Author Topic: PTS - the insane gift that keeps on giving!  (Read 42533 times)

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I am a big fan of PTS!

I invested 0.75 cent of electricity....

This explains a lot...

Offline Frodo

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Hope you aren't serious.

Why? He is not wrong, is he?

Well I don't question the importance and good returns of early PTS investors. (As I am one myself.) But he clearly doesn't get the value of BitShares. (If this post is serious, which I still doubt)

My point is - fuck you BTS suckers! - it is all for the greatest of all - PTS! The BEEEEEStest of all share drop target - read my lips 'ME'.

We will do what it takes to send them PTS to the moon - BTS is just a tools to do it!
PTS the the best gold pupping coin in the world!

  ...and BTS is just a tool for our greatness!

Is he wrong about that? Judge for yourself.

BTS is the actual product, BTS provides useful features and thus adds value to the ecosystem. And not only BTS but MUSIC and PLAY. PTS is merely an altcoin that represents a good demographics for airdropping. It doesn't do anything useful compared to every other altcoin.

Without BTS and all the great DACs following, PTS would be worth nothing. But do whatever you think is right, dump all BTS and buy PTS with it, good luck with that.

Offline Rune

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This is a sarcastic attempt at saying PTS is still getting unfair rewards after they diluted BTS 25%.

I fully agree, PTS and AGS should not exist anymore. We paid millions of dollars for their features to be rolled into BTS. Its simply not fair that they continue to get sharedrops, unless we also take the diluted 25% back.

Offline ag

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PTS holders were the earliest investors in bitshares. good for them... good for jshow555  :) maybe it got too much to his head though.


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Offline Frodo

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Offline jshow5555

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I am a big fan of PTS!

I invested 0.75 cent of electricity and I have thousands worth of BTS!

If this was not good enough, they gave me my PTS back! Nice....
That and almost 10% more BTS for killing PTS...awesome!

Then their main promoter declared them dead (for a while). I decided, PTS is so cool, dead or not I should have more... For a fraction of the price.

Bingo! He started promoting them again. So my new (undead) PTS are worth what I paid for them...but it does not stop there... the promoter's son said - screw those BTS holders our test_BTS will give all it can to PTS, and we even might dilute BTS, to support Devshares.

It is soooo cool for us PTS holders [and it should be cause we are the coolest of all cool] to get 100x for each of our shares compared to the BTS suckers. What? It is their test chain? Who cares, we the better breed!

So far so good - expecting nice returns from Sparkle as well!

My point is - fuck you BTS suckers! - it is all for the greatest of all - PTS! The BEEEEEStest of all share drop target - read my lips 'ME'.

We will do what it takes to send them PTS to the moon - BTS is just a tools to do it!
PTS the the best gold pupping coin in the world!

  ...and BTS is just a tool for our greatness!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 09:52:21 am by jshow5555 »