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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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General Discussion / Re: Emerging Narratives
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:37:48 pm »
In my opinion it is not clever to rethorically attack gvernments like this. Just provide the technology that will make it .. happen and be diplomatic and friendly otherwise :)

It is just not neccesary to make yourself enemies with authorities. It is against your cause.

Why do people still do it? Because fighting mode in which a specific enemy is identified and in which roles are clear (I am/we are good, the other side is bad) is calming for humans.

I agree and think that's an important point. I'm surprised to see some form of Newsletter evolving above! The formal position should be neutral. Talking politics is likely to alienate people and will bring a backlash that suggests personal egos and opinions are clouding the dialogue. Any talk of Government being force or nefarious, is partial and open to misinterpretation.

Demonising others, like Government, is a mistake - and shouldn't be necessary. What exists currently, is more a statement about where we are. Ignoring some of the inevitability of history to suggest that there's somehow a conspiracy against what it obviously better, just makes the challenger look weak, where the reality is more that we're just moving forward and beyond what has been possible previously.

The old addage of 'no politics; no sport; and no sex', tends to apply. Such talk tends to put those who don't exactly agree on the defensive and drives a people apart rather than drawing them together.

Focus on providing the tool and not what it is to be used for - leave that to people's imagination.

I politely disagree.  I don't think its an attack, its a statement of facts.

BitShares is not just a matter of 'What' and 'How'... It starts with the 'Why' (Simon Sinek).  That, beyond anything else, is why I personally believe BitShares is differentiated from any other '2.0' product out there.  There is an underlying reason that drives this team, this technology, and this almost inconceivable vision forward.

I don't think the Why should be buried.
I believe the Why should be articulated and presented to the public.

Take a look at the history of Bitcoin itself - it comes from the depths of the cypherpunk movement - a movement in which "being politically sensitive" wasn't even an afterthought, let alone a forethought. 

"Speak the truth, even if your voice trembles."

General Discussion / Re: New website sneak peek: BITSHARES.ORG
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:19:38 am »
Is there a repo we can contribute to if we want to help make edits?


General Discussion / Re: Intro Video Sneak Peek
« on: March 21, 2014, 03:18:46 am »
There are still a dozen edits we've requested with the video, so it's not done....but here's a sneak peek:

Looking great!!

I'll test it on my average-mid-50-yr-old parents when its finished and let you know if they get it. ;)

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 21, 2014, 02:34:51 am »
See you all on Twitter tomorrow!  Keep an eye out for #BitShares hashtags and be sure to re-tweet, favorite, and keep the conversation going.  I'll be sniping some of the prominent bitcoin tweeting crowd.

Keep us posted on reddit posts and bitcointalk posts; I'll be sure to upvote and comment whenever I can!

General Discussion / Re: Bitshare roughly estimated at $100
« on: March 20, 2014, 05:23:41 pm »

I think the main issue is that Bitshares haven't even been launched yet. That is probably why nobody is currently buying anything at the buybitshares website. How can you buy BItshares if it isn't even released yet? Also, we have to take into consideration what is the highest price that people are willing to BUY them for. We know that the lowest price people are willing to sell BItshares for is roughly $100.


Look at the poll again.  $100 is NOT the lowest price people are willing to sell them for.


Speaking for myself, I have a predetermined threshold for buying when XTS become liquid, and it's definitely above $100

General Discussion / Re: Bitshare roughly estimated at $100
« on: March 20, 2014, 05:21:02 pm »

I think the main issue is that Bitshares haven't even been launched yet. That is probably why nobody is currently buying anything at the buybitshares website. How can you buy BItshares if it isn't even released yet? Also, we have to take into consideration what is the highest price that people are willing to BUY them for. We know that the lowest price people are willing to sell BItshares for is roughly $100.


Look at the poll again.  $100 is NOT the lowest price people are willing to sell them for.


Speaking for myself, I have a predetermined threshold for buying when XTS become liquid, and it's definitely above $100

General Discussion / Re: PTS price increasing
« on: March 20, 2014, 03:15:47 pm »
Ah!   I think it clicked for me, let me know if this is a proper analogy:

It's like XTS turns 18, goes off to college and her parents (PTS/AGS) no longer have any control over her.  She operates independently as she finds her way in the world. 

General Discussion / PTS price increasing
« on: March 20, 2014, 02:11:24 pm »


My question is: Has price truly been increasing this past week, relative to BTC?  Or has it remained *relatively* stable against the USD (upper $6 range)..?

What implications does this trend have?

I understand the function of PTS is to track the interest of upcoming DACs and it appears investor confidence is steady / increasing... But how does the relationship function between PTS & XTS?  If both are liquid, what is the hypothesized effect on each other?

Edit: posted larger graph screenshots

General Discussion / Re: PTS price increasing
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:29:40 pm »
Well if we're actually betting I should be more clear: I would bet up to 0.2 BTC, that the price of PTS stays above it's smallest price at the start of the positive closing week, over a rolling period of 2 weeks. "I bet 0.2 btc that PTS will go up real soon, modulo minor volatilty"
Sheeiiit  :-[
I'm really tired and i somehow thought you bet that the price will go to 0.02 BTC
and i wrote the bet with 0.2 BTC too  :-[
but anyway i should stop doing things when i'm tired as f***

no worries, it got rejected anyways ;)

Quote from:
Rejection reason: Needs less marketing specs and a substantial paid wager.

General Discussion / Re: March Newsletter
« on: March 19, 2014, 04:02:15 pm »
Can't wait for it to come out!

General Discussion / Re: PTS price increasing
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:56:42 pm »

I would suspect the PTS price is going to continue to increase with the drop of the website on Friday... preview looks incredible and investor confidence will surely rise.

Anyone else think we've just experienced the lowest price PTS will ever be?

I'd bet on that, up to 0.2btc. Any price point it stays above for a week, it will stay above that forever, in the next two weeks

General Discussion / PTS price increasing
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:35:44 pm »
I would suspect the PTS price is going to continue to increase with the drop of the website on Friday... preview looks incredible and investor confidence will surely rise.

Anyone else think we've just experienced the lowest price PTS will ever be?

General Discussion / Re: Satoshi quotes to woo crypto community
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:08:15 pm »
I got those from:

Nice find!  Found his bitcointalk profile from that link; 27 pages of 576 posts that starts here:;u=3;sa=showPosts;start=520

...couldn't find the "old forum" he mentions in his very first post, looks like the link might be broken..?

General Discussion / Re: Satoshi quotes to woo crypto community
« on: March 17, 2014, 10:46:09 pm »
toast, one of the items on my personal-cryto-academia-to-do list has been to go back and read some of the conversations and posts made by Satoshi.

Where can I find these?

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