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Messages - matt608

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Technical Support / Re: Cannot register account
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:39:05 am »
Ok done problem solved.  Would be useful to have that subaccount info added to the delegate instructions in the wiki.

Technical Support / Re: Cannot register account
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:32:13 am »
you are trying to register a "subaccount" for matt608 and obvisouly do not have the account loaded into the wallet

if you want to register "" you're required to also have "bar" in the wallet

Ah I see so using a "." between the words has an actual purpose, its not just a convention.  I was just trying to create a new account and fund it from my other one, I didn't know anything about 'subaccounts'.  So I could just create a new account without the "." and fund it from the other one and register it?

Found this,
which is useful.

Technical Support / Re: Cannot register account
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:19:29 am »
This message has appeared by the bell on the top right:

104 unauthorized child account (20039) Need parent account to authorize registration!
 ○ request@app.js:30:24118
 ○ wallet_account_register@app.js:31:6814
 ○ ok@app.js:28:629
 ○ app.js:7:20403
 ○ app.js:7:27250
 ○ $eval@app.js:6:48397
 ○ $apply@app.js:6:48680
 ○ app.js:7:27237
 ○ dispatch@app.js:3:14328
 ○ handle@app.js:3:11078
20039 unauthorized_child_account: unauthorized child account
Need parent account to authorize registration!
    bitshares  wallet.cpp:2882 register_account

    bitshares  wallet.cpp:2913 register_account

    bitshares  wallet_api.cpp:616 wallet_account_register

    bitshares  common_api_client.cpp:1315 wallet_account_register

Technical Support / Cannot register account
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:05:05 am »
I'm trying to register a new account and have sent it 1BTS from myself but when I click "register account" and then click "ok" nothing happens, it wont register it.  The popup window just stays there.  I can close it by clicking cancel, but clicking "ok" does nothing. 

Can anyone help?

FYI :)

Maybe an WIN-WIN !? :)

Yeah I just saw that!  Looks like my delegate proposition is needed sooner than expected!  Just getting things set up and should be up and running tomorrow.


I think there should be 4 : if I agree with the value proposition the delegate proposes , do I need him right here , right now ?

We actually have limited funding space though inflation , how to spend it wisely (not just on the right people , but the right project ) is a important matter . Of course we can take baby steps by falling over and over again and learn from it . But why should we do that when we can think harder and harder ten steps ahead . If it turns out after ten times of hard thinking and we still makes the same mistake , then at least we can tell the world :  That failure is out of our hand , because we did though it through .

I agree 100%. 

For the question 'do I need him right now', I say preparation time is needed right now for the certain propositions to come into fruition in time for maximum cost-efficieny.  The market cap argument goes both ways.  It's easier to lower it when its small, but its also easier for marketing to increase it.  $1000 well spent while the market cap is tiny has much more impact than $1000 well spent when the market cap is larger.

A final factor I would actually add, is:
What is the cost of voting against?  (not voting)

Right now I'm in favor of voting in anyone with any demonstrable coding or marketing skills.

Then whether they should stay in depends on if we see any results from them.

When the market cap goes up and the pay is worth more, and we have more people trying for spots, then its time to make it more competitive.

Well , if you want competition , I can easily put up several hundred teams to aim for it . (3000USD alone is like the top income in third world countries , you can hire many capable people with that price , even rocket scientists ) . Be careful what you wish for , because that may happen over night ......

$3000 a month doesn't pay for the rocket the rocket scientist is working on, that would just be his salary.  Paying for a rocket scientist with all their equipment would cost more like 100 x that.

I certainly encourage scepticism as the starting point in all analysis, I'm glad we have critical thinkers like you on board.

For delegates entrusted with spending responsibilities I will base my votes on the following 3 factors:

1.  Do I agree with the value proposition the delegate proposes? (is their spending plan cost-effective)
2.  Is he capable of getting it done?
3.  Do I trust the delegate to honstly spend on what he says?

If the answer is yes to all three, he/she gets my vote. 

General Discussion / Re: Delegate project boards?
« on: November 30, 2014, 04:20:42 pm »
We need more than mere project boards, imo we need an independent website for 'bitshares jobs' to promote to the outside world, but a subforum will do for now.  We need delegates voted in with the specific role of 'hiring' so that all workers/employees don't have to become elected delegates themselves to get paid.  Pointing prospective developers to wrag-tag discussions about projects without a clear direction for them to get started isn't enough, we need job boards to promote to attract lots of talent.  Not to say hashing out the associated ideas etc shouldn't be done, of course lets facilitate that, but its not enough.  We need something 'presentable'.

Random Discussion / Re: What music are you listening to? :)
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:44:18 pm »
So, I thought this might be fun,


^Great album :D

What music am I listening to? Well, I'll tell you!
I'm listening to this:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah ah ah ha hha ha ha ah ah ah aha ha ha hah aha ha ha !
 :D ;D

You have great taste  ;D

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Delegate Wish List
« on: November 30, 2014, 12:17:31 pm »
Something needs to be done about expanding wish lists like this into a list of 'job offers' in a new sub forum which can be promoted outside of current Bitshares developers.  With comments like this starting to arrive:

And no where to specific to send them. 

People just say 'make a delegate for yourself' and give them a huge barrier to getting the work done, learning about delegates, setting one up, campaigning, paying a huge fee upfront.  It's crazy to make someone do that and it will just turn people away.  We need to have a few delegates with 100% pay voted in to be run by people who's responsibility is to hire developers for specific tasks. Bounties are no good because the worker never knows if they are going to get paid as there could be others working for the same bounty.

