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Messages - bitmarket

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I am freaking amazed we have any new signups at all.   I am on step 12. Its 2 pages long so far, and I got stuck and could not complete the registration of a TITAN address.

This is not a bitch and moan though. The exact opposite. I know registration and funding of accounts will be able to be done in 5 minutes within the next 2-3 months. 

That is why I am so excited. We already have a huge following, are the 4th biggest alt, have nearly $1 million in bitAssets floating around, have an epic core dev team, and a great team of marketers plotting on dozens of different fronts.   Q1 '15 is going to be so amazing I will not know what to do with myself.

To achieve what we have with such a high barrier to entry really is testimony to how big this is going to be when it is GrandMa ready.

Hold on people!

Oh... and can anyone tell me where to find the private key in the client?

I bet in these hundred pages, it is said somewhere, but where do I find the bts string I need to send you?

PS, it is not for me.  I am writing a how to for someone, and i cant recall how I did.

General Discussion / Re: New Marketing Opportunity
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:00:06 pm »
I will do it.  I have pm'd you.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets and Market Pegs - What are Price Feeds?
« on: November 14, 2014, 01:07:18 am »
Your a rockstar. Thankyou.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets and Market Pegs - What are Price Feeds?
« on: November 14, 2014, 12:21:57 am »
Price Feed - median of feed prices provided by delegates and is updated as often as the community demands delegates update, usually after large price moves and at least once per day.

So if 101 delegates update price once a day, that is on average one data point every 15 minutes or so.  But you say it is the median.  Meaning you have to have a number of them.  So how often is the median taken?  What is that formula?

I am trying to assertain in what time period, would the price of bts have to crash by 66% in order for my bitUSD to be uncovered.  Thanks.

+5% to this idea.

Just one comment to this, most of these porn users are not tech savvy and subscription to this is mostly less $5/mon, they probably prefer hassle free than a discount. Too early to target porn users because bitshares has no simple wallet and mobile wallet yet.

Why not target hosting sites first? the customers are webmasters, tech savvy and payment are all subscription.

just my 2 cents

Agreed all of this is contingent on easy web wallet and super easy on/off ramps being available.  the on/off ramp is sorted, jut not public yet.  the wallet is in dev.

General Discussion / Re: Slogans?
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:18:33 am »
I like the original, but bitUSD is the product not bts.

Why bank when you can bitUSD?
Why bank when you can bitDollars?

Very good ideas. 

Porn uses funnel pages, squeeze pages, and info pages.  You need to convince people to want to use bitUSD or even bitshares or any bitAsset.  Make affiliate programs where people can convince other people to join so they get a commission as well.  clickbank comes to mind.

bitmarket, are you starting this, whose support do you need for the 2k a month delegate?  Fuz's?  Also breakdown the money aspect of the 2k a month, where will the money be going exactly.

I don't need a delegate position for this at the moment.

Myself and partners are doing due diligence on this niche as we speak along with a few others.  I was just pretty excited about this and shared.

These marketing plans/funnels/graphics etc take months to make.   Biggest challenge we have at the moment it getting dev team to believe in a specific vision and sticking with it a couple of months to build it out.  They spend a couple of months building tech, we spend a couple of months building marketing around what we asked for and it all comes together nicely at the right time.  That is the goal.   Time will tell if we can achieve that.   Its quite a mission with a decentralized community.


Giving away free samples of ownership certificates makes little sense. Giving away free samples of your product to a targeted demographic in limited way makes a lot of sense.

General Discussion / Re: Merchant Marketing Pitch
« on: November 08, 2014, 07:58:38 am »
Additional important features:

1. No reserves held. Receive 100% of the payment immediately.
2. No credit check or history required. Everyone accepted.

General Discussion / Re: Draft Pitch for new
« on: November 07, 2014, 06:13:18 pm »
I dont think most people know what collateralized  is.

At present we are imagining it like this.

Merchant saves 40% by using bitUSD and offers to pass 20% savings on to customers.

