement it in wallet code as for each block you need to calculate that and adjust the balance of bitAsset holder.


For mobile device, or those env not suitable to run a local light client node, solutions like would be nice.
One js API to abstract both use cases.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I guess the new API with username in openwallet is for this purpose. As this doesn't add too much complexicity to C code, I think it's fine.
But from security point of view, the unlocking of private key still happens on server. The fact that unlocking happens in browser makes me believe that I'm safe with wallet. I may choose another solution If I'm going to setup some online wallet services like As I understand, the online wallet like only need to provide 2 things:
1. Storage of encrypted private keys.
2. Publishing signed transactions. This can be public interface and doesn't have to be done from one's wallet (means no login).

Well, I misunderstood you and am very glad that if I can help.
Added receiving address list page.
There seems to be some bugs in sending transactions as it will clear the balance to 0 in some cases. But for testing ui, it's ok.
Plan to merge received transactions and send transactions to single transactions list with different colors for sent and received transactions.

中文 (Chinese) / DAC化的淘宝(私路3.0?)
« on: April 24, 2014, 02:16:04 am »
1.可以用bitshares insurance保险类似的仲裁人

I am working on this. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's great. I'll stop here and please don't hesitate if anything I can help.
btw, I think an integrated window could be more user friendly. I mean let the user feel like a real desktop app than populating it in a browser. Maybe cef( can help here.

First JSON/RPC call on getbalance done.
You can see it working from where user/password should be "user" and "pwd".

Notice the balance is "1000" at the moment which is got from calling json/rpc getbalance.

Pulled lastest bitshares code finally build it on my debian box.
Excited to see that the latest bts_xt_client supports --server and uses ./htdocs as http root. This makes it easier to put my code just at ./htdocs. Will play with that if I find some time.
RPC tricks:
You need to go through the below steps to send xts:
1. openwallet()
2. walletpassphrase('<<send password>>')
3. sendtoaddress('address', {"amount":<number>,"unit":0},'comment')

From RPC commands, I don't find how to retrieve latest transactions but I can try to simulate it by directly using getblock and get_transaction.
My config.json:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BTX界面开发[4.23更新]
« on: April 23, 2014, 12:55:31 pm »


That is what I thought, you could have a desktop and a server version (own home / network server), so mobile / tablets can connect.
Yes, exactly. I don't know if they provide RPC on HTTP. If they don't, things will be a bit difficult as I have to use node/phonegap to setup tcp connections. I'm still trying to find some documents on their RPC interfaces.

Great idea, what is your plan? Create a desktop application using node webkit that interacts with a local / own network rpc server? Or a centralize solution ?

node webkit that interacts with a local / own network rpc server. For an online wallet, I think we may have legal issues with running such a service.

DAC PLAY / Re: Blockchain RNG with DPOS
« on: April 20, 2014, 10:09:33 am »
Can there be known numbers where S1,S2 have the same HASH(S)? If yes, delegates can use this to cheat. Say the number is SH. Say I always publish SH and choose S1 or S2 to reveal if I'm the last one in the round. How can I reduce this risk?

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