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Messages - G1ng3rBr34dM4n

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Marketplace / Re: 50 PTS - Lets Talk Bitcoin Radio Ad Bounty [ACTIVE]
« on: March 12, 2014, 02:11:25 am »
I sent this to a fellow forum member in a message a few days ago and we just haven't had time to collaborate on it, I figured I'd post it here.  If it helps kickstart the creative process for anyone, then great!

So one of the ideas I've been toying around with is a "story format" that Pixar writers use when they're coming up with new ideas.  Almost any Pixar movie you can think of follows this general format.
And it goes a little something like this:

Once upon a time: [fill in the blank] "...there was this little fish named, Nemo."
Every day: ..."Nemo and his dad loved swimming and exploring in the ocean"
One day: ..."Nemo was caught by a diver and ended up as a pet in a dentist's office"
Because of that: ..."his father set out on a journey to find him"
Because of that: ..."he encountered many turmoils throughout his adventure searching for his son"
Until Finally: ..."Nemo and his dad were re-united and went back to happily living in their reef"

The great thing about this format is that is captures all the elements of a great story, which is what we're trying to tell; the story of of BitShares.  But we have to do this so that most everyone can understand, in a simple way.  The idea is that the ad opens with an 'attention-getter', holds the attention of the audience until the very end, and culminates with excitement (that ideally the listener will act upon).  I think at the very end of the ad, it'd be best to end with some sort of slogan with a 'call to action' such as:

"Bitshares.  Doing for business what bitcoin does for money.  Please visit to learn more about what economics SHOULD be."

So there are a couple of perspectives from which I think we could approach this narrative.  One would be we tell the story "from the future". 

i.e. "Once upon a time, [....OR a Long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.. (we can play with the wording)] when governments existed, the emerging world of crypto-currencies had no choice but to trust appalling central authorities that would decide whether transactions...." etc. (you get the idea, it's a little wordy, but again - the goal is to be as simple and straight forward as possible).

OR we could approach it form the perspective of where economics is today and how it will evolve through BitShares.

OR we can approach it from a perspective I haven't even thought of yet

Anyways, that's where my brainstorming has led me so far, let me know what you think.  Anyone want to give it whirl?

Keyhotee / Re: Decentralized Identity. Article by Fred Wilson
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:51:48 am »
I threw out a link to the Keyhotee introduction on youtube. Hm.


...and it appears my comment was deleted (?)

Keyhotee / Re: Post your Alpha Keyhotee Public Key and Be known!
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:47:47 am »

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:50:57 pm »
I'm OK with Asana too.

As far as 'Bat Caves' are concerned, I like using Google Hangouts for meetings.

Google Hangouts works too.

 r/bitshares should be added to:  We should listed under: Non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies

Anyone know that moderator?

BitShares community has been added!

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:01:54 pm »
If you guys want to PM email addresses I can create an Asana project. At least we can try it out. Definitely the best method I know of to manage tasks amongst a group.

Sending you a PM.


Keyhotee / Re: Decentralized Identity. Article by Fred Wilson
« on: March 11, 2014, 10:21:34 pm »
He is basically asking for someone to develop Keyhotee...

Perhaps a good place for a long intro to Keyhotee from Daniel?

Nice find!  I threw a comment there directing people to

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 04:44:18 pm »
I'm OK with Asana too.

As far as 'Bat Caves' are concerned, I like using Google Hangouts for meetings.

Google Hangouts works too.

 r/bitshares should be added to:  We should listed under: Non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies

Anyone know that moderator?

Good thinking, I sent a message to judah_mu.

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 04:27:55 pm »
I'm OK with Asana too.

As far as 'Bat Caves' are concerned, I like using Google Hangouts for meetings.

General Discussion / [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:58:21 pm »
Edit: double post.  Anyone else run into this problem posting links from Tapatalk??

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] How much would you sell your BTS for?
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:33:36 pm »

Do we know if Cryptsy is putting BTS on its exchange?

Pretty sure that answer is no. But if there is demand, it will be inevitable. Bitshares-PTS is there so don't see why it wouldn't and BTer as well. .

I think exchanges will be hesitant to add BTS at first because it's a test chain.

Cryptsy has implemented a voting system to add currencies to the exchange.  I believe you get 1 free vote per day and unlimited paid votes (imagine that) - though I'm not sure of what the cost of a vote is.

I'll reiterate isza's post by saying I would emphasize maybe we should "skate to where the puck is headed, not where its at [or was 20 years ago]"

...I don't even own a computer that has an optical drive anymore...

Food for thought.

General Discussion / Re: [Social Media] Team Viral
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:58:21 pm »
I just added a reply to a BitShares ELI5 post from the 1st of the month, let me know what you guys think:

General Discussion / Hashtags & Influencers utilized for Twitter
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:23:35 am »
Here's a running list of crypto hashtags I have been, or will be, using while tweeting; feel free to use and/or add!  Also included a list of 'influencers' aka people who I follow/notice tweet a lot about cryptocurrencies.

I'm going to make it a personal goal to tweet to at least 1 new person a day about #bitshares, can someone hold me accountable and call me out if I haven't for the day?!


@aantonop (Andreas M. Antonopolis)
@balajis (partner at Andreessen Horowitz)
@MuslimAgorist (Davi Barker)
@niccary (CEO of
@OverstockCEO (Patrick Byrne)
@pmarca (Marc Andreessen)

General Discussion / Re: New List of all Crypto-Currencies
« on: March 11, 2014, 12:56:03 am »
I'm curious to know why Counterparty and PTS are flip-flopped (currently 11th and 12th positions) when comparing coin-table to coinmarketcap.  What's the reason behind this?  Which is correct?

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