At checkout page customer sees banner in the payment options section. "Pay anonymously and get a 20% discount by using bitUSD" or "Protect your privacy and get a 20% discount by using bitUSD" [hypelink]What is bitUSD?[/hyperlink]

Customer clicks on link.    Goes to a very nice corporate site.  Watches a short animated video (3mins) on how cool bitusd is. How he can download wallet(desktop or phone) and fund it within 60 seconds(cool on ramp not yet public) + spend it at legitimate non porn places like XYZ + with absolute anonymity + that some merchants offer discounts to use bitUSD because bitUSD is so awesome it saves them merchant fees + you earn real interest while the bitusd is in your account, so feel free to get a few extra bitUSD (more than you need for this next purchase)

Once user has funded wallet they are returned to the referring merchant.

Points to note:
Our site is professional. It feels like an Amex black card site.
Our site works for all merchants not just porn sites. Porn will be able to make 20-40% discounts where as Amazon will only be able to give 2% discounts, but it all works the same.
We will have there email address and can follow up with informative videos how they can get the "cool new CD like accounts" that pay higher interest than there bank and they may want to park some USD there.
If we can figure out some cool way to make more money on the back end (or get community support donation/dilution/delegate pay)  we can pay an army of sales people to approach businesses in all niches OR give customers a free $5 sample to try us out, or some combination.

Now do me a favor.  Don't make me regret making this post.  Things change and change a lot. Even though deadlines have not been offered, if they were they would be not met. Dont complain this is not happening fast enough or not at all. This will not even be attempted until the product is where it needs to be.

Bm confirmed the funds need not be present to set the schedule.  Thus acting just like a real bank account. The funds will go out if the money is present.  I have asked some follow up questions. I will post them here when answered.

Consumers get:

    Discount on products(If merchant passes them along) +
    Privacy +
    Free samples of bitUSD(possibly if we can make it work. Either delegate funds of other ideas the marketers have)

Merchants get:

    Zero chargebacks
    Zero processing fees
    Zero reserves required
    Potential increased conversions because they offer customers privacy and discounts
    No credit check
    No history required
    Friendlier to banks (Can bank domestically easily. Save on bank and wire fees)

Cons for the customer

    Have to spend 5 minutes downloading a wallet and loading a balance on it before he can get back to jerking off. (Cool on ramps in place but not public yet.)

Cons for the merchant:

    Potential drop in conversions because customer must leave the porn site to learn about bitUSD and might jerk off to this awesome new decentralized bank (like me) and not worry about porn anymore.
    Potentially the stick rate(number of monthly payments the merchant gets) will suffer, depending on the implementation and user habits

Imagine loading a browser-based wallet with a few bitUSD and grabbing videos a la cart for a buck or two... or paying cam girls directly.

A la carte video and tipping cam girls can be achieved equally well with any crypto.  It is the recurring billing we have a monopoly on.

Sure, but the stability, transaction time and TITAN put bitUSD miles ahead of any other existing crypto.

But the network effects put us miles behind.  It will be easier to go after a market that bitcoin cannot go after.

This is the golden ticket, period.  We could create some really interesting viral marketing campaigns around it.  Is it possible to add incentives for individuals to push bitUSD to these different high risk markets?  For example, if Joe Smith contacts PornPalce123 and convince them to use bitUSD, is there any way to compensate or is this maybe a paid delegate position?

How about starting your own 'bounty delegate'?

This is just a dedicated marketing delegate.

$2k/month to hit up porn sites and cam girls?

Should be a long line of qualified candidates - and we'd only need one or two to make a huge impact.

Porn delegate? Don't forget the brothels and strip joints. Smut delegate? Booze, drugs, and bail bondsmen. Sin delegate?

Oh the ideas I've had.  I would be glad to let people know behind the scenes (perhaps using the mumble server) of these ideas.  But lets just say it could eventually reach much farther.  Unfortunately, I often wonder if this is best done with another SuperDAC like BTS, only created to have the functionality of what coins like SXC were attempting to do.  The only reason i say this is because having all these things tied to one DAC could cut us off to huge markets.  For instance, what if BTS placement in the Porn Industry is used in a smear campaign to keep our voting system from being utilized? 

Then we gain one huge market just to lose another.

Very interested to hear thoughts.  PM me is you wish.

The relationship of bitUSD to the adult industry would be similar to bitcoin to gambling sites.  bitUSD has  many squeaky clean uses, but one industry has taken a special shining to it.

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