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Messages - testz

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Block explorer:

BTC38 открыли ввод/вывод BitShares 2.0:

Decentralized Forex without brokers? Let's try.

PS: Just for smile  :)

500 запустил шлюз для MUSE, теперь можно вводить/выводить и торговать MUSE в сети BitShares.

We've created TRADE.MUSE which is a backed UIA for MUSE coin. Currently, you can purchase TRADE.MUSE from using MUSE, then sell it on any TRADE.MUSE market in the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange. Similarly, if you purchase TRADE.MUSE on the decentralized exchange, you can exchange it for MUSE on the blocktrades web site. Soon you will also be able to deposit/withdraw TRADE.MUSE directly in the web wallet as well.

Excelent!  +5%

Вышла новая версия лайт кошелька MUSE 1.0.151109:

Для обновления, удалите старую версию, через панель управления, установка/удаление программ (без удаления персональных данных, галочка "Remove also my muse personal data" должна быть отключена) и установите новую версию.

PS: Если Вы еще не делали резервной копии своего кошелька, это хорошее время чтобы ее сделать.

Metaexchange запустил возможность торговать BTC, ETH и Nxt внутри BitShares. Ввод вывод осуществляется через IOU Metaexchange, METAEX.BTC, METAEX.ETH и METAEX.NTX соответственно:,19815

На следующей неделе интегрируют эту возможность на прямую в кошелек BitShares как это уже сделано для Open Ledger (CCEDK) и

Это что значит спрос на bts поднимется?
Или это не активы?

Это долговые расписки бирж, для торговли ими BTS нужны только для коммисии, ну и если торговать например OPENBTC к BTS.
Т.е. Плюсом будет для платформы то что биржи платят комиссию?

Плюсом для платформы будет увеличение количества пользователей и возможно спроса на BTS и другие активы.

Yunbi is in contact with me directly and I'd love to give BTC38 the required support .. They just didn't reach out to me or Dan yet ..

BTC38 reach BitShares Delegate Skype group, I just add you to this group, so you can reply to their questions as well.

Freebie / Re: Open Beta: Testing the Tip/Sharebot Today @ Noon!
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:27:56 am »
No it is about you being a bitch.
Off course it is about BTS tipping.

I also love you tonyk  :)
Off course it is about UIA tipping.

Freebie / Re: Open Beta: Testing the Tip/Sharebot Today @ Noon!
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:23:51 am »
All say is - I asked them why not tip in BTS.

A ton of consecutive lies followed.

Tipbot allow you to tip in BTS, please point me to post with consecutive lies about it.,19777.msg253953.html#msg253953

Lie #1 " UIA have lower fees than BTS"

But it's not about BTS tipping, right?

Freebie / Re: Open Beta: Testing the Tip/Sharebot Today @ Noon!
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:10:48 am »
All say is - I asked them why not tip in BTS.

A ton of consecutive lies followed.

Tipbot allow you to tip in BTS, please point me to post with consecutive lies about it.

Freebie / Re: Open Beta: Testing the Tip/Sharebot Today @ Noon!
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:04:18 am »
can we keep this thread about beta testing a product and do something productive for once?

why test, something that should not exist, in the first place?

You can test tipping BTS, or you also think BTS tipping should not exist?

Testz, you are the man who discovered BTS tipping... but I think these guys find first class, or something

Ask them why?

[I got a ton of consecutive lies when I asked myself...your time now]

I don't think what I can understand you correctly: "but I think these guys find first class, or something. Ask them why?"
So don't expect me to answer such questions.  :)

Freebie / Re: Open Beta: Testing the Tip/Sharebot Today @ Noon!
« on: November 09, 2015, 07:49:41 am »
can we keep this thread about beta testing a product and do something productive for once?

why test, something that should not exist, in the first place?

You can test tipping BTS, or you also think BTS tipping should not exist?

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