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Messages - cube

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I haven't sen any information on 100% delegate:   chen.haonan

who is already at position 116 (even without my vote haha).

Anybody know anything about his proposed service?

I notice he posted a financial write-up in some Chinese news website (some time in Dec'14) which was reposted somewhat to a couple of other Chinese websites.  That article indirectly promoted bts.  Besides that, he remains a mystery.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Delegate proposal] martin-38ptswarrior-raum
« on: January 24, 2015, 05:15:56 am »

You have a golden heart.  Yes, it is a tough rational and business-only world here.  But I can see the warrior spirit in you.  Carry on with your good work.  Tell your stories and warm up the cold-hearted.   +5%

General Discussion / Re: Up to 27 100% delegates. Really?
« on: January 24, 2015, 04:59:54 am »
A few delegates away from hitting a million shares per week dilution. Plus the vesting share dilution every day will equal a zero or negative growth over the next few years. All the while, bitcoin sidechains and centralized wannabes slowly gain faster acceptance.  And ethereum too.

What are all you delegates doing exactly? We even have a new delegate inspector delegate proposal. WTF? 

Id like to propose a 100% delegate to oversee the inspector delegate.
How about a BS delegate? This delegate's primary job would be to make wild and amazing promises that never see the light of day. Just as every promise is supposed to be realized, I will flood you guys with excuses and more promises for future dates. Rinse repeat. The whole time this is going on I will trade my BTS for bitUSD giving the bitISD ever so much more liquidity on an ongoing basis until I have gathered enough bitUSD to buy a vacation home on cryptofresh.

You sound like a good candidate for the auditor delegate.  :)

There is confusion about we what wish to commit to now and what the reality about how the system works is.

The system is ruled by shareholder vote. If you promise a fixed cap as part of the system, you are lying.

This is a good question. Are the supply cap and inflation going to be determined by an individual, some individuals or the votes of the decentralised company's shareholders?

General Discussion / Re: What if I have 11% of BTS and I am malicious?
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:25:12 am »
With 11% of stake, I can obtain about 65 delegate positions. If I attempt to use these 65 delegates maliciously to make profit, what happens? I'm asking because many people keep asking me about this and I cannot fully understand this process.

Thanks in advance

You mean like, what if someone put a gun to Bytemaster's head who controls 15% of the supply? :)

He doesn't control that much though, especially after the severance packages he paid out to the core developers. More like 8% imo..

Edit: From recent voting history I can say BM's current active voting power is only about 5.7%. He may of course control more funds, especially vested funds, but that's what he's been using recently to vote at least.

It means that someone will need a few more guns to control the other devs' heads.

General Discussion / Re: Please Consider Voting for fuzzy.beyondbitcoin
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:59:39 am »
Through your dedicated work, we are already seeing some conferences with audience spanning different geographical locations.  I look forward to more of such rich interactions via your mumble sessions.  Vote for fuzzy  ++++  +5%

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares and LLC
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:30:17 am »
Some people create a new LLC for each deal depending on if the same partners are used are not. LLC is popular due to no double tax. Would it be ideal to create a new asset for each deal? I could setup the terms so that investors know exactly what they could return.

The only downside is that I'm not sure how to make it trustless. I'd have to somehow prove to others my intent to perform.

Even though LLC can avoid the so-called 'double tax', a corporation will give you better legal protection.  The entity is separate from the individual.  A corporation issues shares and you can use bitshare as a tool to issue share as tokens.  You can use the user-issued-asset for this or you can have your own bitshare tool where each 'bts' is treated as a share in your corporation.

General Discussion / Re: Get Hired By The Blockchain Video
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:20:28 am »
Stacey is a bit stiff.  I suppose she was nervous.  A bit of practice can fix that.  Keep it up!

General Discussion / Re: Legal Delegate Update and Poll
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:09:12 am »
I like this idea.  I'm going to contact Cube so he can play a bigger role.  Just so everyone knows, I would be wanting to have at least some kind of multisig for the funds to be released, so he would also be setting that up. 

As for the pay rate being higher, I am trying to work on getting the pay rate for the techs to be higher, on average, because I think it is better for DPOS based chains as a whole if techs do not have to run multiple delegates to sustain their operations and pay the bills.  Ultimately, I think we should focus on tech delegates only being allowed to run 1 delegate per chain. 

