Hey Peter,
thanks for sharing your thoughts instead of just leaving.
From your post I read that your concern is mostly investment related and you are invested in BTSX and AGS, right?
So I guess your concern is not about the paradigm shift but more on the financial side.
It's become abundantly clear with their recent decision that I3 is only looking out for their own interests at the expense of their investors/supporters.
I my point of view the disjunct set of investors' and I3's interests just became very small. They want BTS to succeed as much as you do.
Yeah, I3 switches gears and paradigms a lot. But in most cases they have a very good reason for that.
(E.g. not being able to liquidate funds to fund devs and operations, facing the problem that the available workforce is somehow starting to compete, ...)
And if they screw up, they'll fix it. Just have a look at toast, who put in enormous effort to make the people whole that lost the most due to the merger.
But I also shared a big concern of yours:
As an investor it was very blurry in what you really were investing when buying e.g. BTSX or DNS. Who was behind a DAC? What was I3 really committed to?
I my point of view this kept investors pretty much in the uncertain and may even hindered some from investing.
Actually, that 'flaw' is gone now. Was the (still ongoing) transition handled nicely? I guess we all know the answer to that.
But the outcome is actually pretty good. I3 now has a clear focus and commitment. After the dust settles it should make you much more comfortable than before.
I also do not like the vesting of my funds but when looking at the bigger picture this merge is by far the best way to go.
Especially if you hold a big position in BTSX the recent events put you in a much better position.
If you disagree, I would be curious why.
I'd like to apologize for some reactions if your post was a genuine one. The post just checked a couple boxes which provokes this kind of reactions.