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Messages - Frodo

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General Discussion / Re: PTS - the insane gift that keeps on giving!
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:16:29 am »
This is a sarcastic attempt at saying PTS is still getting unfair rewards after they diluted BTS 25%.

I fully agree, PTS and AGS should not exist anymore. We paid millions of dollars for their features to be rolled into BTS. Its simply not fair that they continue to get sharedrops, unless we also take the diluted 25% back.

But isn't that exactly the beauty of a free market solution? Third parties are free to allocate in a way that they feel brings the most value for their system. And if that includes AGS/PTS then great, so be it. Why don't you go ahead and invest in PTS then?
And if BTS brings more advantages as an airdrop target than PTS, then free market will figure it out either ways.

General Discussion / Re: PTS - the insane gift that keeps on giving!
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:03:21 am »
Hope you aren't serious.

Why? He is not wrong, is he?

Well I don't question the importance and good returns of early PTS investors. (As I am one myself.) But he clearly doesn't get the value of BitShares. (If this post is serious, which I still doubt)

My point is - fuck you BTS suckers! - it is all for the greatest of all - PTS! The BEEEEEStest of all share drop target - read my lips 'ME'.

We will do what it takes to send them PTS to the moon - BTS is just a tools to do it!
PTS the the best gold pupping coin in the world!

  ...and BTS is just a tool for our greatness!

Is he wrong about that? Judge for yourself.

BTS is the actual product, BTS provides useful features and thus adds value to the ecosystem. And not only BTS but MUSIC and PLAY. PTS is merely an altcoin that represents a good demographics for airdropping. It doesn't do anything useful compared to every other altcoin.

Without BTS and all the great DACs following, PTS would be worth nothing. But do whatever you think is right, dump all BTS and buy PTS with it, good luck with that.

General Discussion / Re: PTS - the insane gift that keeps on giving!
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:05:54 am »
Hope you aren't serious.

General Discussion / Re: The Bill: Perfectly Stable Value
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:59:50 am »
It was already suggested to create bitCPI. Basically a bitAsset that tracks the CPI, which is a basket of consumer goods.

Baskets are as far as I know the only way to actually measure purchasing power. So it is pretty much the same as your idea.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Updates. securing funds + march event
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:23:51 am »
We are right in the middle of an 8 day dev meetup.

This project has been narrowed down and prioritized. All I can say right now in a few sentences before we get back to work is that: THIS WILL BE HUGE.

We have stumbled upon many problems in the music industry that can be solved thru blockchain technology. This means the project could be HUGE. We are coming up with a logical step by step, prioritized MVP.

We still have a couple of days to work everything out.

Expect a massive update near the end of the pre-sale.

This will affect the timing or the DAC vs proto-DAC dates and all.

Any news on that?
I don't want to appear impatient but we are pretty much left in the dark regarding what is going on behind the scenes.
Would very much appreciate more frequent updates, as it would undoubtedly raise investor confidence.

Hey Frodo.

Yeah sorry about that, here is the issue we have.

We actually have a nice wireframe and have been doing some UI user testing. The thing is, we can't show it publicly. We can't even divulge the parts that will make PeerTracks have an unfair advantage over the competition.

This space is filled with BIG competitors. We aren't trying to compete with Coinbase here. Coinbase is huge in the crypto world. But Apple, Youtube... those are BEHEMOTHS!
They can easily just take what we come up with and build it themselves. We want to have our platform 95% done before we really divulge any info.

Our goal is to get users to adopt it since we are the only one doing this. By the time the competition catches up, we want to have the community already used to using our service.

The community is what makes a platform valuable. The tech can be replicated and copied for very cheap (relatively speaking. For google, it definitely is)

For this reason, we have been much less transparent then the rest of the crypto projects out there. But remember that our blockchain's value will depend greatly on the centralized company to bootstrap it in the early stages. If that company does not attract users and artists, the blockchain won't have what it needs to really take off.

So I hope this helps a bit. PeerTracks is a traditional corporation.. a tiny fish thrown into a pool of sharks. We want to grow into a bigger fish before we come out of hiding.

Sorry for the crappy analogy ^^

Thank you cob for the insight,  I appreciate it.
I understand, that PeerTracks has to work under a different paradigm than fully decentralized projects. I guess I  am just not used to it and applying the wrong metrics here. None the less fast replies like this are always a good sign.  +5%
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. I'm sure it's gonna be awesome  8)

Check out the BitShares newsletter, which should be available in the next few days. I've seen a draft, including Cob's material, and it's awesome!!!

Definitely looking forward to that.

Doesn't seem to be bad.

Code: [Select]

     000000a58eb2be7d3bce0a462c05db01e67d4bad              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-14T21:55:14         1     N/A                  NO
     000000561d336a2d59ae9b55bf9b05550a1c56c6              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-14T21:55:31         0     YES                 YES
     0000002b43eddc9a80b07fa2a9d1b444504d49e5              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-18T22:06:00         2     YES                 YES
     0000001711c961d69b741e9e2eabc118f3a3958e              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-18T22:06:01         1     N/A                  NO
     000000305ebba802c4f0baa169691b96483364a1              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-18T22:11:32         1     YES                 YES
     0000004e22b1ef19bc7d2b0c068cef72e691525e              Unknown Delegate              0       137 2014-12-18T22:11:32         1     N/A                  NO

Currently I'm on 57626.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Updates. securing funds + march event
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:21:06 am »
We are right in the middle of an 8 day dev meetup.

This project has been narrowed down and prioritized. All I can say right now in a few sentences before we get back to work is that: THIS WILL BE HUGE.

