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Topics - KeyhoteeCN

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General Discussion / are you for or against the LOCKING OF PTS/DNS/VOTE
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:30:20 am »
are you for or against  the LOCKING OF PTS/DNS/VOTE


【SUN受托人团队】今天成立了!我们有两台稳定的服务器,人员配置为2个宣传、2个技术维护、1个技术指导与翻译,当受托人的同时参与dry run测试,助力 网络开发。团队将与比特时代合作,依托时代平台将每个月收益的30%回馈给社区,同时加入墨客的温暖四季公益行列,在需要时捐赠当月最高20%的收益给需要帮助的人,我们请BTS技术大牛alt及其团队bitsuperlab.com作为我们的技术顾问,希望大家来给我们受托人投票,账号是x1.sun、x2.sun。感谢大家!
好消息:michaelcat/麥可貓 强力加盟SUN团队,成为第五员大将!希望大家多多支持!


Team LOGO:

Hello everyone, I'm KeyhoteeCN.  I am one of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators for Chinese community.  I have made significant contributions to spread BTS in China. Now I am pleased to announce that my delegate team SUN comes into existence.

The SUN team currently runs one high speed server for delagates on the main chain and another one on the testing chain to support the development of BTSX. Another backup server for delegates on the main chain will be added soon.  Members of the SUN team (currently 5) have strong technical background and system maintenance experience. Furthermore, we've invited alt, a BTS expert and member,  to be our techinical consultant.

In cooperation with, the biggest PTS/BTSX exchange in the world,  we plan to contribute 30% of our monthly delegation profits to the community. Meanwhile,  up to 20% of our monthly delegation profits will be used for fund raising for charities held in

We set pay-rate 90%.

The SUN team sincerely welcome your support. To support high quality delegation as well as charities,  please vote for our delagates x1.sun and x2.sun.
Thanks a lot!

Members Introduction:

1.KeyhoteeCN--one of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators for Chinese community. have made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community. responsible for corrdination and promotion of our team.

2.planetlife(PtsChina)--one of the major BTS development status forwarders.have also made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community. responsible for planning and promotion of our team.

3.当年很厉害--major in computer science and have at least 6 years of experience on BI. and also an ardent fan of BTS.

4.mako--studying in one of 985 project universities (top universities for engineering in China).  An ardent fan of BTS since the early stage. 

5.麥可貓(michaelcat)--at least three years of experience in linux of the major BTS development status forwarders and translators of bitshares wiki for Chinese community. have made significant contributions to spread BTS in Chinese community.

Team LOGO:

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