While the agreement between delegate + voter can be informal, consisting of campaign pledges rather than contracts, when a delegate hires someone else they need to have the option of offering a contract with a fixed amount bitUSD for the task, not requiring the worker become an elected delegate.  If delegates need to be legally defined to do this then we need a discussion about what delegates should be legally defining themselves as being.

I would eagerly vote for a trusted figures such as BM to have another delegate (or 2) pledged to be used entirely for hiring.

For marketing its a killer angle to have job openings working for a blockchain, even if they don't end up working for it directly (some will though).

We need job listings, at least 10 separate listings created in a new bitsharestalk subforum called of 'job openings', with the skills required and a task or small group of tasks. 

Once this is done and there's a delegate elected and ready to 'hire', this message can be blasted across the world at low cost because its such an awesome story.

I'm running as a marketing delegate and having this done would be hugely useful.  Some big traffic can be drummed up, and developer interest stirred up at the same time!

Please do it!


- We need funds available and ready to spent on hiring by a trusted figure (e.g. Bytemaster)
- A more comprehensive list of all desired tasks
- A new subforum where tasks are separated (reasonably) and its made to look like the feast of opportunity that it is.  This can then easily be promoted as a 'special place on the Internet' etc (+ can replace the bounty forum).
- Discussion about the legal definition of delegates.  Does the whole thing need to be informal?  That makes us 'slippery', hard to interact with the world.

Better yet start a whole new website for it.  It doesn't need to be a big coding enterprise.  A clone of Elance costs under $900:

We could set that up and have an in-house bitshares jobs site.  Only delegates have access to post jobs.  Simple.  If it gets busy enough it could even become an income source by turning on the listing fees.  There would just need to be a little of work on it to integrate bitUSD as a payment option and offer bonuses to employees to accepted payment in bitUSD.

This is the way to do it.  Get a site like that set up and then we can promote it to great effect.

donkypong thanks for the useful feedback.

I have a great new addition to my campaign:  Regular audio ads for Bitshares.

donkypong asked what passion I would bring.  Well, Besides from Bitshares, making music is what I love doing.  I play the guitar + piano and bass and have production skills with mics at the ready.  The fatigue syndrome I mentioned prevents me from having the stamina needed to produce full length songs, so I've amassed a pile of what would make great backing tracks to use in audio ads, with just a couple of guitars or a guitar and drums and bass, plus the backing tracks can be re-used and just the talk over the top changed.

I have made 1 ad already and it will air on Wednesday on the popular Beyond bitcoin podcast:

I can keep doing this and sponsor every show.  I can make them for other radio stations too, customised for each audience.

This will be part of my regular contribution to Bitshares!  I've edited the OP to include this.

I like your plans of marketing, they seem very promising.

Methox is running a 100% payrate delegate, and it seems Methox has planned a lot of promoting activities, but he is still in the stage of ability proving, instead of results enjoying.  So I doubt the community would agree to support two "unconfirmed" marketing teams at the same time, given the overlaps of your plan with Methox's.

Why don't you join his team first, and prove your ability there. What you asked (200USD per month) is just a small portion of Methox's income, I think he will welcome you. If in future, we really need more marketing teams, you may start a new team by then.

Thanks for the comments ripplexiaoshan, the thing is I'm not doing it for the 200 bitUSD, I'm doing this because I think it needs doing. 

General Discussion / Re: [BitAssets] Logo Icons & Buttons
« on: November 30, 2014, 09:59:27 am »

How many articles would you propose to write in six months? And where would you post/publish them?

Six months is too far ahead to think for me in terms of article numbers, I'd prefer to keep estimates no more than 3 months as that's all my proposal covers.  The number of articles I write depends largely on article ideas and the quality of those ideas.  This week I've written 2 articles and my delegate pitch.  2 a week is 8 a month or 24 over 3 months.  To me that number sounds like a '****tonne' and its hard to imagine that many good article ideas to inspire me.  I mean quality articles, stuff thats good enough for very popular websites, not some crappy pumping with no substance.  I can't crank them out like a machine, they need to be populated by ideas.  That's why I went a safe estimate of 10 in 3 months.  Translated into Spanish and Chinese and the safe estimate gets 30. 

Chances are I could do a lot more than that, but I don't want to make any promises I might not be able to keep.  Thanks to the amazing community great ideas fly around here all the time so using community inspiration I could even end up writing more than 24.  For all I know I could get 10 good ones done in the first month.  But I'm just going to stick to a safe prediction of 10 in 3 months. 

Keep in mind its not an exact thing.  Articles can be modified to have a slightly different angle on them, in which case, is that 1 article or 2?

Where will they be published?  Wherever they can in a way best for the DAC.  MeTHoDx went straight ahead and published one to r/cryptocurrency, I was expecting to offer it to pop-tech blogs such as Wired as an exclusive but it turned out pretty well.  On Nullstreet there's a group of contributors in lncluding HPEnvy who help decide where to send the articles and what order to do things.  I certainly will aim for popular websites and leveraging social media to get the most out of each one.

I just want to add that in terms of division of my time, writing articles will be the single largest part, probably taking around 50% of my time.  In the first month I will have a bunch of articles written and probably probably published (in the English speaking market), which can be evaluated by shareholders who want to decide whether to keep the 100% pay rate going.

So you will write these articles for only 200 USD per month?

Yep!  Its basically an (almost) free part of the package.  I just need a little tip, 200 bucks is enough, to wet my appetite.  Better to under-pay while the DAC is young and needs nurturing and then pay generously when its massive and can handle the capital extraction.

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