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Messages - yvv

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General Discussion / Re: Some questions re Bit20
« on: April 03, 2017, 03:57:24 pm »
- There is no vertical "Settlement Price" on any BTWTY market I bothered to check, except for :BTS ..  seeing as BTS is itself part of the basket, would it not make more sense for the primary (more advertised) markets to be USD and CNY ? And either way, the price feed should work for all of them.

The primary market is bit20 vs collateral asset, which is BTS. We need liquidity for this pair in order for MPA procedure to work.

- The concept is cool, but here's something I've been having trouble understanding: Who in their right mind would short BITWY into existence? (well, I did, and now owe 0.04 due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the dex mechanics)

Those who seek for profit from price volatility are welcomed to short it.

- Related to the above, and assuming one is in the camp that believes bit20 is headed for an extragalactic moon, why isn't everyone shorting USD and using it to buy BTWTY?

Because it is illiquid at present state.

General Discussion / Re: Bit20 - The cryptocurrency index fund
« on: April 02, 2017, 03:56:16 pm »

I dont think your post is funny, this is a real issue, its not about what you would buy when get it cheap, DEX this is not a used car-dealership..this supposed to be a market where one invest and risk his hard earned money, I would rather go to poloniex and buy all 20 individually  and sell for market price, before I have to sell for much less because I need money or need cash to buy e.g. Dash, what about that idea?

You definitely don't want to invest a significant amount in bit20 at this point. Nevertheless, bit20 is a well thought concept which is implemented with care, and it is ok to diversify you portfolio by investing a fraction in it. Hopefully, a lot of such small investments will spin up liquidity.

General Discussion / Re: Why only #3?
« on: April 02, 2017, 03:49:52 pm »
when I said I dont care about commission low/ high, I did not mean that the low commission should be changed at all. I only meant to say, what does a low commission help, if there are no trader, even ZERO commission would not help
because what is lagging is what is lagging
Liquidity which would make volume trading possible and this is what BTS and DEX needs, also it seems the need of awareness!

It looks like you want to have a broker with a bag of money, who instantly fills your orders for you. This is unlikely going to happen on DEX. Unlike forex, there is no broker on DEX, all market participants are equal, that is why it is called decentralized. Liquidity on DEX will come only with mass adoption by small traders. This is a price you pay for decentralization. And guys with suitcases of money will probably stick with centralized exchanges where they have total control over market.

I would rather vote for cleaning up flaws in basic shorting mechanics. It is beyond my understanding why do I need additional funds, besides the collateral, to close my short position. For example, if I have 1000 BTS locked in collateral, I need additional ~500 BTS to buy the borrowed asset and close the position. This is silly. Come on, people, I already have plenty of funds at my account, and I should be able to place a settle order at my price right away. If margin call happens before my order is taken, it should be canceled automatically and margin call should be executed normal way. Flaws like this create friction and hurt liquidity.

It's too easy to smart people to hear about bitshares community spending money to create a false impression and decide not to enter the community. I will not vote for this worker. Anyone is free, of course, to fake volume on the exchange but the community isn't going to pay for it.

Real trades are not a false impression. To make this volume you have to put up real bids and asks that any market participants could take.

This is just another idea to create liquidity. Something bitshares needs.

It is essentially zero spread market making with very little depth.

You don't need a worker for this. I do create several $K volume on btsbots every day using my own funds, and everybody can do the same. I am not going to vote for such activity to be funded from BTS reserve, and any proxy who will approve this will lose my trust. Community may decide whatever they want though.

Faking volume is advertising. It raises awareness.

Yes, it is. It raises negative awareness for sure. Usually, people don't like to be "faked". Bitshares is unregulated exchange where everybody can do whatever they want, but please, do fake things on your own, fund them from your own pocket, and don't associate yourself with whole BTS community.

Cool idea bro. But, things like this should not be funded through worker.

General Discussion / Re: Why only #3?
« on: March 29, 2017, 02:51:40 pm »
Because when we deal in any other crypto, aside from BTS, we are just as much a centralized exchange. When we fix that, if we can, we will have a true alternative.

No really as much centralized. UIA issuer owns his asset, but not the DEX.  UIA is not trustless, but in contrast to centralized exchange, there is no single center, which controls the DEX.

Move the 'borrow X' buttons to the Buy/Sell boxes

Shit! I thought it is gone!!!

To be serious, GUI improved a lot during last couple of month. Good job.

I'm not sure if anyone should demand answers here.

you can either implement stealth as is with a GUI, or wait for ken/onceuponatime (the owners and sole investors by the way) to dock on with their product.

Waiting is not going to work in this case, because this "better" stealth requires a hard fork which proxies will not approve before their questions are answered.

General Discussion / Re: Simple Bot integration to GUI
« on: March 26, 2017, 10:36:22 pm »
If bitshares would support oracles who provide price feeds for UIA, making bot in the default GUI would be possible I believe.

General Discussion / Re: Market Maker Instruction Manual?
« on: March 22, 2017, 02:49:23 pm »
We need to make BitUSD a liquid asset. But how?

You need USD on/off ramps in every local area for this.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [worker] Python-steem and uptick (1.14.52)
« on: March 21, 2017, 08:26:03 pm »

Got it. So shortly speaking, you are long on BTS, but committee still pays this worker in bitUSD, because it is better to have the pay rate fixed this way. It is up to committee how to get bitUSD (borrow or buy), and it is up to you how to spend them (hoard or short), depending on current market . Makes sense.

P.S. Finally, a market pegged asset is actually used exactly the way a contract for difference is supposed to be used, i.e. to fix the price of a long term contract, a worker contract in this case. And this is very cool.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [worker] Python-steem and uptick (1.14.52)
« on: March 21, 2017, 04:51:11 pm »
Now increasing liquidity in the USD:BTS market:

I don't get it. multisig-worker bought bitUSD at 210 BTS/bitUSD and now you are selling them at 180 BTS/bitUSD. This looks like expensive way to increase liquidity.

General Discussion / Re: Give me the skinny on bitshares
« on: March 18, 2017, 10:41:07 pm »
Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I've stopped by, I've just wrote an article on that is now on the front page explaining WHY I've decided to re-invest into bitshares:

One thing that picked my interest is the amount of "filled orders" that I'm seeing on

Can someone fill me on the latest developments that may be responsible for such a spike in activities? Are there new partnerships? Are there more exchanges using Bitshares as a backend?

Please give me the skinny on this :-)

Most of these "filled orders" are coming from bots trading between each other. makes running your own bot really easy.

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