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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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General Discussion / Re: So I clicked the "cover" button...
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:22:37 pm »

General Discussion / Re: So I clicked the "cover" button...
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:22:19 pm »
Cover transfers USD from your account to the MARGIN position canceling out some or all of the USD owed.  If the USD owed goes to 0, then the BTSX is transferred back to your account.

No market operations occur during a manual cover.

I'm still not quite sure what's going on here, so I'll keep asking questions...

What triggers a cover to pop up in my open order window?  I noticed last night after I bought some bitUSD and held, I never had a cover "opportunity" (is that the correct perspective?) pop up.

...the gears are turning, but I haven't quite connected the dots yet and I'm working to struggle through this before googling for answers.

Look up the stats on the investment holdings of Gen X, Millenneals and Generation Z. They are holding cash/debt instruments and are under-exposed to income-generating assets.

The Boomers benefited from the 1960-2000 stock market run and are generally comfortable with investing in the stock markets.

The generations that followed have witnessed one horrible crash after another. The SP500 has not moved much since the 2000s and the volatility has been absurd. Just pull the 50 year SP500 chart.

The younger generations do not trust Wall Street with their money. Popular opinion is that Wall Street, Big Bank and Big Gov are all in bed together and conspire to funnel wealth from the general public.

But the younger generations are also highly educated and understand the need to invest in income producing assets. They just don't support the status quo and have voted with their feet.

You want a tidal wave of capital? Market bitShares to the GenX/Z/Millennials as the investment for a new generation. A technologically and morally superior alternative to Wall Street.

BTSX is not subject to the corruption of Wall Street, Big Bank, Big Gov.

You could show some slick market cap graphs and use phrases like "It's your turn."

The mobile interface is critical, but the message should not be "buy BTSX because we have cool doodads". It should be "BTSX is a profitable way to invest without trusting Wall Street/Big Bank/Big Gov with your money. We understand how you prefer to carry out business, so here are some best-of-class mobile apps to make things quick, convenient and easy."


I'm a millennial myself and have NOTHING in the stock market.

General Discussion / So I clicked the "cover" button...
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:08:59 pm »
This may be a dumb question, but I have a feeling that other people are probably in the same boat.

I clicked the green cover button under open orders; result: It appears I now have more btsx..

What did I do? (with regards to market mechanics)
Are there any negative effects I should expect in the future?
"Green" button means "press here", right?
What do I need to know about margin orders?

I'm working to further my understanding of margin calls and could use a good overview / ELI5

General Discussion / Re: Exponential Finance Conference
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:25:28 am »
Awesome!! Thanks CLains - added to my queue, hope to watch it later today :)

I think **mobile** [wallet] and **gamification** [of the market] will be 2 large sectors to focus on with regards to the younger market.  If you can make it fun for them to learn and make money - you're in.

Have I missed payouts to anyone?

Shared on Twitter and Facebook
Twitter: @JohnStrip

Name of BTS Account: Strip

Thank you!


Shared on Twitter + FB

dots @ twitter


Thank you :)

What is your btsx address?

Walking my dog while refreshing constantly, then texting everyone I know

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Have I missed payouts to anyone?

Keep spreading the word!  We're up to over 12,000 people for social reach. 

Marketing guys - we could use some folks that have a ton of followers (100k+) - who do you know that you can directly ask to support this?

Supported with Twitter and FB
twitter account is @capital108

My key is : BTSX7aU5PdBpz2c9yvyPGWn2Px1n74cANUpZ8Momf4mGy1pGKBDk9B
Name of the account is : jed-account-1

Thanks !

Thanks Jed, sent!

I was thinking that including a link to a recording of the webinar mentioned here: (considering it is past the date of when the Thunderclap hits)

Might reduce the barrier to BTSX for those who want to get involved and aren't sure where to start after seeing the Thunderclap campaign.

Great idea!  If this webinar is recorded before the 4th of Sep, I'll definitely update and edit campaign to include it.

Great work today everyone - we're already at 30% and counting with a social reach of over 7,000!  11 days left in the campaign, I have no doubt it will reach 100% support - anyone think we can hit a social reach of 1,000,000?!

I do.  :D

Alright gang - A quick update with the Thunderclap page.

I was able to directly embed the YouTube video.  I'm also working on a custom banner and background image... perhaps cass will have something already available to use.. ;)

For the link in the title, would you rather:

supported with both facebook and tumblr. +300 social reach

Thanks Akado!  btsx addy?

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