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Messages - merlin0113

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General Discussion / Re: Did any news just happen?
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:59:05 am »
WHoever made this deal is the best marketing we have ever had.

The bitCNY peg will be REAL now.


General Discussion / Re: Did any news just happen?
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:56:57 am »
bitCNY is now equal to CNY, 1:1. Great news +5% +5% +5% +5%

Perhaps we should give whoever behind this to make this deal with btc38 happened a paid delegate position, just as a bonus.

General Discussion / Re: Did any news just happen?
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:32:51 am »
I strongly recommend you guys cancell sell order ASAP and have a nice ride, LOL

General Discussion / Re: Did any news just happen?
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:31:01 am »
Yes, THE news is btc38 just announced it's approval of bitcny deposit.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: [求助]关于长期持有short单问题
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:11:59 am »
现在系统要求30内必须平仓,有没有办法长期持有?(毕竟长期持有也是对BTA的支持和对BTS长期看好。)重新short又要跟喂价动态浮动,没法自买自卖。临近30天的时候价格又不好,又没爆仓,却要被强平。死忠又要被伤害一次了。 :-[求助


I have the same exact problem several days ago. My OS is also WIN7 64bit, wallet version 0.4.24.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Questions for Bytemaster
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:28:51 pm »
Do we know this for a fact, or is it speculation?

2 months ago we were complaining that every thought of BM and others were instantly posted here.
Now they keep a radio silence on the marketing campaign.
Everyone would really like to know what is planned, but if it gives the competition a chance to run with it, please don't even give us a glimpse.

I think Brian's hands are tied at the moment, the planned marketing campaign, will probably need some of the new features. On/off ramps etc...

So before we start asking for Brians head, let's just wait a bit longer and see what they have planned for us.

The marketing has ALWAYS been radio silent, it's not something new. The only evidence we have of work Brian has done so far is the botched website, which weeks later still says "why bank when you can bitshare" and has a stock photo of life buoy on the front page (it's a wordpress theme so anyone could fix that in less than 10 minutes).

I have simply not seen any evidence that Brian is worth the AGS funds we've paid him (and that we inflated BTS 25% to get control of). I form my opinions only based on evidence, so all the "be patient" doesn't work on me at all. I realize BTS will be extremely successful no matter what, but that doesn't make it any less unfair that someone should get a huge stake for nothing, and the fact that brian isn't even defending himself here is seriously annoying me.

The truth is that if there actually was some big push planned by him we would have already known details of it. People have been complaining about marketing for months, and he would have gone public with parts of his plans long ago, to protect his own interests and secure his bonus. The only scenario where it makes sense for him to keep everything silent is if he has got nothing. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt (and I already have), but this is the only logical conclusion I arrive at from the evidence we have seen.

If we're lucky he has actually been hiding a plan from us this entire time. In that case now is the time for us to force him to reveal it.

Can some one detail the job description of our Marketing Director? Before we putting any blames on someone, we should know what he is responsible for. Which is more important this JD clarification will make employee have no excuses as well as make employee have the right to make decision. I just don't see any Director STYLE when BM have the total control of marketing moves at all. BM is much appreciated to give his instructions, of course, but the marketing director should have the final call anyway which certainly is not the case right now.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Questions for Bytemaster
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:48:01 am »
A better question to ask is...
"Will a nice wallet and protocol v1 be done before the end of this month?"

Not a chance. Unless you mean december.

I'm assuming he meant December.

The wallet will never be perfect, it shouldn't be an excuse not to start the marketing.

Bytemaster wants to finish up the core features so he can put out a 1.0 release and then not hard fork it for 6 months.  That way the new adopters brought in by the marketing can see a ready product and not have to download a new version over and over any more.

We are all aware of the "sector" we are in is change rapidly, right? In this case, one month delay of major marketing moves is necessary but also a luxury. Thus if this is a smart delay or stupid one yet to be see.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Questions for Bytemaster
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:38:58 pm »
I think it's time for doing things  in a milestone manner. Start with the official documentation, perhaps? Oh right, who is fitted under this JD? Officially i mean?


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 要在乎价格,拉升bts,做多bts!
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:14:46 am »


目前市场引擎多空交易不对等,依靠利息来拉平内外盘的价差加上月度强制空单平仓,在长周期内有一定效果,例如以天为单位的锚定是可行的,但涉及到小时,或者分钟级别,这个制度设计就比较粗略,难以达到小时时间刻度下的精确锚定,即在这类精度下,存在锚定上的价差,时间上表现为时差。若需要消除小时包括分钟级别时间刻度下价差,系统需新增short BTS的市场引擎,奠定市场多空交易方向上的平衡,从而可以在小时级别,包括分钟级别上对内外盘价格的精确锚定。


事实上,市场早就对比特资产的重要性有过定价。在比特股刚刚上线初期,那时候比特资产还处于开发阶段,其可行性尚未被证明,那时候比特股价格一直在0.04 - 0.08元人民币的低位价格区间浮动;比特资产的上线一度成为价格的分水岭,当时比特股迅速从小于0.06元涨至最高0.3489元。虽然比特资产的可行性已经得到了证明,然而就像一切新生事物一样,比特资产在诞生之初难免有一些缺陷与不成熟,导致像BitCNY这样的比特资产难以推广使用,而市场再一次用价格传达了最有力的信号,最近比特股价格的下跌便是佐证。



对于BitCNY的成功,我们dacsun团队一直深信不疑。当然BitCNY的普及使用 并不会平白无故地发生,我们衷心地希望BTS社区的每一位成员能够团结一致,在BitCNY承兑上线后,为BitCNY的支付应用贡献自己的一份力量。当然,我们dacsun团队也会献上自己的一份力,为社区成员推广BitCNY提供奖励和支持,也会调动我们的一切媒体资源,为比特资产的推广添砖加瓦。


English version is here :



比如以上说的改进 利息计算法,一个月结算期限等,这些系统的文档还没有,怎么推广?

我想代码里有。市场部的需要自主思考工作,有点迷惑市场部的职责到底是啥呢,也许就是接受采访,沟通信息吧。这样的话,这块不能靠论坛的人自发搞,毕竟太专业和重要了。需要雇佣新的专长团队来搞文档,We need SOP documentation.

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