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Messages - sschechter

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KeyID / Re: KeyID v0.0.3 - MANDATORY UPDATE - key graph and updated fees
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:26:53 am »
The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

For 0.0.x releases I feel that's exactly what we're signing up for. You are correct your customers would fire you but you also wouldn't release 0.0.x software to your customers.

So our choices are understand this is pre alpha open source software we're helping to develop by lending a hand testing and posting issues or wait for the 1.0 version that's polished.

I don't buy this pre alpha thing - this is no longer the test network.  You spent/trade/lose your funds, they're gone for good. Pre alpha software doesn't house millions of dollars worth of equity.

Every hour toast spends doing stuff like builds, is an hour not spent of developing non-critical functionality. Opportunity costs are just as wasteful as expenses. Poor first impressions also have a cost.  Oftentimes, saving money today will cost you in the long run.

Toast - don't think I am directing this specifically at you.  These resources should have been available months ago working on BitSharesX.  Development funds for DNS should go to developing DNS specific features.  Testing and configuration should come from AGS funds, because there is much overlap in common architecture between DACs (ie supporting the industry).

If I3 is having trouble recruiting non-blockchain personnel, than you guys ought to give serious consideration to relocating the office to a tech hub.

KeyID / Re: KeyID v0.0.3 - MANDATORY UPDATE - key graph and updated fees
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:32:24 am »
Yep... I am positive posting here greatly improves the compiling speed of toast's machine...

Ok I've been meaning to write a full post about  this.....but I will try to keep it short and sweet. Please correct me if I'm out of line, I'm basing my judgement on what it looks like from the outside, but.....

Where the fuck is the dev-ops engineer????
And a full time QA????  Can we have at least one?????

We've donated millions of dollars to the AGS fund to build the industry.  Can we not scimp on CRITICAL manpower and infrastructure?

We are throwing money away every time toast needs to do a build (and enhancing developer stress levels).  Time equals money and this is grunt work of a lower paid specialist.  I get that finding blockchain developers is difficult, and this is cutting edge stuff.  But testers are a dime a dozen, and a local dev-ops engineer should be easy enough to find too.

The rate that we have seen bad builds, builds for particular systems not ready, bugs that break markets, just looks like amateur hour.  Its irresponsible to be developing multi million dollar software that wants to be multi billion dollar software, and to not have reliable, trusted builds, that won't require immediate patching because of showstopping bugs.  Geez if I told the customers in my industry that they had to build from source, they would probably say 'fuck off, we're not paying you.'  The members of the forum are still customers - not an internal test team.

//end rant


General Discussion / Re: Better than Bitcoin Interview with Bit N Mortar
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:15:31 am »
Its a polymorphic digital asset!  8)

General Discussion / Re: Open Bazaar
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:45:39 pm »
3) In late August they said they don't have a funding plan but will think of one

I wonder what the success rate is for prior companies to make that statement....

OpenBazaar is not a company, it is open source non-profit freeware.

I wonder what the success rate is for open source non-profit freeware projects that don't have a funding plan...

General Discussion / Re: Better than Bitcoin Interview with Bit N Mortar
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:33:46 pm »
One thing I don't understand is why is it necessary to tell people Bitcoin is a company (an unprofitable one) not a currency. Firstly, I don't really understand the logic of why it cannot be considered a currency. But secondly if people want to think of Bitcoin as a currency, that's fine, because its not in direct competition with Bitshares. As I am a bit confused, maybe others are, so is it really a key marketing point?

From a BTS/DAC perspective, Bitcoin definitely resembles shares more so than a currency. The shares happen to be in an unprofitable company.

It's a great marketing pitch. When it clicks, there's an "ah-ha!" moment of understanding. Followed by a smug grin.

Yeah, one of the Larimers' early metaphors was that Bitcoin is a company that pays 100% of revenue and a huge dilution subsidy to security guards (aka miners). That really clicked with me, and is one of the reasons I'm with BitShares today.


Because using the wrong metaphor enables those to make all sorts of irrational excuses as to why their investment is losing money....

General Discussion / Re: Open Bazaar
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:29:30 pm »
3) In late August they said they don't have a funding plan but will think of one

I wonder what the success rate is for prior companies to make that statement....

General Discussion / Re: Our most immediate needs: a good wallet
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:37:48 pm »
we're working on a new wallet GUI .. also Bitsapphire is working on an alternative wallet... stay tuned ....

I'm really looking forward to it!

My feature request:
Please allow for multiple tabs / windows for markets, along with a dashboard  or overlay that is visible on every screen with pertinent information (ie user name, funds, ticker). This would greatly increase the utility of the market and allow the user to enter trades quickly

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD Slogans & Memes
« on: October 11, 2014, 02:28:49 am »
This is already a meme  :)

BitUSD: "But what happens if it goes to zero??"

Why the f_ would you choose "bytemaster420" as your forum name?

You go on ignore after your very first post!

'And if his name did not win the minds of the audience, his intelligent yet funny post won their hearts.'
Dzian Dzion Dguu - Middle ages Mexican Philosopher.

lol, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Note pre-sale is live!
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:08:54 pm »
Perhaps it may be worthwhile to edit your post and introduce yourself and list your credentials. You certainly haven't been hiding who are are in real life, so it would probably help to make that distinction in your BCT post

Am I going to get an email from Porter Stansberry hawking BitShares?  Please tell me yes, lol

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Article mention on Coindesk for PeerTracks
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:15:05 pm »

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShares Music non-technical paper. Updated.
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:45:47 pm »
What determines the price of a song?

The artist.

What determines the price of an Iphone cover on ebay? The seller!
ebay has no say in how much a product sells for on their platform.

Is there any other selling model? For example, Google Music has 'monthly subscription' that you can listen to whatever you want with $9.99/month. In Taiwan, east asia and many other places, people would prefer this model than paying for each song. Considering this mode does not mean to invest any specific artist, I think the fee for monthly subscription should charged as Notes, and then:
1. shared between artists.
2. or used to buy and burn artistcoins of songs that were listened.

It might be too ambitious to roll out all at once, but I do see potential for multiple streams of income.  In a subscription based (or free ad based) model, you can pay the artist in proportion to how many listens they received, while using a weighting system to increase the pay/airtime on artists who get voted up while decreasing the pay/airtime for those who get voted down.   

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD Slogans & Memes
« on: October 10, 2014, 05:51:53 am »
Digitize You Dollars

PTS snapshot has been taken for Bitshares MUSIC.
Check your PTS_S4 balance at
Trade PTS at

 +5% I can confirm that my account has been credited with PTS_S4 the same amount as my PTS balance during the snapshot.   So far I have been impressed with this exchange. Nice work!

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