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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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General Discussion / Re: CoinSummit Decentralization Panel.
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:23:42 pm »
Brian Page is at this event which we only learned of a week ago.   No one contacted us or invited us to speak on this panel.


In any case, it appears Arlen is there as well, and its great to see a CNBC microphone in his hand:

I think it is more important that Dan has 45 min in NYC to himself without having to share the stage with anyone.

All Bitshares. Looking forward to it.


General Discussion / Re: Decentralized Autonomous Ride Network (DARN)
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:16:03 pm »
Was this one of the teams awarded $250k at Texas conference hackathon?

I think this has the potential to do to Uber what bittorrent did to [Napster, Kazaa, et. al]

General Discussion / Re: Is BitShares the "Redhat" of bitcoin?
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:08:16 pm »
No, Bitshares isn't like Redhat but I3 sure is!

Ah yes - you're absolutely correct; I was indeed referring to BitShares "the company" (I3)

General Discussion / Re: CoinSummit Decentralization Panel.
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:12:59 pm »
However, conversely speaking - it's better to be building than to talk about what you're going to build. ;)

General Discussion / Re: CoinSummit Decentralization Panel.
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:11:13 pm »

How can CionSummit hold a panel on decentralization without Dan Larimer? Is Dan or someone who could represent Invictus not in San Francisco? Did Adam pick the folks for the panel?
It just doesn't feel right that someone wasn't up there representing I3. What gives?

Yeah I noticed this too.  I was slightly irked to see how much praise for Ethereum, as the "best idea" in the decentralized space, was coming across my Twitter feed...


Found this article interesting from remarks Balaji Srinivasan (partner at Andreesen Horowitz) made.

Edit: Title; originally stated "BitShares" changed to "Invictus Innovations Inc."

What we need, is a distributed and decentralized exchange. :D

General Discussion / Bitcoins and Gravy Interview with Brian Page
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:49:21 pm »
I didn't see this posted anywhere else, but for those of you who haven't heard this episode yet:  Great interview with Brian Page by John and Lij.  Released Monday, March 24th.

(Talk about BitShares and interview starts around 11:30)

General Discussion / Re: BitUSD thought experiment
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:14:51 pm »

We should find a way to crowd fund this app and then distribute shares so the community owns it, unlike with BitPay and Coinvoice. Let the company follow the social consensus from the start.


General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 21, 2014, 06:50:08 pm »
Hey Team Viral....

yes, site is still scheduled to go up today (I haven't heard when) but keep in mind me and the team in VA will be going through it over the weekend with further edits, so probably next week would be the time to really get the word out and push for people to check out the site.  I'm headed to Coinsummit in SF on monday to drum up some speakers/sponsors for the event and represent BitShares but after I get back I can jump in and see what you all are up to and how I can help in any way.

BitShares to the Mooon!

To da moon, you got it B. 

With that, I'm thinking I'll start with the organic approach and shoot it over to friends & family and wait until you guys give the go ahead.  Anything we can do to help out with reviewing the site, let us know.


Countries don't matter in Free Space, but languages still do

I like this.


General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:38:39 pm »
Narrative circa Newsletter 2...

Free Space - The Ever-Receding Frontier

The jurisdiction of governments has always been defined by the land
mass they control by force. Out beyond the "three-mile" limit of their
shores is traditionally viewed as international waters. No government
has sovereignty out there, though many have tried to exert such control.
Their success has been limited to their ability to project power, whether
they have an internationally recognized right to do so or not.

We view the Internet as lying in international waters as well.

Governments and other nefarious enterprises try to exert power by exploiting items of value that
must pass through their control or by seducing or coercing service providers that must
themselves remain exposed in the physical world. But what of the etherial constructs of cryptospace?
Ghost ships that don’t show up on any earthy radar and have no ports of call where they
can be interdicted? Ships with crypto-graphical cloaking devices that can carry their cargo
across the digital high seas with impunity, immune while pirates and tyrants huff and puff in
frustration. Many will want to control this new frontier. But unlike the past frontiers of
freedom, this time they will fail.

When Daniel Boone and Davy Crocket strode into the American Old West they were entering the
Free Space frontier of their day. But soon “civilization” began to encroach and their offspring
fled further West. The Eagles once lamented, “there is no more new frontier, we have got to
make it here”. We disagree. In Free Space, freedom can still flourish - by design.

Bitcoin has opened a portal to Free Space - a land of opportunity.

Bitcoin is just a digital currency worth billions. But the technology behind it is beyond the control of
any government on the planet. There is no central point where tyranny can seduce or coerce the people
who have learned to use it. Instead they interact peer to peer, with no corruptible middlemen. Bitcoin
just works. And it has paved our way to digital freedom. A next generation Internet.

In Free Space, no one can read your mail.
In Free Space, no one can track your purchases.
In Free Space, no one can steal your identity.
In Free Space, no one can inflate away your savings.
In Free Space, no one can confiscate your wealth.

In Free Space, your wealth is all in your head.

Anyone able to infringe on even one of these freedoms has too much power.
The tools needed to defend Free Space are emerging, but the arms race will probably never end.


I'll also admit to extreme political views (see: - not trying to rub anyone the wrong way.

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