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Messages - hpenvy

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DAC PLAY / Re: Chess DAC
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:03:26 am »
How do you stop a person making large bets and good moves for side A, and then in the late game, make a single big bet and very bad move for side B, and cause side B to lose the game?

Remove the betting per move... you bet at the start of the game and then consume votes every move.

This approach would also be fun for heads-up limit poker.

General Discussion / Re: "September" Newsletter (call for content)
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:56:43 am »
 +5%  +5%  +5%  +5%

Fantastic work.

"Open Bazaar partners with Bitshares to bring stability to crypto-commerce".

Be a great headline...


This would be a major step forward as well as adding additional credibility within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing Strategy at Inside Bitcoin Conference
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:58:39 pm »
Does the team plan to relay videos, pics and updates in an official thread? Best of luck.

General Discussion / Re: Poll about Bitshares-Bitcoin diversification.
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:30:58 pm »
So jealous of you 100% BTSXers right now.

I've gone from 50/50 to 60/40 as btc has tanked this week. 

I cannot imagine how painful this would be to a 100% bitcoiner.

The only bad thing in not having any BTC is that I could not load more DNS this morning....and this train is departing also.

Thank you for the reminder, dropped another few BTC on it.

General Discussion / Re: Poll about Bitshares-Bitcoin diversification.
« on: October 04, 2014, 11:05:06 pm »
I moved to 90% recently Bitshares, I keep 10% just in case a major spike comes along down the road.

OB is open-source - we should ask I3 to task some dev time to integrating bitUSD.

Make it easy for the OB devs; I3 has one of the best crypto teams in the business.

As an AGS investor I would support the use of AGS funds for OB/bitUSD integration.

The ROI could be enormous and there is really no better way to jump-start bitUSD adoption.

This makes a lot of sense.

Well let's crowd found this and make a bounty . I have no idea how much will be need it for development though.

I'd be willing to put $200 out of pocket to contribute to this initiative to get it rolling.

General Discussion / How much for Bitcoin Users adoption
« on: October 04, 2014, 02:44:37 pm »
The amazing thread about how much does it cost for a new user really got me thinking. For those of us who attend Bitcoin meetups, we are well aware of the resistance trying to introduce them to Bitshares. Is there a system in place or a system in the works that would allow Bitcoin holders to also participate in our ecosystem? In other words, they could leverage their Bitcoin without having to necessarily sell it?  If we could provide a mutually beneficial ramp, I feel like we could see quicker adoption.  Maybe I'm completely off base, just thinking out loud.

I'd love to be able to go to my hardcore Bitcoin holders and say, "You can use your existing Bitcoin to do x in the BitShares ecosystem".

General Discussion / Re: How much is a new user worth?
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:33:37 pm »

Marketing btsx as a currency is a mistake.   Market it as a virtual company that is raising money to grow.   

This statement makes a lot of sense to me.

General Discussion / Meetup List How to Best Use
« on: October 03, 2014, 10:44:47 am »
There's roughly 500+ Meetup groups around the world, a few of us start mapping out all the contact information.  Anyone have any ideas how the list could be best used?


1. Message each of the meetup organizers and ask if their group supports other payment technologies
2. Put together specific meet-up videos
3. Ask if the would like to participate in one of the dev hangouts
4. Some type of asset that could be shared with these meetups
5. Some type of BTSX airdrop
6. Insert ideas

It's a great opportunity to reach out to the greater Bitcoin community when we are ready.

General Discussion / Re: My "explain it like I'm five" attempt
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:59:07 pm »
I'd love to see it broken up into smaller chunks with headers.

General Discussion / Re: So whats going on with marketing?
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:31:58 pm »

Agree. BitShares needs to find our own version of Andreas Antonopoulos.

I'd love to ADD Andreas for good measure; who wouldn't? But in BM, we've already got out own Steve Jobs. And a Kurt Cobain lookalike with you. What more do we really need?

 +5% BM has an amazing way with words. He's all the marketing we could ever ask for.

The solution works when we are small. Are we prepared to have additional knowledgeable speakers prepared as we continue to scale?

* Nobody can be at all the events, how about multiple events happening around the same time?
* Do we have speakers that could present at some of the larger Bitcoin meetups?
* How about events such as Bankers Debate Bitcoin at Sibos 2014? I noticed Ethereum was present.

- I'd suggest the administrators blast our an email to the entire forum about the taskforce and the need to start organizing grass roots initiatives
- I'd create a simple form for people to fill out that are interested in participating with an email address
- If people are afraid of spamming, recommend they create an email specific to these initiatives
- When a taskforce post is made, have someone blast out an email to everyone that wants to participate
- Have a form that people can acknowledge that the mission was complete
- Encourage others to convince a friend or two to help with the initiative

It's worked in other communities.

Thank you for this feedback.  It'd be nice to be in the TASKFORCE subforum.  I know similar things have been done in other communities.  At first glance, the project seems like a possible failure but #1 it has just started #2 we really need to compare it against alternatives.

I could have spent 2-3x+ time trying to learn how to best apply some 3rd party site, but then that learning curve exists somewhat for everyone.

I'm just trying to make people welcome while staying on task.  I'm only a moderator to keep it efficient, never to discourage.

I've been thinking about adding some TASKFORCE's, just been doing a few other things and trying to finish some things out that have been on my plate for too long as it is.

My suggestion is simply to enhance the great idea already presented in the task force sub forum. LOVE the initiatives, this would be just another add-on to get people to take immediate action on the task.  Eager to see what you develop, behind you 100%.

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