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Messages - yvv

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How much do you want to raise for your projects?

General Discussion / Re: Basket MPA
« on: December 24, 2015, 05:04:45 pm »
Here is one suggestion: bitCPI, pegged to Consumer Price Index ( Long term holders of bitCPI would be able to buy the same amount of basic goods during their retirement as they can buy today (in US prices).

General Discussion / Re: POLL: Why are you still hodling BTS?
« on: December 24, 2015, 03:57:13 pm »
For collateral of course.

Nanocard- doesn't work with CCEDK
Paypal- not integrated with CCEDK

Why do you continues to advertise things that don't exist?

Plus,  Whats with the hand drawing thing?  You can tell it's not drawing any of the images.

This is a usecase meant to be used, well, as a use case all year long as well as the year after.

You are allowed to  have your own opinion on what is happening on CCEDK, and I will keep saying what I believe is going to happen.

A use case is not meant to be exact here and now, but able to build momentum and create interest for the future.

Hi. You do a great job, but you hurt you reputation by presenting your achievements bad way. You continue to advertise things which you are not ready to deliver as if they are already delivered. This is confusing and repel potential users off. You really don't need to do this. What you have delivered up to now is impressive enough. I mean open ledger gui and a bridge.

OpenLedger / Re: Obits Questions
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:08:25 pm »
Just wait for one month more, and we all see what they deliver. My impression now is that they badly overpromiss.

Please let me know what we have promised which you believe we will not deliver?

You promise a fucking lot, and deliver nothing to me personally yet. You don't need to write a 50 lines of crap to me, because I don't buy your bullshit anyway. Just don't waist your time, go do what you promise, otherwise you end up in crap.

OpenLedger / Re: Obits Questions
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:59:06 pm »
Just wait for one month more, and we all see what they deliver. My impression now is that they badly overpromiss.

This stealthy thingy has a good chance to be the second worst BM's invention.

What is the first one?

@xeroc Hi! If you are my proxy voter, should I remove you to vote for your worker, or will you vote for yourself on my behalf?
I thought a lot about this and came to the conclusion that i can NOT just easily vote for my self.

To solve this conflict of interest, I could  write a memo to all that set me as proxy and let them know about this prior to voting for myself. Would that work for you?


Also why does the feed price determine how much collateral is needed?   Shouldn't the internal trading market dictate that?

As far as I understand, it is needed to peg bitUSD to USD as close as possible. Same for other bitAssets.  There are a lot of debates on this forum if this is done a correct way or not, but let's hope that these discussions will end up with the best of possible solutions.


Does the timing of when you borrow bitUSD not matter to you?   The instant you create a loan you are obligated at that USD/BTS price.   If you wait a few hours that USD/BTS price will be different.   The instant you borrow bitUSD that is equivalent to a trade and you instantly have less exposure to BTS and exposure to USD.  The instant you sell what you borrow (ie. USD) you instantly have leverage and you have more exposure to BTS. 

You don't really care when you borrow bitUSD?  Is that what you're telling me?

I surely care when I borrow bitUSD or USD or anything else. I never want to borrow an asset which will raise in prise and sell it for asset which will drop in price. So what? This is all irrelevant to feed price in bitshares. Feed price determines how much of collateral should you put aside when you borrow bitUSD. Nothing else. This collateral remains your asset. You own it, but you can't spend it until you pay off your debt.


When I asked 'Shouldn't we allow the user to decide at what price to create bitUSD? ' , it's about having a limit order of when you want the bitUSD to be created.  When you create bitUSD you are forced to create market orders and that doesn't work well unless you always want to be in front of your computer. 

Secondly I see two different trading mechanisms for the borrower as I mentioned above.

You don't decide 'at what price to create bitUSD'. You borrow it from the network. And network requires a collateral from you to secure your loan. It is not a limit order. When you create bitUSD you don't create any orders, you borrow it, and it becomes your debt.


Shouldn't we allow the user to decide at what price to create bitUSD?  If I want bitUSD I can either buy bitUSD on the market or create bitUSD using my collateral.  Shouldn't the pricing be the same for either choice?  One relies on the market and other the price feed.

Yes, we should. I want a price of bitUSD to be zero when I create it, and then I want to sell it at real USD price. I think, everybody should agree with me and merivercap that this is damn cool. Hey, committee, correct this NOW!

I agree.  Part of this can be done if you change the GUI, but it seems there are just two parallel trading mechanism based on different pricing systems.  Hence I'm not sure you can just change parameters and the GUI, but it would be great if someone can clarify.

Dude, do you really believe that you can blow tokens out of the air and sell them? Nobody will ever allow you to do this. BitUSD is a market pegged asset. It is supposed to be pegged to real USD. When you borrow it, you create it, and you have to put a collateral on the table to support it. Otherwise, nobody will trust it. This is what the price feed is needed for. To determine how much of collateral you must set aside to make sure that you are not blowing money out of your ass.

And please, go to exchange and buy some sense of humor tokens to understand sarcasm.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: witness, please publish a correct feed price
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:30:21 am »
And fix bitRub too, please.

@xeroc Hi! If you are my proxy voter, should I remove you to vote for your worker, or will you vote for yourself on my behalf?


Shouldn't we allow the user to decide at what price to create bitUSD?  If I want bitUSD I can either buy bitUSD on the market or create bitUSD using my collateral.  Shouldn't the pricing be the same for either choice?  One relies on the market and other the price feed.

Yes, we should. I want a price of bitUSD to be zero when I create it, and then I want to sell it at real USD price. I think, everybody should agree with me and merivercap that this is damn cool. Hey, committee, correct this NOW!

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