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Messages - seraphim

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MemoryCoin / List of supporters
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:49:20 pm »
People who are activly taking part at the moment

me: English and German
Banch: Finnish, English, little Swedish
Andhar: Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, English
testz: Russian, English
tomorrow: Chinese, English
pvaladares: Portugese, English

MemoryCoin / Re: One pool with almost 100% hashpower
« on: December 26, 2013, 07:16:34 pm »
Currently there is one pool with almost 100% hashpower. It makes MemoryCoin very unsecure at the moment.

We definitely should do something with it.
The creator has sold the source code to "a few" people.

Personally I feel it should be opensourced.

Still got a few days until they create pools :S has the damage already been done?
I am asking how much it will cost to buy, but I imagine it is a ridiculous sum. I would have a pool up by this evening however.

Opesourced to community of greedy, selfish miners who don't mind to mine with every bit of cpu power they can get for free or steal? Hmm, what could possibly be wrong with this?
The fact that they are already doing this, but on a pool that can damage the network
Not this early. You do not want to 51% the coin you have income in, that would kill it right away.

On the contrary -- this is the perfect time to cement your own business and damage everyone else. You don't have to destroy the currency as such, you *are* supporting it, but are the only party who can mine as much as desired -- and you can let others mine, or not mine as you please.
Until, say difficulty rises and you lose interest.

It is *really* bad idea to release new crypto currencies without already designed mechanism to start pools -- with open source software. People will mine anyway -- making sure that only few will have the privilege to benefit from this is bad. Wasting lots of resources by building closed source "sort of works" pools is expensive for everyone.
I don't mind the serverside being closed source as long as there is at least 6 other pools. It does work well in all fairness but one person should not have this much power.

I got the feeling that the MMC community doesn't mind single persons being in power.
One pool, one marketing guy, one supporter. My proposal to create a team of supporters didn't get a single reaction since it's been posted 7 hours ago...

MemoryCoin / [CSO] Support team status
« on: December 26, 2013, 12:45:18 pm »
Who are we?
We're a team of people trying our best to help you out in every possible way :)
To accomplish this we are looking for ways to reward people writing guides, translating them, helping with individual problems and whatever may be helpful to make your MMC experience as flawless as possible.
At the moment the team needs to be extended with people from outside of europe - if you want to contribute please message me!
If you made some great contribution, message me!

Who am I?
I'm a 31 years old guy from northern germany called Michael. Rent and food get paid by a part-time job as PHP developer for a small machine trading company.
Free software has always been one of my passions, I'm working and playing with linux since more than 10 years.
My first contact with cryptocurrencies was in 2010. When protoshares started this november I was amazed by the possibilities the concept of DACs offers, since then I've been an enthusiastic part of the pts/bts community.

Why should I be CSO and manage all this?
I got some experience in managing "decentralized" teams. There's never been real money involved, so there may be some hard discussion about payouts. This is welcome, feel free to take part in the process of collecting ideas.
My "real" job only takes 4 hours a day, during which I'm available on irc. So I could easily spend 8-12 hours a day working for the success of MMC.
As a helpful person I already spend a lot of time on the bitsharestalk forum and multiple irc channels, trying to help people get their problems solved.
With my experience on linux and cryptos I'm able to get a lot of problems fixed. Not only for users, the idea to use Kimotos "Gravity Well" for diff adjustment was mine for example.
If I get elected, I will hire more supporters. My plan is to get people from different countries, so that there's always someone online who can help out with problems, no matter what time or season. Additionally I want to reward the people helping others even if they are not official supporters.

Any other plans?
With there's already a nice web page. I want to stay in close contact with the creator and include as much support information as possible on that site, so there's a central point for all information.
The payout for the position is really high imho, so if there's a lot of coins left after rewarding supporters I will regularly offer giveaways to get newbies started.
Of course I will work together with the other officers, to keep you all updated about the current development.
There are several ideas how to create a knowledge database or ticket system, and more to come. Keep an eye on this thread to keep updated!

