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Messages - KeyhoteeCN

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General Discussion / Re: New Chapter for MktDirector
« on: August 11, 2014, 03:49:47 am »
good job!

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【翻译贴】Brian Page的“新章节”
« on: August 11, 2014, 03:37:01 am »
这可能也是3I的策略,“开发与运营独立”是3I的想法,已经在香港DAC Sun Limited公司上体现,3I让brain公司承接所有DAC宣传营销工作,自己主要做技术开发,市场营销岗位主要负责与brain公司做接口管理工作,具体执行由brain公司外包。专业公司营销,good!



在Nxt系统中,假定我是铸币池受托人,池账号为A, N个委托人B1, B2, B3, .... BN, 他们委托给矿池A,只需要在各自钱包中的租赁铸币选项中填入受托人账号A, 填入租赁时间t, 即租赁t 个区块时间就可以了。在该笔租赁交易成功后,经过1440个区块,矿池A就增加了 B_x 的余额对应的铸币权利(份额),并开始铸币。收益计算分发有很多模式公式。在整个过程中,B_x的币是没有发送给任何人的,B_x拥有这些币,随时可以交易操作,相应的在铸币池A中 B_x的铸币权利也随之增加或者减少。在租赁时间t内,铸币租赁是不能取消的;当然你把自己账号B_x下的币全转移走,也就没有份额在铸币池中,也相当于取消租赁了

有一点很重要: 租赁铸币,只是转移 “铸币权”, 并没有转移币的 “所有权”。币还是委托人自己控制,只是铸币权委托给信任的受托人了。


分发模式是受托人自己决定的“商业业务模式”, 类似于PoW挖矿的矿池,各家分发模式也不一样,手续费、分发时间等等也都不一样。租赁铸币重要的是散户可以控制自己的币,私钥在自己手中,同时参与铸币,保护网络安全并获得收益。铸币池相比PoW矿池要简单容易好几个数量级,更加的去中心化

收益分发是由铸币池 手动或者程序化自动发送的,系统没有涉及干涉这个业务。 具体说, 我10万个Nxt租赁给铸币池, 1天收益多少,多长时间给我分发收益,这个是铸币池服务商提供的服务协议决定的。委托人可以选择不同的铸币池服务商,铸币池服务商也是市场化存在竞争的。Nxt系统只涉及负责 “铸币权“的转移,铸币数量多少的计算,铸币结束等核心功能;不涉及市场具体业务。

以上内容主要咨询了NXTer:Jimmy吉米的工场、战 等

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [SUN]add member: michaelcat
« on: August 08, 2014, 04:42:12 pm »
THX,u will make our team more stronger!

8) 欢迎KEY总抛弃NAS回归到BTS的怀抱。已点赞!


【SUN受托人团队】今天成立了!我们有两台稳定的服务器,人员配置为2个宣传、2个技术维护、1个技术指导与翻译,当受托人的同时参与dry run测试,助力 网络开发。团队将与比特时代合作,依托时代平台将每个月收益的30%回馈给社区,同时加入墨客的温暖四季公益行列,在需要时捐赠当月最高20%的收益给需要帮助的人,我们请BTS技术大牛alt及其团队bitsuperlab.com作为我们的技术顾问,希望大家来给我们受托人投票,账号是x1.sun、x2.sun。感谢大家!
好消息:michaelcat/麥可貓 强力加盟SUN团队,成为第五员大将!希望大家多多支持!


Team LOGO:

Hello everyone, I'm KeyhoteeCN.  I am one of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators for Chinese community.  I have made significant contributions to spread BTS in China. Now I am pleased to announce that my delegate team SUN comes into existence.

The SUN team currently runs one high speed server for delagates on the main chain and another one on the testing chain to support the development of BTSX. Another backup server for delegates on the main chain will be added soon.  Members of the SUN team (currently 5) have strong technical background and system maintenance experience. Furthermore, we've invited alt, a BTS expert and member,  to be our techinical consultant.

In cooperation with, the biggest PTS/BTSX exchange in the world,  we plan to contribute 30% of our monthly delegation profits to the community. Meanwhile,  up to 20% of our monthly delegation profits will be used for fund raising for charities held in

We set pay-rate 90%.

The SUN team sincerely welcome your support. To support high quality delegation as well as charities,  please vote for our delagates x1.sun and x2.sun.
Thanks a lot!

Members Introduction:

1.KeyhoteeCN--one of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators for Chinese community. have made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community. responsible for corrdination and promotion of our team.

2.planetlife(PtsChina)--one of the major BTS development status forwarders.have also made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community. responsible for planning and promotion of our team.

3.当年很厉害--major in computer science and have at least 6 years of experience on BI. and also an ardent fan of BTS.

4.mako--studying in one of 985 project universities (top universities for engineering in China).  An ardent fan of BTS since the early stage. 

5.麥可貓(michaelcat)--at least three years of experience in linux of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators of bitshares wiki for Chinese community. have made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community.

Team LOGO:

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