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Messages - matt608

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It's great to hear from you Matias thanks for posting.  I look forward to working with you. 

fran2k, welcome :) Pmd on nullstreet.

@xeroc, great idea!

General Discussion / Re: User Issued Asset Upgrades
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:48:43 pm »
Great!  +5% 

General Discussion / Re: Predict the date of the Bitshares 1.0 release
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:45:36 pm »
I'll guess Jan 18th.  How "1.0" that version will be I'm not sure, seems a big leap from 0.4.24 to 1 in a month or so.

General Discussion / Re: Great Argentina news!
« on: December 01, 2014, 08:45:42 pm »
Brilliant video, thanks for sharing that I took notes.

We must go full force into this market!

For those who haven't already, see my sig.

Yeah I like the enthusiasm and I'm the biggest supporter of Argentina based initiatives
I also really liked your efforts here

It's a reasonable plan but I probably wouldn't vote for this at this stage though. The guys below look much better placed for the initiative and I don't think a young, English, UK based 100% pay-rate marketing delegate is going to add more value than Spanish guys based in the country, who have started and advertised a Bitcoin website and have some technical ability.

Dear community,

My name is Matias Romeo and together with Pablo Tutino we are both cofounders of

We are based in Buenos Aires (Argentina) working from the "Bitcoin Center Buenos Aires" (aka: Bitcoin Embassy)

As many of you know the current situation in our country is one of a big opportunity for bitUSD, and seeing that the mobile wallet for bitshares is lagging behind we decided to do our contribution and started the development of a mobile bitasset wallet.

We think that Argentina has a lot of potential for the daily use of bitUSD and we have a lot of efforts going on in that sense that hope to release soon.

There is room for 2.  If Latincoin wants a delegate to fund development of bitUSD wallets and related services I would absolutely support it, but that's what their delegate pay would be for, not marketing a bitUSD-only portal.  Offering a marketing budget to exchanges is not the way forward, it creates a conflict of interest on their side on whether to promote their exchange or bitUSD.  I am a BTS loyal delegate, my marking will be about bitUSD and forming mutually beneficial partnerships. 

For example, it could be a great idea to airdrop bitUSD on users of Argentinian bitcoin exchanges (it can be sent to a bitcoin address).  If this was done, it's better to be done via a BTS loyal delegate to ensure the terms of the drop are maximally beneficial for BTS and bitUSD adoption.  You don't just want to give it to an exchange and say 'here you go, good luck'.  The the bitUSD portal should be ready so the Argentinian exchange can email all their users about the drop and direct them to the bitUSD portal to watch the video and download a wallet, meanwhile while the BTS delegate helps them promote the giveaway via funding ads + writing press releases etc. 

Bottom line:  You don't give exchanges a marketing budget for your product, you form a mutually beneficial partnership.


No offence.
I hate to say this but being a high pay rate delegate means getting hired by a DAC, you gotta prove yourself before asking for votes. Posting on forum is easy but developing business is another thing.

Do something, show the community your talent. Then things may get more easier.

No offence taken. 

An employee having immediate control over fund allocation is unusual, so I can completely understand the caution.  The way I see it, the almost 0 pay for myself and initial work done for free combined with 2+ months of community participation and paying over $1k for the chance at having a position more than adequately compensates for the 'faster-than-usual-delegation-of-funds' risk.  Especially when you can change your mind with a click without having to fill in any forms ;).    My 'taking the plunge' with this does prove something about me.  You want marketers who make a splash right? 

I am confident that over the the coming days and weeks everyone will gain confidence in my ability as I continue to write, organise and prepare.

I will point out though that not voting for me is to vote to delay development of the bitUSD portal, which now with this great news from Latincoin, we need ready asap.

@heyD: matt is the one developing the android app from
I think one is Matt from the UK (matt608 ) and the other is Matias from Argentina working on the wallet.
Dang .. I mixed that up ..

It's true, I'm a different Matt, pure marketing delegate.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets on the main Coinmarketcap page :)
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:40:01 pm »
I see clicking on BitUSD still takes you to an explanation of the market peg -

Shouldn't we rather ask for the website to be changed to or ?
totally agree with this! .. would rather preferr

Agreed, I've messaged them asking to change it.

We need an official CMC ambassador, since we're just going to ask them to change it again once we make new content for it shortly.