If you like what we're doing make sure to support our work by voting for me as CSO. Just send 0.00000001 MMC to MVTEcsoL9GvfezMUgEDnhr7ioRAsByuTAv

Deutsch (German) / Re: Verkaufe Domain [250$ in BTC/LTC/PTS]
« on: December 25, 2013, 04:57:11 pm »
Mal ganz im Ernst ChekaZ...
Natürlich haben hier einige Leute Interesse an der Domain. Allerdings nicht zur (ausschließlich) persönlichen Bereicherung, sondern in unser aller Interesse.
Wieso sollte eine einzelne Person unverhältnismäßig viel Geld hinlegen, und dann auch noch Arbeit reinstecken, damit die gesamte Community profitiert?

Solltest du selbst PTS halten, tu dir und uns den Gefallen und übergib die Domain jemandem, der etwas sinnvolles draus macht.
Solltest du keine PTS halten, so hoffe ich dass niemand so doof ist und dir für deine Gier auch noch Kohle in den Rachen wirft.

Unglaublich, die Denke mancher Leute...

MemoryCoin / Re: [Trading] Trading and Escrow
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:02:56 pm »
I think this service won't be necessary any more (not that anyone would have used it).

How come my wallet is (out of sync), its been open for a long time and it does nothing? I've tried to add the nodes mentioned here to my help>debug>console with no change.

Once I get the wallet working, I would then ask my exchange to send the MemoryCoin into my PTS wallet?

You need a memorycoin wallet for your memorycoins.

I don't know a lot, but here's what I understood:

1 - the client is java at the moment, but there are plans for native clients
2 - the people who invested btc (see 3) still discuss how much code should be open sourced at which point of development. they are truely afraid of copycats
3 - something around 70 people invested, max 1 btc per person, a total of 21 btc, before launch. they are called stakeholders and 1 billion nxt have been divided between them
4 - they're not mining, no new coins are issued. it's all proof of stake. generating a block only pays the transaction fees (min. 1 nxt/tx)

The proof of stake system seems to be quite good. they had heavy ddos-attacks yesterday, and at some points there have been several forks of the blockchain. But it all resolved somehow without user interaction.

MemoryCoin / Re: [Trading] Trading and Escrow
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:17:23 pm »
I added a general warning in the op. Can a mod please clean this thread from everything which is not a WTS/WTB?

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:49:35 pm »
In this case it will import only recieved coins. Mined ones will not be imported =\ So in general question is how to import mined coins

That's new to me. Did you mine those on a pool, or solo?

They were solo mined

They should be on a seperate address for each block, if they're not imported with the wallet.dat you'll need to find out those addresses.

MemoryCoin / Re: Pool: before we have proper pool let's start "small pools"
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:32:13 pm »
A pool doesn't "combine" hash power in any other way. Everyone's mining, someone finds a block, everyone gets something from it.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:30:29 pm »
So your saying to take the protoshare dat file and make it the dat file in one Mmc wallet app and the transfer those coins to a completely different wallet?
I attempted to import all the private keys from protoshares to Mmc but I got a error code -4. Thanks for the help

I encountered error -4 once, it was because i forgot unlocking the wallet using walletpassphrase.

In this case it will import only recieved coins. Mined ones will not be imported =\ So in general question is how to import mined coins

That's new to me. Did you mine those on a pool, or solo?

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:37:28 am »
The easiest way to get all your mmc is using the protoshares wallet.dat for your memorycoin client. You should have an address on another wallet, where you can transfer the redeemed coins.

The details:
Your wallet consists of a lot of addresses, which your client will create and use "at will". While this is a good thing in terms of anonymity and usability, it can become cumbersome if you want to import private keys to another wallet. In our case you either had one address you put everything on before block 32k, or you will have to import multiple private keys. If you don't know which addresses your coins were on at that time, you will need to import all private keys (listaddressgroupings doesn't show transactions, it shows all your addresses). Importing the whole wallet works, but there may be problems later because the wallet was created by another software. To avoid this you should move the coins to an address from a wallet created by the memorycoin client.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:43:34 pm »
the priv key differs from the address...

General Discussion / Re: Escrow, DAC
« on: December 20, 2013, 04:24:04 pm »
If the DAC could verify the transactions on the blockchain it would be possible for Customer to get his shares back when Merchant doesn't deliver.

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