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Messages - islandking

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 +5% Thanks for posting these. It helps me understand BTS better and see what the future plans are.

General Discussion / Re: When is next hardfork?
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:39:07 pm »
Is this the hard fork for the transition from BTSX to BTS?

That looks to be part of it.. detail at

Thanks for the link.

General Discussion / Re: When is next hardfork?
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:33:40 pm »
Is this the hard fork for the transition from BTSX to BTS?

General Discussion / Re: [DAC Proposal] Future Tech Farm
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:34:45 pm »
Any update on this?

General Discussion / Re: The big question
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:05:12 pm »
It's sad expectation management is not taught at school  :D. I have been crypto obsessed for 2 months now, and already invested more than I should have... but I see it as a "50% probability I'll lose everything I invested, 50% I'll get rich". Every new info I get, every mumble session or hint by BM or Brian grow my confidence in it. I don't trade, I just stockpile.

1$ per BTS in the next two years would be +5000% at current price... that's a hell of an investment, and it's completely plausible. I'll consider myself rich at 1$ :).

That is exactly my mindset. I am fine investing a little bit into it with the potential to lose it all or get rich. In my opinion 2 things will happen with BTS.

1) It will die and fail
2) It will change the world of banking, finance, business, and contracts.

If we all work hard together as a community we can help it grow a lot faster with marketing and word of mouth.

PTS is dead. It makes no sense to sharedrop on an outdated prototype system that people still have large hoards of. PTS holders have been given a sharedrop and a snapshot on the 5th for BTS distribution.

If I was a 3rd party developer I would want my application to be used by as many people as possible so I would distribute it on BTS as it has a larger userbase and my shares would not be held by just a few individuals who have hoards of PTS.

General Discussion / Re: Should we kill the DACronym?
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:43:34 pm »
I think it's a mistake to "officially" drop the company metaphor. If Satoshi described Bitcoin as "p2p money", BitShares can be described as a "p2p company". It's a decentralized company on a blockchain that's censorship resistant and cannot be controlled by governments.

I fail to see why dropping the company metaphor is at all useful.

It's only useful in that it doesn't immediately draw attention from the governments claiming to be resistant against. You can call it a "company" or a "community", use "tokens" or something instead of "shares" and "distribution" instead of "dividend", "rewards" instead of "interest" etc... but a duck is a duck. Pretty wimpy move IMO. Also a major flip flop of what has been marketed and constantly pushed since bitshares started.

Actually with the SEC what you call it matters more than what it is... I originally adopted the company metaphor based upon the "duck is a duck" mentality... but sadly that is not the case with regulators.   They care about whether or not you are attempting to use terms the public places trust in to persuade others to part with their money.  If you can convince someone to part with their money for a stake in a community then it is very different than selling a share in a company despite the economic result being the same.

Why do we care about the SEC? Bitshares is a decentralized worldwide platform which they cannot really stop.
Why must we conform to their regulations?

General Discussion / Re: Bought at 6000 Satoshis now down to 5000ish?
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:37:50 pm »
 Thanks Ander for pointing that out. I did not realize that it was mostly caused by BTC going up.

Just to clarify I am in this for the LONG TERM.I believe that Dan will deliver on BTS so I am sticking with this for the next few years. I am really excited to see where this can go.

Thank you guys for the responses and wisdom.  +5%

PTS still alive = more confusion and less people focused on a single product. That's not good for marketing.
I don't really care about PTS being kept alive, AlphaBar can do what he wants to, but by doing so it's obvious to me that he goes against the interests of BTS holders. PTS has nothing of value to offer now : 1) it doesn't represent the founders anymore (since so many people sold them), and 2) it has no useful functionality. If I am wrong on these 2 points, I'd be happy to reconsider. But if PTS don't represent people that helped build the ecosystem anymore, then they don't mean anything, and should be worthless.

+1 As a newbie myself it took me a few hours to figure it all out. Its extremely confusing and if 3rd parties start releasing share drops to PTS then it would hurt BTS in the long run.

General Discussion / Bought at 6000 Satoshis now down to 5000ish?
« on: November 10, 2014, 02:15:12 pm »
I bought a ton of Bitshares at 6000 and now it is down to 5000ish. I feel like I could have bought around 15% more if I waited 1 extra day :( Any advice?
Will the price matter in a few years?
Should I sell now to buy back lower?

Why can't we just do 3rd party drops to BTS? PTS is pretty much dead as no miners are mining it anymore. It would also be nice because you would give the new blood coming in a chance instead of locking it to a small group of people. By dropping shares into BTS you will get wider distribution so more users. I really do not see the point in giving away shares to a defunct system that is owned largely by early adopters.

*Not trying to be disrespectful to the "early adopters" but I think we are all early adopters, and I think that by just sticking to BTS for share drops it will do 2 things

1) Bigger userbase and testers for your new 3rd party DAC which means less hoarding by just a few individuals.
2) Eliminates the confusion to new users and will give the new "early adopters" a chance to get in on the action.

Just my personal opinion :)

General Discussion / Total number of Bitshares?
« on: November 09, 2014, 08:36:51 pm »
What will be the total number of Bitshares?

General Discussion / BTS future price?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:22:24 pm »
Does anyone think that the price of BTSX will rise once it merges with BTS? It seems like most people and exchanges do not even know it is happening.

What kind of future does BTS have?

General Discussion / Re: BTSX Cold Storage/Secure Wallet?
« on: November 09, 2014, 02:29:42 am »
Can you generate the BTSX wallet offline? Does anyone else have any strategies for keeping BTSX safe?

General Discussion / BTSX Cold Storage/Secure Wallet?
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:47:17 am »
Is there any way to securely keep your BTSX safe? Is there a way you can put it in cold storage?


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