We have stumbled upon many problems in the music industry that can be solved thru blockchain technology. This means the project could be HUGE. We are coming up with a logical step by step, prioritized MVP.

We still have a couple of days to work everything out.

Expect a massive update near the end of the pre-sale.

This will affect the timing or the DAC vs proto-DAC dates and all.

Any news on that?
I don't want to appear impatient but we are pretty much left in the dark regarding what is going on behind the scenes.
Would very much appreciate more frequent updates, as it would undoubtedly raise investor confidence.

General Discussion / Re: So disappoint about BTS
« on: December 17, 2014, 07:21:32 am »
The western has done a lot of great work so far , esp. on development . From what I've seen a lot of progress are coming out on the development front .

Maybe your disappointment should specifically towards the "official marketing effort"  .

Yes and the wallet has improved immensely.  I'm happy they've slowed down adding features and hope they make it as stable as possible.  I used to not find the wallet very usable while now it is quite stable.  Not as stable as software that has matured for years, but it is a huge improvement over the overly days.  The developers should be given credit.


Without a product, all the marketing in the world is worthless. I think we should be a bit more patient and once we feel that average Joe would be comfortable using our software we can talk about marketing.

Most of us here don't care when the client crashes a few times and we have to recover funds etc. Avg. Joe would be freaking out and most likely never touch our product again.

Hmm. BTER disabled BTS withdrawal for now :(
Hope they do consider taking the snapshot.

1000bitcny = 1005 cny

Wow, is this correct? Not the other way around?  :o

haha , they charge 1% extra for withdraw fiat CNY and other cryptos ....

Well, fair enough.
I always thought that 1% thing was only for BTS. (like on BTER)

1000bitcny = 1005 cny

Wow, is this correct? Not the other way around?  :o

General Discussion / Re: CFTC Chairman claims oversight on BTC Derivatives
« on: December 11, 2014, 10:43:09 pm »

INAL, but there are no contracts/underlying deliverable assets in bitshares, so they aren't derivatives

BitShares is basically a coin, like bitcoin, that has two bins of two different coins inside of it. The network only lets you trade one type for coins the other at a ratio determined by the network. Delegates are thus miners processing transactions, just like bitcoin.

Can someone explain why this is a problem for delegates in the US? Maybe I'm not seeing it.

We also continue to respond to market developments such as new products. Virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, are an example. Virtual currencies may raise issues for a number of governmental agencies. The CFTC's jurisdiction with respect to virtual currencies will depend on the facts and circumstances pertaining to any particular activity in question. While the CFTC does not have policies and procedures specific to virtual currencies like bitcoin, the agency’s authority extends to futures and swaps contracts in any commodity. The CEA defines the term commodity very broadly so that in addition to traditional agricultural commodities, metals, and energy, the CFTC has oversight of derivatives contracts related to Treasury securities, interest rate indices, stock market indices, currencies, electricity, and heating degree days, to name just a few underlying products.

Derivative contracts based on a virtual currency represent one area within our responsibility. Recently, for example, a SEF registered with us made such a contract available. Innovation is a vital part of our markets, and it is something that our regulatory framework is designed to encourage. At the same time, our regulatory framework is intended to prevent manipulation and fraud, and to make sure our markets operate with transparency and integrity. Our responsibilities at the CFTC in this regard are ongoing. It is important to emphasize that the existence of contract does not mean the CFTC endorses it. As with all new developments, we must remain vigilant to ensure market integrity, and will continue to evaluate these new contracts over time. We will also continue to coordinate with other regulatory authorities regarding the issues raised by virtual currencies as appropriate.

he does mention "the CFTC has oversight of derivatives contracts related to Treasury securities, interest rate indices, stock market indices, currencies, electricity, and heating degree days, to name just a few underlying products." But what if there are no contracts nor underlying assets (and no one underwriting or executing the trades?)

I think I get your point. The peg is merely maintained by free market forces. And it can thus fluctuate around the price of the asset it is pegged to. There is no contract that actually defines 1bitUSD=1USD. Its value is just determined by the majority belief of traders.

Although right now with the use of price feeds this argumentation is a bit limited. The feeds enforce the peg from outside. This is still no contract but it isn't completely free market either.

Well, interesting times are ahead of us. There are so many completely new approaches in the crypto 2.0 space, that we will have to rethink many fundamental models, rather than trying to apply old ones to this vastly different architecture.
Just like the internet changed the way we look at flow of information, this might change the way we look at flow of financial values.

General Discussion / Re: Is voting safe?
« on: December 11, 2014, 01:39:08 pm »
I remember the first time I voted watching all the shares leave and then that long pause as you "hope" they come back. It felt very scary but I have never had a problem with it.

Lol. Yes, I know exactly what you mean.

General Discussion / Re: Follow My Vote * Any Updates
« on: December 11, 2014, 07:22:08 am »
sounds promising ...

Still coding for bts while here.
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General Discussion / Re: what is bts_s1 ?
« on: December 10, 2014, 07:49:31 am »
oh thats good thank you for the info
another quetion
i do have bts in my wallet too
its syncing at the moment
will i see bts_s1 there too ?

No. You don't see them in your BTS wallet. Once the PLAY chain/wallet is released you can import your BTS wallet/priv keys into your PLAY wallet to receive your shares.

and wow
what i understand now is that for being into bts so early i get a reward? is it that ?
becouse if. i have to say never in my life i got something back from any financial system they used to take and take and take

Yes. Sharedrops are awesome!
And we are still prior to 1.0 and marketing push. The potential reward for holding is just ridiculously high imo.
And yes, hopefully we can help to build a fairer banking system for everyone.  :)

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