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Messages - matt608

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I just want to add that in terms of division of my time, writing articles will be the single largest part, probably taking around 50% of my time.  In the first month I will have a bunch of articles written and probably probably published (in the English speaking market), which can be evaluated by shareholders who want to decide whether to keep the 100% pay rate going.

General Discussion / Re: Voting proposal
« on: November 29, 2014, 08:25:39 pm »
A voter can always change their mind.  If you want "Roy" ;D at 50% not 100% you could re-evaluate your voting decision after a shorter time period time period than you would for delegates you fully support.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Questions for Bytemaster
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:58:44 pm »
I am willing to trust Bytemaster with regards to the 'official' marketing for now, but that wont stop me from doing it myself too.

Thanks for the feedback, these are valid concerns. 

I am confident I can address them all.

There's an overlapping concern you all share about the details of the Argentine campaign.  I have list of Argentine blogs + financial sections of online newpapers to target and Matador123 has a list as well. I'll get him touch with him again and get my list tidied up and have a more detailed plan ready within a day from now.

Just to be clear there will be no spending on Argentina marketing until the bitUSD portal is ready and mobile wallets with Spanish transitions are out and at least 1 on ramp established. 

People seem to be underestimating how much difference it makes to market a product to people who actually need it.  I don't see such skepticism for marketing to the west.  That's like trying to sell food at a banquet, no one wants it.  There stuffed full already.  Sell it where people need it.  That is above and beyond all other factors the most important one making a marketing campaign successful, and I will have it on my side.

It's also about being prepared.  I don't want the software to be launched and then have no campaign ready for this vital location, which is likely to have much higher conversions than other areas due to the dire need the population has for unlimited access to a stable currency, again, I emphasise,I am selling bitUSD where it is needed.  (initial onramp may have limits, but once bitUSD knowledge is out there and people know about it they'll be able to use local trader apps which are in development to get unlimited access).

@BTSdac, 20% pay is simply not enough.  100% pay is approximately $2500 per month.  So that is $7500 for this 3 month long project.  Deduct from that $1200 registration fee (60k BTS) and you have $6300.  20% of that would only be just over $1200 for the whole 3 months.  That is barely even enough to get the bitUSD portal + custom video done.  Of course I shall endeavour to keep costs down but $1000-$2000 would be my cost estimate for that.  There would be no point getting a great portal set up without marketing to promote it.  With 100% it provides a couple thousand for banner ads and sponsored content in Argentina.  Then there is an additional few k ready to optionally add to the Argentina budget if there is a high conversion rate, or use on the western market for simple things like press releases and more ads in the cryptosphere.  Honestly $7500 for such an important market is nothing.  In my opinion having 2 delegate spots dedicated to 100% Argentina would be a good move.  I only stated 50% of my pay to be 'flexible' in case opportunities in other markets presented themselves. 

I want to say again *nothing will be spent on ads until the software, bitUSD portal + onramp is ready*.  A good company is prepared.  bitUSD is so useful in Argentina the idea of it will spread very easily.  It would be a very bad move to attack this market.

Marketing is not rocket science.  It is just important work that needs to get done.  I can do it.  It's a global world.  Banner ads in financial sections of online Argentine newpapers and articles sent out to local money advice bloggers is the way to go, once its all ready.  This will be enacted with the combined expertise of the community.

Do you want a campaign to be ready in time or not?

Keep the feedback coming.  I want everyone's concerns addressed.  Tomorrow I'll post back with more details of my media targets.

Rushing for a 100% delegate is not good for BTS.

We maybe need set some threshold of 100% paid delegates .

The funds aren't going to spent for some time.  There's paying back the 60k BTS registration fee, then it will take time to save up to pay for video + design for  It might be 2 months before those funds get spent, and some of it will remain within the community too paying them for work.  Any ad campaign wont start until mobile wallets are ready and on-ramp established.  That could be 2-3 months away, there's no way for me to know.  The important thing is to be prepared, and ready to go when the time comes.

Most of the actual leg work, writing and organising, will be taking place in the first month or so with hardly any funds being spent.  Once things are all ready and the community experts (MeTHoDx for ad campaign, + others on the bitUSD video) have been thoroughly consulted the funds can start to be spent.

Edit:  I can't give any guarantees for when the funds will be spent, these are just estimates.  But I expect the spending rate to start small/nothing and increase over time.


Very well thought out plan. This is the future of delegates.

Thanks Riverhead!

what's the law in Argentina ?
Is it legal to host a Bitcoin fiat trading platform ? Are there any yet ?
What are their trading volumes ?

More really good questions. 

There is bitpagos which services Latin America and other smaller exchanges some of which are still in development. - 4k fb likes.

These small exchanges are great initial prospective partners.

Complying with the local laws is the responsibility of the exchanges.  Bitcoins are not illegal there but there are reporting requirements.

I will find out more about local laws.

Quick question from the Chinese community :

How will a UK guy who is only 25 years old get on-ramp done in Argentina ?

Wouldn't it be far-fetched as a 25 year old Chinese guy claiming he want to get on-ramp done in Africa ?

Great question.  I wont directly, but I will work to make it so that using Bitshares/bitUSD an attractive proposition for exchanges there. 

The marketing of the bitUSD portal will be marketing for whichever exchanges add bitUSD or BTS.  This provides a big incentive.  The bitUSD portal will direct users on to the exchange to buy bitUSD once they have downloaded a wallet from the portal.  There will be a link from the bitUSD portal to exchanges that trade bitUSD.  Therefore promotion of the portal is promotion of the exchange. 