Good due diligence is as important as devs and marketing... but perhaps there needs to be something specific to work on. In this environment the context might be defined by legislators. If Cube has an international awareness; experience; and capability to be a major authority voice, then having someone up to speed that can help BitShares contend with complexity could be invaluable.

Remember everything about consensus, is about confidence. Much of the challenge will be where the legal limit lies and communicating that clearly - an authority voice on hand who does deliver would be great. For the right international advice, I would push for 100%; for local to Asia - if he's someone who can also speak + 1 languages then 50% perhaps. Everyone underestimates administrative support but it can make an important contribution in avoiding problems.

That said.. to get the votes..

> I trust him.

is not sufficient.. what are his capabilities and experience.

These are important points and I will let Cube give you the details regarding his competency and skills.  I Can, however, say that he has been here in the bitsharestalk forums for quite some time. 

As for the legal environment, it is my hope that we will consider the legal delegate at first to help us at least initially pay for some legal "advisors" who do not actually provide legal "advice", but help us interpret current laws in various jurisdictions in a very conservative manner.  The reason I say this is because it is going to be very difficult to really hire a lawyer to work full time for any single jurisdiction with the 90-95% pay at current marketcap.  This holds true, in fact, at far higher marketcaps. 

With that said, it would do a great deal for BitShares' credibility as a crypto standard to be able to help devs, delegates and users navigate the "legalese" as they move forward and in turn should return far more in valuation as a function of the increased level of confidence and credibility.  The ROI should be valuable...but ultimately I hope to help protect all of you no matter what jurisdiction you live in. 

Thanks for your comments everyone and let us please keep this going.  I want to get this delegate up and running before my own because it is quite frankly more important.  Your input on how we do it is integral.

Thanks to Fuzzy for introducing me to the concept of a Legal Delegate.  I think it is a very worthwhile thing to do to protect the bitshare community.  Fuzzy is running the Legal Delegate and I would love to support him on that.

A bit more of my technical skill background :-

I am a IT consultant cum project manager by profession.  I started as a developer and a system admin before moving on to a sys analyst, senior analyst  and then the project manager role.  My IT profession and experiences are over 20 years.  I am one of the team members responsible for the release of PTS DPOS.  I detailed my interest in crypto here  -

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: DACx 100% delegates proposal: dacx.baozou
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:01:32 am »
DACx will be serving the role of investment banks, providing financial service and solution package.

Do you need a license to do this? Who are your target audience?

So.. was there any big news?

No, the tweeter followed up with a video mocking the people who believed him. Don't remember his twitter unfortunately.

Yes, he made a video out of it
and wanted his followers to know this

BTC had a good run.

General Discussion / Re: Merging Ethereum and BitShares
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:02:01 am »
One of our biggest assets is our creative agility.
Merging with any other big community (whether Overstock, or Ethereum, or Disney) would destroy that.

Or enhance it. It depends on how the other community looks at the merger and whether both sides see synergy. A brave idea but limited by people.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a tech to run my delegate
« on: January 07, 2015, 10:49:40 am »

Why only 3% passing to the helper delegate ? All current helper delegates are rewarded 5% and are passing 95% of funds...
After all active delegates right now already earns 3% and at least at current market cap the expenses are much more (VPS,time etc.). Why should they add more responsibilities for the same payrate? Don't you think you must pay the same at least like all the others do ? Not to mention possible risk's that helper delegates take...I am still not sure if 5% is even enough.... am I missing something again?

I think you put it rather well. :)

BitShares PTS / Re: [BTER] Withdraw and fee
« on: January 05, 2015, 04:50:32 pm »
I guess the 20k daily requirement is inherited from the OLD PTS days.  We would make a request for them to increase the daily limit.

Bter is using the PTS dev team's recommendation of 25PTS for each transaction.  The tx fee is to cover some of the expenses by the delegates who volunteer to maintain and secure the network.  Importantly, PTS 2.0 has zero donation, zero inflation, and reduced total supply. 

last (real) update in bitshares/master repo was 23. of december .. so better also vote out the core devs?!
Vote him out!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Develop branch was updated a day ago.  He is a paid employee of the blockchain.  We should at least know when he would be back from vacation.

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