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Messages - yvv

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Lost bitassets could be taken care of with the help of demurrage.  It would decrease balances of longers and shorters by same amount with time, and lost balances would eventually go to zero.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:57:26 pm »
It is absolutely fine to post pessimistic crap about BTS. This is on topic and this is a free forum after all.

General Discussion / Re: conditional payment feature?
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:53:25 pm »
Checkout how byteball dev organized OTC trading for blackbytes. Blackbyte is a private token, which is not tracked in public ledger, only a hash of transaction is submitted to prevent double spend. Long story short, this is implemented the way which makes it impossible to trade blackbytes on BTC exchanges without modification of their code. So, the dev created a slack channel (, get invite at with a chat bot, which allows users to place and query offers right in chat interface. There are also escrow guys who help to conduct trades. Simple and functional. Looks like a perfect scheme for OTC trading between fiat and bitFiat. Can something like this be implemented in bitshares client?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 16, 2017, 02:58:09 pm »
@Yao  excellent man! I knew that this was a good ides despite what my friend @fav thinks.. Make sure that you explain them that they can also short bitassets such as bitbtc.. :)

so "hundreds" joined wechat, but did they convert to bitshares customers? account creations should skyrocket, right?

Since that's the only metric we can use in this case, spoiler: account creations do no skyrocket.

Too early to say so. Let's wait for a month and see if this add has any impact.

General Discussion / Re: conditional payment feature?
« on: February 15, 2017, 04:58:15 pm »
Yes, escrow service would be very useful. It requires trust to 3rd party only in case of dispute, doesn't it?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 14, 2017, 04:05:22 pm »

low fees
could not be closed
could not be hacked

Yeah right, and after openledger API goes down as usual people who bought this slogans will be embarrassed.
They will learn ..

... how to switch to another API


Some times none of those servers in the list work for me. May be I am just unlucky?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 14, 2017, 02:03:43 pm »

low fees
could not be closed
could not be hacked

Yeah right, and after openledger API goes down as usual people who bought this slogans will be embarrassed.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [worker] Python-steem and uptick (1.14.52)
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:55:12 am »

Actually, there is no need to put 2.5x collateral. If there are no offers between feed and SQP price, borrow bitUSD with minimum (1.75x) collateral and let it be margin called as soon as an offer appears between feed and SQP.
Depends. Margin Calls can force you to pay up to 10% above the feed while if you maintain collateral, you can just to partially close your position at lower premium.
Given that the shareholders (on paper) pay with more dilution for this worker already, I don't think it's fair to also ask them to pay for margin calls. Hence, 2.5x collateral.
Makes sense?

Yes, it does. I guess, this whole process could be automated with a simple bot, can it?

General Discussion / Re: Suggestion about DEX usability for guests
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:18:24 am »
If this is really true, it's a bug. Can't check myself though.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [worker] Python-steem and uptick (1.14.52)
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:52:15 pm »
Actually, there is no need to put 2.5x collateral. If there are no offers between feed and SQP price, borrow bitUSD with minimum (1.75x) collateral and let it be margin called as soon as an offer appears between feed and SQP.

General Discussion / Re: Liquidity, Liquidity, Liquidity
« on: February 04, 2017, 09:32:07 am »

You are NOT properly stating the alleged "imbalances".  The fact is, the required collateral is less than 200% (175% in, and a little more in the OL wallet).  And what do you do after borrowing (let's say butUSD, for example)?  You short it.  So you're selling it to someone for 100% face value.  So now your collateral goes from 175% to 75%.  Which means you actually have NET LEVERAGE when shorting BitAssets.  So there really is no imbalance with collateral. 

This is correct. Although 75% MCR is bit higher than other exchanges require for shorting (polonoex requires 40% initial, 20% maintanence collateral). It may be safe to have high collateral initially, but as market spins up, we need to assess posibility  of reducing MCR to be competitive.

General Discussion / Re: Liquidity, Liquidity, Liquidity
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:04:34 pm »
5) Bots -- I would love to see even better, easier-to-use bot options.  btsbots is a really nice step in the right direction, but the interface is not very intuitive.  And there's no way to manage the balancing of your inventory within some constraints.  If you're not careful, you could end up with all of your funds in just one of the assets you're trying to provide liquidity to.  As discussed in #4 above, this is not as big of a deal in a 1:1 market  like bitUSD : USDT.   But you still probably don't want to end up so imbalanced like that.  So for the sake of making it easier for people to provide liquidity to ALL markets, I hope btsbots continues to improve. 

Check the options. You can set the max balance for each asset.

General Discussion / Re: Bit20 - The cryptocurrency index fund
« on: February 02, 2017, 05:21:15 am »
Second change. After receiving some requests, we will enable the force settlement setting.
This option allows anyone with BTWTYs to force the market to buy the asset(s) they own at the price feed. The fact that this market is traded much higher than the theoric price feed make this option irrelevant because it's  easy to sell at a better price than the price feed.

Forced settlement may be usefull if someone wants to settle larger amount than currently offered on the market. Just make max forced settle volume not too small and not too large.

And by the way, if you make MCR 150%, we will have the same leverage as on poloniex, 2.5x.

Thanks I checked the missing part.

Your concern is reasonable. In my proposal, I attempt to deal with it by taking part of fees into the network (10% for non LTM) to prevent spamming attack.

Also, as xeroc mentioned, one possible scenario is borrow Smartcoin, keep it, and obtaining profit from fees. This seems the low-hanging fruit, however, I think it is not 100% safe method. Because this needs at least 2x collateral in BTS and the person is exposed to BTS price. For instance, if one issues 2k BitUSD with 1M BTS collateral, he can enjoy profits from fee but if BTS price decreases 10% he will lose 10% of value when his position is cleared.

No, he will not lose nothing. He will update his position using a fraction of his bitUSD and continue collecting trading fees. Issuing bitUSD without shorting them  is equivalent to just keeping BTS. Your NAV in BTS stays fixed no matter where the price moves.

BirUSD and bitCNY are often traded below feed, which means that they are oversupplied. There is just not enough demand for them. If you make traders pay to shorters, you'll decrease demand and make the problem worse.

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