Without my creation of the portal and marketing it, this incentive will not exist.  I can even offer to mention exchanges in the articles getting them direct coverage.  I will be drumming up demand to use exchanges which have bitUSD purchasable on them.

Doing all this, including getting set up be a great portal will stimulate cryptocurrency use in the region and give local exchanes an organic reason to add bitUSD.

Please don't hesitate to ask any other questions, I am happy to answer.


Giannis, you have to understand that the blockchain can only offer one deal: A paid delegate.

While this is true theres no need for all developers to become delegates themselves.  If Giannis doesn't want to become a delegate he can pitch his contribution in the delegate subforum and a trusted technical delegate can offer to start up a 100% pay delegate and pay him a portion, keeping hold of the extra funds for other projects.

Riverhead talked about setting up a 'projects' delegate, which I think we need.  He would then be a 'division head' and Giannis 'employed' by Riverhead.

This is a 3 month plan, after that I will propose a new plan.

Class: Marketing delegate
Pay rate:  100%
Delegate name:  argentina-marketing.matt608

Plan in Brief:

-   50% of funds allocated to marketing in Argentina - Spanish language marketing campaign.
-   50% flexible to be used as needed for various marketing initiatives (may also going to Argentina for bitUSD drops)
-   200bitUSD a month personal take home pay (tiny tip for myself to help moral)

What have I done so far?

 - I wrote this, (edited by MeTHoDx), which appears to have contributed to a BTS rally and has already resulted in developer interest.
 - I wrote this article (draft material)
 - I wrote these lyrics (may not get used)
 - Created an Audio Ad for my delegate campaign which will air on the popular Beyond Bitcoin podcast this Wednesday.  I will create regular audio ads!
 - I have registered and am in the process of setting up a bitUSD portal custom made for the Argentine market.  Cass has agreed to work (paid) on this once he’s available. 

The Operation Argentina budget will be spent on the following:

-   Professional bitUSD video custom made for the Argentine market, pitched primarily as a savings account and with voicing in Spanish.
-   Developing an amazing design for
-   Advertising campaign (banners, possibly adsense + more)
-   bitUSD airdrop onto bitcoin users via local exchanges and onto
-   Small amount for community tips to helpers/consults.

Targets for 3 months time:

-   Have amazing bitUSD portal on complete with video.
-   Have at least 10 articles written and published somewhere of value in English.  Translated into Spanish ready for use.
-   Establish exchange partnership in Argentina + airdrop bitUSD to it's bitcoin users.
-   Produce regular audio ads for Bitshares and have them aired in cryptocurrency podcasts and on relevant radio stations. 
-   Stimulate merchant adoption

Audio ads
Besides from Bitshares, making music is what I love doing.  I play the guitar + piano and bass and have production skills with mics at the ready.  I have a library of home-made backing tracks to use in audio ads, with just a couple of guitars or a guitar and drums and bass, plus the backing tracks can be re-used and just the talk over the top changed.

I have produced 1 ad already and it will air on Wednesday on the popular Beyond bitcoin podcast:

I can keep doing this and sponsor every show (they are every 1-2 weeks) and are very popular.  I can make them for other radio stations too, customised for each audience. This will be part of my regular contribution to Bitshares! 

Writing is my (other) main strength and I will play to it.  Matador123 is a Spanish speaker and lived in Argentina for 7 months and will be translating my articles into Spanish and helping organize campaigns to get them published on Argentinian news outlets and will help with general Spanish speaking community building. 

I will help organize campaigns and contribute ideas and time to any marketing initiatives where I can be of use. 

I will consult with MeTHoDx about placing ads in the Argentine market.

The community will be heavily consulted and I will work closely with community propose initiatives.

About me:
Real Name:  Matthew Jones (call me matt608)
Age: 25
Location:  UK

Relevant work history:
 - Age 18 founded limited company GetPlugD aiming to connect advertiers and bloggers, programmer got ill and project fell though before launch.
 - Between ages 18-20 created, marketed and sold blogs with no budget using SEO + free marketing techniques.  Earned over $20k+ from blog sales, ads and freelance writing.
- Age 20-21 was employed full time by a visa company in London to do SEO for them involving writing and link building.

Recent history:
Studied Philosophy at the University of Bristol, but had to drop out half way through due to becoming ill with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).  I still have this and it causes exhaustion but I can get the job done and bring lots of value to Bitshares.

As stated this is a 3 month plan starting from the date I am elected.  Once the 3 months is over I will present a new plan.

-   I pledge to pay myself not a penny more than 200bitUSD per month for 3 months.
-   I pledge complete transparency with my budget.  Anyone in the community who I pay for their help will have to accept the amount will be public knowledge.
-   All other funds will be spent carefully with the goal of increasing value of BTS without breaking any personal moral tenants, such as ‘the golden rule’.

I am really excited about this and can't wait to get started! (literally, I couldn't wait).

My Delegate is now LIVE!  If you support my campaign and want me to keep working, vote for me:  argentina-marketing.matt608

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: Why is BTS suddenly shooting up?
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:02:10 am »

General Discussion / Re: ripple rally
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:42:32 pm »
To me the Ripple rally is a show of what can happen.  A crypto-god stirs, which other mighty creatures will rise from this amazing technology.  Bitshares?  I think so.

 Ripple is aptly named.  That's what it is in comparison to the next Tsunami wave of the cryptocalypse which will come soon to engulf the world.


It looks like a small event, but thought I would post it in case someone lives nearby. 

I wrote an article for this and posted it to nullstreet.

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