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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShares Music
« on: March 17, 2014, 10:27:38 pm »
Ah, right, you could just change the song a tiny bit and it'll have a different fingerprint. I think "ninjaing" is a more appropriate term than "pirating" for the new paradigm.

Maybe you could gamify finding duplicate songs and punish the people who ninja songs?

Speaking from an implication perspective (not a coder): I don't think it would be too hard to upload of "proof of song [origin]" into the blockchain to prove you're the original artist.  Maybe something as simple as a fingerprint of the audio profile in a pdf would suffice?

So far I found a lot of consistence in how I3 is presenting and developing their ideas, it is the nature of a creative process that it sometimes gets chaotic. As a long term investor I am satisfied & confident about the progress and the steady flow of solutions for unknown problems.


Again, this project is merely 5 months in.  Investors in a typical software startup wouldn't have a realized ROI for 5+ **years**, IF they're lucky.

I've been incredibly pleased with Invictus with regards to their persistence to solve big problems and their consistency in conveying to us, as investors, what their status is and where focus is currently being applied.  Just like Brian Sovryn mentions in his interview with Brian Page (, I'm following the attitude and I believe Invictus absolutely has the right attitude [and experience] from a philosophical, technical and executional perspective.

Additionally, as far as I'm concerned, BitShares PTS in the perspective of an MVP (minimum viable product) was knocked out of the park.  It's apparent other investors think so too with the recent price increase; people are excited by the recent announcements.

Edit: spelling, grammer & link

General Discussion / Re: My visit to I3: Status update and thoughts
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:00:27 pm »
Thanks for the trip report toast, great work.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares X Status Update
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:08:44 pm »
Great update and great work!!

General Discussion / Re: bitGold
« on: March 13, 2014, 10:40:32 pm »
That said, gold is my "anti-catastrophe" value store, I hold it in the event something so bad that internet connectivity is at the back of my mind happens

bitgold < gold
bitusd > usd


General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 13, 2014, 12:16:04 pm »
Monday evening? EST

I can do any time after 6.

I like it!

People here are looking for ideas for new DACs, so here is a rough idea that I had to reuse the BTS X exchange system.

Imagine you have a decentralized multiplayer game implemented in a blockchain, for example a minecraft type game. There are different assets that you can use in the game world, such as wood, stone, water etc (I havent played it that much).

The beauty of the BTS exchange is that it allows assets to come into existence when buyer prices are matched with the shorts. The BTS exchange could be reused here to provide assets for use in the game. Players can decide how much of the shares they want to trade to get BitWood, BitStone etc. The more skilled they are with the game mechanics, the better they know what each asset is worth.

The only thing left to figure out is the game mechanics that would incentivize players to buy the assets. The assets need to provide usefulness in the game in terms of protecting the player against loss. In the minecraft world, the player needs to protect himself against the monsters roaming around, so he needs to build or house, needing BitStone & BitWood. Anyone here have any ideas for better game mechanics?

Building up your wealth in game assets by trading on a BTS X chain would be really fun :)

This may be a really good idea to approach Richard Garriott about (I'd highly suggest listening to Let's Talk Bitcoin! Episode 86) as he's currently in the development of an MMO called Shroud of the Avatar.  I'm not a gamer myself and can't really comment on any details, but the interview was super interesting and captivating.  They talked a lot about sinks and faucets within virtual worlds and how a blockchain-based currency may be applicable along with virtual assets within the game.

General Discussion / Re: Thunderclap...looks promising.
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:33:54 pm »
@ Team Viral: Thoughts posted in Asana.

General Discussion / Re: Thunderclap...looks promising.
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:14:49 pm »
Here's a dogecoin campaign  to keep an eye on for benchmarking:

General Discussion / Re: Thunderclap...looks promising.
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:11:45 pm »
Wow - that's a really powerful tool, it makes perfect sense for what we're working on.  Just watched the video and looking into it further.

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 12, 2014, 10:05:38 pm »
How about Saturday 11pm GMT/7pm EST?

Normally, I'd be available - however this Saturday is St. Patty's-day-celebration-extravaganza (where I'm at), and I highly doubt my ability to coherently contribute.   ;D 


General Discussion / Re: The Significance of what we are doing...
« on: March 12, 2014, 05:02:49 pm »

Point noted about extreme political views...  Unlike debates with left vs right, communism vs democracy, gay rights, etc all of these views require everyone to adopt their system and threaten to hurt those who do not get with the program.   I merely promote views that don't threaten to hurt anyone.   Though, I suppose most other views by their very nature would threaten to hurt me for not getting with their program.   Look what happened to Jesus for simply telling people to love their enemies, turn the other cheek, give to the poor, go two miles if you are compelled to go one.   

Do you believe that the myth of Jesus is actually true? Would you describe yourself as any of the following: atheist, theist, deist, Christian?  Just so that I can understand exactly where you are coming from.

None of the above.  After seeing the complete ignorance of the vast majority of society on every other area of inquiry (Money, Economics, Government, Electricity, Health, etc) combined with the complete corruption of any kind of commitment to the truth by every political entity since Genesis was first penned I have no trust in any other individual to accurately convey a message over 2000 microseconds let alone 2000 years, through multiple cultures and languages.   Always and everywhere the history books are written by the victors to serve as propaganda for their rule.   Lies and myths are accepted as truth today despite clear evidence to the contrary from first hand experience.   People DIE for these lies thinking they are fighting for freedom.   

Does God exist or do we live in the matrix?  I believe the answer can only be found within.  All of history is a myth and the future a dream.  Only now, in this moment, do they exist and are available to guide our next action.

I've been searching for years for this deep of an understanding of what I believe to be my own inner feelings in regards to what others call religion.  Thank you bytemaster, for the articulation of something I've been striving to put into words for so long... :-)

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:56:58 pm »
I added fuznuts to Asana.  Also been doing some thinking on tasks and projects, will add after I come up with them.

As for times.  Weekends are best for me...especially Saturday nights.

+1 for me. I can also do occasional weeknights after 7pm eastern time

BitShares AGS / Re: help! do i understand?
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:17:54 am »
I think this window right now, before Bitshares X is launched and while PTS and AGS are cheap, may be one of the greatest buying opportunities in history.


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