It was me who asked them to update the BTS count after the sharedrop and also when the BTS volume went wrong a couple days ago.  I just message them on bitcointalk. 

Just forwarding some info from the Chinese community .

They love the guy who was doing the mobile wallet .
And he also runs a local crypto platform in Argentina .

Also , your proposal states that nearly all of the spending are dedicated to Argentina promoting .
So , is it possible to team up with him and apply for one delegate ? (big percentage income for him to continue the wallet and get things done there )

Since he already got the advantage , I think he would be more suitable than anyone you're working with in Argentina . (you need more than translator , you need people on the field ) .

I've contacted him and waiting to hear more.  I agree a partnership would be great.  I wasn't aware he wanted a delegate position, I thought he was making the wallet for the benefit of + Argentinian people.  What this great development tells me is this Argentinian focused campaign is needed more urgently than I expected.  I need to get voted in immediately to have funds to develop the bitUSD portal, otherwise there wont be anything to promote.

experience tells me a site like is the best candidate to work with since they know how things are actually in there (living in it and doing business in it are two different thing ) .

Definitely.  I would be happy to see latincoin with a 100% delegate for developing bitUSD walelts etc and myself for funding marketing with consultation with latincoin.  Its one of the important bitUSD markets, 2 100% pay delegates are still not enough.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets on the main Coinmarketcap page :)
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:27:27 pm »
I see clicking on BitUSD still takes you to an explanation of the market peg -

Shouldn't we rather ask for the website to be changed to or ?
totally agree with this! .. would rather preferr

Agreed, I've messaged them asking to change it.

General Discussion / Re: bitUSD over $1 million USD market cap
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:22:30 pm »
Better to give away bitUSD not BTS.  BTS it like shares, Google doesn't give away its shares to people to get them to use its products.  bitUSD is the product, do bitUSD giveaways.  BTS giveaways make it seem less valuable too, whereas bitUSD can't be made less valuable by a giveaway as its market pegged.

Just forwarding some info from the Chinese community .

They love the guy who was doing the mobile wallet .
And he also runs a local crypto platform in Argentina .

Also , your proposal states that nearly all of the spending are dedicated to Argentina promoting .
So , is it possible to team up with him and apply for one delegate ? (big percentage income for him to continue the wallet and get things done there )

Since he already got the advantage , I think he would be more suitable than anyone you're working with in Argentina . (you need more than translator , you need people on the field ) .

I've contacted him and waiting to hear more.  I agree a partnership would be great.  I wasn't aware he wanted a delegate position, I thought he was making the wallet for the benefit of + Argentinian people.  What this great development tells me is this Argentinian focused campaign is needed more urgently than I expected.  I need to get voted in immediately to have funds to develop the bitUSD portal, otherwise there wont be anything to promote.

what happend to "marketing.matt608" ?

I changed it to be more specific as the majority of my funds will be spent on the Argentine market (bitUSD portal creation + advertising campaign).  Time wise i'll be contributing directly to western marketing and then re-cycleing whatever content I can to target Argentina.  It's a case of a job that needs doing and getting the money allocated to the right people to get the job done. Once is ready most funds will go to the Argentine ad budget, getting eyeballs to the page.  Once enough people have started using bitUSD it will go viral. 

It will be a team effort.  Think of me as project organiser. 

MeTHoDx's advertising expertise is globally applicable and I will make good use of it.  Cass's design skills will make the portal attractive.  Matador123 as translator (will hear from him soon) and market researcher will help MeTHoDx and I target the ad campaign and will help me target media outlets for content publication.  Various community members can help with creating the bitUSD video.    Communication with local bitcoin exchanges to broker partnerships can be done from where I am sitting.  It's worth the extra effort to get to this market because the conversion rate will be so much higher.

That was a very long answer to a very short question, hopefully useful to deliberating voters. :)

Alright my delegate is now live!  Please vote for argentina-marketing.matt608 as soon as you can!
Lets bring bitUSD to this hungry market.

A big thanks to Riverhead for walking me though on IM to get this set up.

General Discussion / Re: Mobile Wallet - Testers needed
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:25:05 pm »
This is a really great development.  +5%

Once I am elected as marketing delegate there will be a campaign directing targeted traffic to a bitUSD portal (in development) customised for the Argentine and Spanish speaking market.  The users will then be directed to exchanges where they can buy bitUSD.  This is great news as can be one of them! 


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