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Topics - monsterer

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Today, blockchain_market_order_book RPC call isn't listing any shorts for the BTSX/USD market. Previously it was fine and I was getting short_order and cover_order types. Today, I only have cover_order.

The command line for blockchain_market_order_book *is* showing shorts, but I have no idea where it is getting this information from, as it isn't coming back from the RPC call.

Looking at the web_wallet in github, it seems this RPC isn't used. Is it fully working?

Cheers, Paul.

Technical Support / What is the short wall?
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:40:09 pm »
I can't find a reference to what the short wall is?

There is a massive buy order called the short wall right now in BTSX/USD market at the top of the book.

Using blockchain_market_order_history, is it possible to tell which order was removed from the orderbook during the trade?

I'm trying to condense the information down into more readable form.

In general, if an ask was removed from the book, it's classed as a buy and if a bid was removed, its a sell - just not sure I can tell that from the information returned by blockchain_market_order_history...

Cheers, Paul.

When building a site to show the orderbook of a market, should shorts be included with the asks and covers with the bids?

General Discussion / What's going on with FREE asset?
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:39:47 pm »
Can someone check my logic here?

FREE asset, precision of 1, giving it 0 decimal places.
Market BTSX/FREE (base/quote) currently has two asks:

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]



So thats:

10 BTSX priced at 0.1 FREE and
0.1 BTSX priced at 0.99 FREE

How can these quote prices make any sense with a precision of 0 decimal places? That would put the price at 0 for both orders?

Am I missing something obvious here?

Cheers, Paul.

Technical Support / http_start_server brings client to a halt
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:04:14 pm »
Calling http_start_server in the console will stop the GUI client from displaying any market data; it essentially freezes, although you can still page between tabs.

General Discussion / Is it possible for a DAC to be 100% decentralised?
« on: October 09, 2014, 06:30:49 pm »
They all need logic to run. The logic must run somewhere. It can't run inside the blockchain(?) so it must reside on some server somewhere. Which makes it centralised, doesn't it?

Unless you distribute the DAC as a client and ask end users to run it - but what is their incentive to do so?

Have I got my understanding of this correct?

Cheers, Paul.

I notice there is a flip markets button in the GUI client, but in the RPC API I can't see any reference to it. In addition, calling blockchain_market_status with flipped base and quote just causes an assert for every market I've tried it with.

Any ideas?

Cheers, Paul.

When calling

Code: [Select]
blockchain_market_price_hostory ["USD","BTSX","20141003T000000",86400,"each_day"]
we get:

Code: [Select]
which has price in USD (quote price) but volume in BTSX (base volume).

Is this by design?

Cheers, Paul.

Im getting:

Code: [Select]
When calling

Code: [Select]
blockchain_market_price_hostory ["USD","BTSX","20141003T000000",86400,"each_day"]
That's 18 decimal places for a price quoted in USD, when USD precision is 10000, which corresponds to 4 decimal places?

Cheers, Paul.

What happens if you have a market containing two assets which each have different precisions?

blockchain_market_price_history is documented as accepting a string: each_block, each_hour or each_day for the granularity parameter. In actual fact, it only accepts the enum definitions of 0,1,2.

Cheers, Paul.

Technical Support / RPC returns timestamp in two different formats
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:20:08 pm »
get_info returns YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

blockchain_get_asset returns YYYYMMDDThhmmss

Why the inconsistency?

Cheers, Paul.

It would be great if the client supported Cross Origin Resource Sharing so that different web-based front-ends could be created that ran on top of the client.

Obviously there would need to be a way for users to allow a given (set of) domain(s) to access their client as it would otherwise pose a security risk.

The use case is allowing third party website developers to provide slick, exchange like web interfaces which talk directly to the client running on localhost. This would allow the websites to hold no private keys, yet still provide a trading interface.

Cheers, Paul.

When trying blockchain_list_assets in the console, I get asset names such as USD, CAD, LOVE etc. When looking in the desktop client, in the markets tab, I see BitUSD, BitCAD but not BitLOVE.

Which is the proper name and how is it derived?

Cheers, Paul.

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