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General Discussion / Re: Centralization of mining discussion
« on: February 03, 2015, 03:27:15 pm »
Tim Swanson is a contributor at coindesk. I wonder if he ever wrote an article on DPOS for coindesk.

I think it's clear this shouldn't be messed with in BTS right now as the community consensus is pretty unanimous and specifically because of the negative impact it may have on the Chinese market.

I think the numbers (early Bitcoin as well as new sites) show that a DAC which offered blockchain based BitAsset gambling could easily surpass BitShares.

Yes, I think it is telling that Bitcoin could do away with gaming (and succeeded) is due to its unfettered and decentralised nature. On the other hand, bitshares has its shareholders to answer to. And in this case, bts is being reined in by a big shareholders' 'NO GO!', especially from the Chinese.

General Discussion / Re: Consensus on the list of delegates
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:13:50 pm »
Welcome ComeFromBeyond, and thanks for your ideas! 
I think it is important that we all analyze to try and find realistic attack scenarios.  If we know about them, then we could make any necessary changes to prevent or disincentivize them.

I would love to see DevShares used as a testing ground for this.  There should be people trying to attack DevShares, empirically testing these attack ideas so that we can analyze the results: how much did it cost, and what hard was done?

Yes, we should take in critical analyses that helps to harden bitshares defence.  Come_From_Beyond can only help as much as the information given to him.

On the latest mumble, Bytemaster said that if BitShares was mentioned on too many mainstream media outlets or received too many new client downloads, then we could just remove the app it and keep the publicity.

BitShares Bingo would be to Bitshares what Solitaire is to Windows.  A favorite program of some. 

BitCNY gaming is real CNY because BTC38 is a gateway for real CNY

Most people love a Solitaire play in Windows.  BitShares Bingo is a neat idea.  We can have a wallet option that turns on only for some specific countries.

General Discussion / Re: Potentials of
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:11:54 pm »
yup will prepare site design asap !

metaexchange site very close to launching which will be a dedicated bitcoin->bitAsset gateway, it might be worth waiting for us given we're in-house, so to speak :)
Nice site, just tested it with 0.01BitBTC. Works like a charm, the whole process took about 1 minute.

Looking at the time stamps in the BTS wallet and BTC wallet, it took 5 seconds. That's impressive

Enjoying it too!

If the BTS price starts to shoot up, people are going to want to mine BTS directly. This will still be an option, right?

Yes, some miners would prefer bts payout over bitUSD.  It should be a choice available to them.

I have been comparing my old pool with using 30MH

Minebitshares is a little more profitable as it stands.

0.0059289 BTC (simplemulti)

0.0060 BTC (minebitshares)

about 1.33963 BitUSD a day for 30MH

Mining BitGOLD or BitSILVER would be great for marketing 8)

30MH is about 0.03265865064 grams of BitGOLD a day

or 2.43569090909 grams of BitSILVER a day

simplemulti is not known for good profitability.  In fact, it is not a well known multipool. 

General Discussion / Re: Consensus on the list of delegates
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:34:16 pm »
So then what would be the point of doing all this?

The point is just to show that power that controls election will stay on the top forever. This is what we observe in a lot of dictatorship countries where elections are faked.

Nicely derived argument. 

1029 as it is, is not an attractive pool to the miners.  It is limited to only two algos - scrypt and X11, and some limited coins.  It does not have a baseline profitability comparison eg to LTC, and estimated earnings per day.  If you want to attract miners, you need to match what the multipools offer.

i would think legal concerns

Yes, this could distract and burden the developers' mind.

General Discussion / Re: Consensus on the list of delegates
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:05:44 am »
Welcome Come-from-Beyond.  I am glad you join the bitshares community. 

The people who can really help you with the 'deep questions' you are seeking answers for are bytemaster and its developers. vikram and theoretical are two of the key developers on the bitshares blockchain. Another user, arhag may help you too.

General Discussion / Re: Our New Website Is Live!
« on: February 01, 2015, 04:22:03 pm »
Well done, Cass.  Love your work!

If this turns out to be the first regulated btc exchange, it will give a boost to confidence in btc and it indirectly benefits other cryptos. Yes, it helps bts too.

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