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Messages - liondani

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I have read the money expenditure of MSC roughly ,  they only spend 947 BTC so far ,
but III have spended 1319 BTC and 33955 PTS

Which one spend the money most  efficient is more importand!  So I am still happy I invested on bitshares.I can still trust them and have faith on them. That would not be the case with mastercoin...

General Discussion / Re: What do you guys think about Darkcoin?
« on: May 23, 2014, 07:25:49 am »
Quote from: xeroc

My guess ... people are dumb and mix up darkwallet, darkmarket and darkcoin...

If that is true let's "rename" pts2 to Protodark or Darkshares, dark sounds like DAC anyway   :)

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 997D using Tapatalk

General Discussion / Re: BitShares PTS2 - Community Input Thread
« on: May 22, 2014, 11:34:02 pm »
Bitshares PTS is up at least 15% in the market since they announced this. If you don't like this upgrade, then why not sell now?

All newbies care for the investors here and wish they invest ... elsewere. Am I missing something?
Do you really believe they are invested on PTS ?

I wish, I have invested as little as you 'dani' and posted more, so I have more weight in your eyes!

I just observed lately a lot of new accounts that comment mostly in a pessimistic way...
I know you are heavy-invested and well known  8)

Bitshares PTS is up at least 15% in the market since they announced this. If you don't like this upgrade, then why not sell now?

All newbies "care" for the investors here  :P and wish they take their investments ... elsewere. Am I missing something?
Do you really believe they are invested on PTS ?

We have newbies calling others newbies? That is funny.

Yes I am a newbie too  :)
You caught me  :)

General Discussion / Re: BitShares PTS2 - Community Input Thread
« on: May 22, 2014, 11:08:56 pm »
Bitshares PTS is up at least 15% in the market since they announced this. If you don't like this upgrade, then why not sell now?

All newbies "care" for the investors here  :P and wish they take their investments ... elsewere. Am I missing something?
Do you really believe they are invested on PTS ?

General Discussion / Re: BitShares PTS2 - Community Input Thread
« on: May 22, 2014, 10:58:08 pm »
Wow, I wonder why PTS is up 31.6% on

Back in the Top Ten!

Any theories?

market manipulation?  :P

PS Back in the Top Seven for "24h volume"

General Discussion / Re: BitShares PTS2 - Community Input Thread
« on: May 22, 2014, 10:19:22 pm »
How many PTS do we need in the new snapshot to get a ride in Stan's Bentley ?

Edit - BOOTH BABES !!!! Yea thats the ticket.  1 million worth of booth babes at the next major conference !!

I prefer Dan's gadgets...   :P :)

General Discussion / Re: Rest in Peace, DA
« on: May 22, 2014, 09:41:16 pm »
somebody who has spent, 23K $ for this website: []

It seems to me also to expensive!

PS But to feel better read this: Our goverment's in Greece have spend for some websites more than 1 million euro.... each!!!!  :)

And the translation here:

Thanks a lot, it's a great place to start!

Charles Hoskinson's video is not on Youtube anymore or at least the link is not working for me (video unavailable). Still more than enough to read and watch even without it  ;)

Dan larimer's last's videos and interviews are far more interresting.Find them!  :)

Would it be a good idea to "fire" every X time the last y (even number) delegates (with the lowest votes)  from the 99 first delegates even if they have a good reputation so the other delegates on the list (after the 99 first) have the chance to proof they can make also a very good job and collect more votes after they proove it.The same time everybody on the  list compete each other to give the best results (having excellent equipmment etc.) so they try to be as higher on the list as possible ... Could it be the case that the first 1-2 years nobody get fired because they are all "trustfull" (until they proove the opposite) and when we really need new "realy" trustfull delegates we don't find them anymore because they don't are anymore on the waiting list? Maybe my suggestion is worthless because I don't understand the concept verry well... at least I am trying to help  :)

This is an interesting concept.  Effectively all you are doing is increasing the number of delegates and forcing the lower delegates to 'take turns'.

What if the number of the effective delegates is a % of something that has to do with the "chain growth"/market cap/average number of transactions per day for the last x months ? I mean in the begining the 99 delegates will be more than enough.But after 3 years if we make the hypothesis that the marketcap for DPOS-PTS2 is in the 5 top places I would personally be not comfortable with 99 delegates... When I think 99 delegates take the fees for million's of transactions it seems centralized in my mind... to many power/"money" to a few delegates...So it would be reasonable the odd number of delegates to change proportional to maybe "average transactions" (per day) or "average fee value" etc. combined with my first proposal to give the change to more delegates to participate...

Marketplace / Re: [meta] Favorite Bounty Suggestions
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:44:48 pm »

PS Take 1 PTS (minimum) bounty for that reason  :P

Idea: Bounty 1 PTS for every bitsharestalk members birthday !!!!!!!!!

PS only if he is active (couple of posts) the last month before his birthday for example

Marketplace / Re: [meta] Favorite Bounty Suggestions
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:43:19 pm »
It is my birthday today, so I do not dwell on this for too long now!  :)

Congratulations Clains!!! How old?  :)

PS Take 1 PTS (minimum) bounty for that reason  :P

General Discussion / Re: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:31:41 pm »
The question was always "will there be a MAIDSAFE network in 3 months, 6 months or never?"

The market right now is pricing for never, so if you agree with that assessment it's a good time to sell and if you disagree it's a good time to buy

In 3-6 months we'll know the answer.

If you know the answer tell me please.
Which ever is the answer, we have loosed allready money with this redicoulous IPO that has taking place with the "help" of mastercoin (lol) ...
Even if you think it is a good time to buy we have lost the half of "our" potential profits because if we wouldn't participate in the IPO we could get a least the double maidsafecoins than we have right And that is the best scenario or am I missing something !

Would it be a good idea to "fire" every X time the last y (even number) delegates (with the lowest votes)  from the 99 first delegates even if they have a good reputation so the other delegates on the list (after the 99 first) have the chance to proof they can make also a very good job and collect more votes after they proove it.The same time everybody on the  list compete each other to give the best results (having excellent equipmment etc.) so they try to be as higher on the list as possible ... Could it be the case that the first 1-2 years nobody get fired because they are all "trustfull" (until they proove the opposite) and when we really need new "realy" trustfull delegates we don't find them anymore because they don't are anymore on the waiting list? Maybe my suggestion is worthless because I don't understand the concept verry well... at least I am trying to help  :)

DAC PLAY / Re: Nothing but a Lotto DAC Business Graph
« on: May 22, 2014, 01:16:36 pm »
Quote from: Bytemaster
There has been significant progress and developments over the past several days.   One of the most significant is the introduction of a random number generation scheme and random delegate selection today.   This was done for two reasons: it resolves a security vulnerability discovered with sequential DPOS and it facilitates one of the more challenging parts of the Lotto DAC.

We have implemented UPNP networking.

The news getting better and better

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Website name. Brainstorming
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:34:58 pm »
cob still there?
Any updates?

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