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Messages - hpenvy

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General Discussion / Max Wright video tweeted on Coinapult
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:17:05 pm »
Coinapult @Coinapult  ·  5h 5 hours ago

"Great video! Bitshares also carries counterparty risk, though. No such thing as decentralized hedging of USD/gold"

Fantastic, I'm glad everyone got connected.

- Open Bazaar
- Payment Processors like GoCoin
- Larger Exchanges

Those would add a lot of traction within the low hanging fruit realm.  Credit Card and Prepaid card will be another useful segment, I don't see why both can't be worked on at the same time by different segments of the community.

This - I'm not sure why I3 seems hesitant to go after the easy stuff.

I could understand if things like OB integration or GoCoin/Bitpay partnerships conflicted with the masterplan... but I can't conceive such a scenario.

How do we know they aren't?

Exactly, that's why I submitted those exact questions for the hangout today. The last thing I want to do is duplicate work in the grassroots.

General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:49:23 pm »
So much emotion in some of the responses. In such a male dominated area, I never would have guessed so many feelings surfacing. This is not a knock on anyone, I just don't get it.

For me, it's simply business. I like the suggestion above, less emotional bias, more facts. We can all group hug down the road. Just my 2 cents. I like and dislike each of you equally. :)

General Discussion / Re: Latest Bitcoin news - Caution Alert
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:39:17 pm »
1. I like some of the points Adam makes about a sometimes hostile environment.
2. The same could be said about alt currencies on Bitcointalk, Litecoin, Nxt etc...  It's not an excuse, just a call to reality as you requested.
3. Leading by example is great.
4. I would love to see a list of changes you would make ranging from marketing to keeping an open environment while catering to all.
5. I appreciate your contributions, however, I have no issue calling people out in a respectful manner.

General Discussion / Re: Meetup List How to Best Use
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:14:26 pm »
I like the idea of collecting addresses/links to those meetups ... I know of at least one forum member (delulo) who has already given a (rather abstracted) talk about bitshares in munich (if i recall correctly)

I've emailed Brian to see how he would best like to utilize the contact information.  If we can offer value to the 60,000 members (along with other meetups that might be friendly to our project), it could be a large opportunity.

General Discussion / Re: Video of Dan's LV Keynote
« on: October 10, 2014, 02:57:45 pm »
I have the direct feed audio of Daniels talk but it's not processed yet and is a ways back in my content backlog, will be out on LTB in a week or two.

Thank you for the update.

Those of you who ignore MethodX are in for a rude awakening, because he is the sanest guy in this thread. If the initial marketing effort will be an all-in attempt at capturing the "neo&bee market" instantly, then we're in trouble, because that will not work. Old people are not going to buy bitUSD, Argentinians are not going to buy bitUSD. Like I've seen MethodX talking about before, the obvious starting point for us should be open bazaar. A referral program for them would be the perfect way to kickstart bitUSD usage, and should commence the second we have a presentable wallet.

Once bitUSD gains anything close to bitcoins current traction, we've won, because at that point the mass market can begin pouring in. But it's not gonna come in as early adopters.

That being said, credit card on-ramp + prepaid debit card off ramp will be extremely strong and make any sort of marketing immensely easy, so I think it's the right thing to focus on. Honestly, the kind of marketing effort we need right now is the effort of the community, no amount of "talented marketing people" can give us the early userbase we need.

Btw is there a list of the marketing team somewhere?

Finally I wish there was more coherence between the Chinese and English communities. We should be working as one, but are currently in a pretty awkward one-country-two-systems situation. I guess as a mandarin speaker I should be working on this.

As for community marketing, there's a few ideas being exchanged on reddit posts, task forces and other similar actions.  I expect to see the community flesh that out fairly quickly.  I've said this before, but I'll repeat it again:

- Open Bazaar
- Payment Processors like GoCoin
- Larger Exchanges

Those would add a lot of traction within the low hanging fruit realm.  Credit Card and Prepaid card will be another useful segment, I don't see why both can't be worked on at the same time by different segments of the community.

Whether you support Bitcoin or not, there's many useful nuggets that could be used to explain Bitshares to those that aren't cryptonerds.

I've emailed the representative that presented the bill a few links.


You can find info about dogeparty at, I think it's pretty easy to understand but it's important to note that Brian is the director of marketing for Invictus who has been paid a salary to do that job for more than six months.  I was never compensated in any way for my work on Dogeparty, and I donated my time/effort because I think its a valuable experiment.

Thanks for representing the forum defense force and reminding me why I don't waste my time in this cheerleading echo chamber.

Even though I think is a complete waste of time and terrible for crypto in general, I can respect your effort to donate time in something you believe in.  I also respect the fact that you have concerns with the direction in marketing. We need different points of view in the community, period. As a counter to your comment, we are #4 in the world in market cap.  There are literally hundreds of projects that would love to be in our spot.

I never understood why people get so worked up in a forum. It's business, nothing more. Nobody 'represents' the defense force, each of us are adults and can make a decision where to best spend our energy and finances. I certainly don't agree with everything on here, it doesn't stop me from making media contacts on my own.

I look forward to see what's rolled out and I'll make my further investment decisions based on that information. In the meantime, congrats to Brian and the team for a fantastic job at InsideBitcoins.

I really hope a payment processor is in the works as well. As processors such as GoCoin continue to break into new markets, we want to make sure BitUSD is along for the ride. I know they are looking into the casino market, I'd like to be there for that ride.

this is great news did he mention which pairs he was going to add?

I requested BitUSD to USD. I hope someone is able to follow-up on any technical or link requests he has. I've also PM'd Cass.

I received a reply back. If you would like me to forward to one of the trusted members, that's fine. I just want to get it moving:

"I hope I undetstood all


We wont be able to add this at least untill some 14 days from now, as the dev team is completely booked.


Thank you for your hel.


Once I have general information from CCEDK with links and all, where can I put them its really tireing to not being able to work with the links


I have forinstance my new release I would have like mentioned on bitshares


You can see mentioned link,


Perhaps you can put it up there for me, and then I cans start adding information.


In Chinese:


CCEDK十月新闻】 — 2FA,下拉菜单,欢乐时光,马拉松交易和100多个配对交易! -【ccedk十月新闻】-—-2fa,下拉菜单,欢乐时光,马拉松交易和100多个/ #altcoin


纽比特币(NuBits)在丹麦打破销售记录!世界上第一个稳定性数字货币! -纽比特币nubits在丹麦打破销售记录!世界上第一个稳定性数字货/ #altcoin



In English:


CCEDK NEWS - 2FA, Happy Hour, Marathon Trading, 100+ Trading Pairs,  Drop down menu - #altcoin


Danish exchange breaks sales record with NuBits launch! The World's First Stable Digital Crypto Currency! - #altcoin


Like The Kangaroo, CCEDK Exchange Always Moves Forward Progressively - #altcoin


Article out from Cointelegraph in multiple languages:


English - http://cointelegraph...esing-ceo-ccedk,


Chinese - http://cointelegraph...esing-ceo-ccedk


Russian - http://cointelegraph...esing-ceo-ccedk


Portuguese -  "Se não pudermos usar 100% do Paypal, então para que ele serve?" -ão-pudermos-usar-100-do-paypal-então-para-que-ele-serve/ #altcoin


Russian new like above will come, as well as news in Spanish and Portuguese.


It could be regat if you could spread thje news in the various sections, so that we can have some bitshares people coming to visit CCEDK


Let me know what can be done.


I have no problem adding them myself, but have no chance to add with links





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