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Messages - santaclause102

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Deutsch (German) / Re: Fragen an den Rechtsanwalt
« on: March 06, 2015, 11:02:09 pm »
Das mit dem Bus ist denke ich sehr verfrüht.... Wallet ist noch nicht reif genug und Deutchland ist hinsichtlich der enduser auch nicht der Markt der am meisten nutzer pro marketing investment bringen würde. Aber wo Potential hier in Deutschland (im Moment) ist sind crypto investoren! Also Leute die BTS kaufen weil sie davon überzeigt sind. Da könnte man was machen. Fände es außerdem spannend was für die Infrastruktur zu tun (gateway, so was wie dacx in kooperation mit einer schon bestehenden crowdsourcing platfrom in Deutschland).

Deutsch (German) / Re: Fragen an den Rechtsanwalt
« on: March 06, 2015, 08:53:33 pm »
Finde die prof. Herangehensweise beachtlich!
Mir ist aber nicht ganz klar wie sehr ein eigenes Unternehmen gebraucht wird. Welche Tätogkeiten wären denn nicht mit einem einfachen Gewerbeschein möglich?


Is the above relevant and a subset the category Secp256k1 also belongs to?

General Discussion / Re: 30 million bitshares...
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:57:33 pm »
We are preparing to address this topic within the next couple of days once we can get agreement from everyone.    We have been discussing this issue for a while internally.

I would say more, but would rather run things through the proper process.
+5% :)

Yunbi exchange gets two 100% delegates(d1.yunbi , d2.yunbi),attracting the attention of the whole community.

Many community members hope to know our recent progress , so the following is the formal reply:

In addition to supporting BTS/CNY and BitCNY/CNY trading pair , Yunbi exchange recently added BitUSD/BTC, BitBTC/BTC trading pair. All transactions are free.

Above all, Yunbi exchange user can trade BTS on “”(币看) mobile APP, getting better trading experience. BTW , btckan is the most popular cryptocurrency mobile APP in China.

Because of unexpected problem, we will suspend the development of Yunbi web wallet. Main reasons are as follows:

1. After deep research , we found that we can’t realize our original goal --100% security and easy-to-use --within expected cost. And we haven’t find proper solution until now.

2. Official web wallet is available now, so we had better not reinvent the wheel.

We have tested official web wallet, finding that it has realized our goal. In addition it is developed by official team ,so it will get more trust than other wallet developed by the third party. Yunbi web wallet will be centralized wallet, so we will suffer doubt about security and trust and have little users. For above reason, our team decided to suspend developing web wallet.

If you think that Yunbi exchange don’t deserve two 100% delegates now , you can revote for d2.yunbi. We respect your vote, and if d2.yunbi is voted down in one month, we will donate all reward of d2.yunbi to free BTS faucet. We are not greedy guy, we only receive the reward that we deserve.

As the partner of BTS community , Yunbi exchange will continue to support BTS and provide better trade experience for BTS fans.

Best wishes to BTS!

Yunbi Exchange

Would you publish the results of the research you made that lead to the conclusion not to develope the web wallet like you planed to. This was work paid by BTS shareholders and the results may help other developers.

Could you please summarize what you are offering (what you do and what you plan to do) for the delegate(s) you have?

General Discussion / Re: New video
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:24:00 pm »

- around 4.15: Saying "sending usd to the exchange and the exchange sends me btc involves counterparty risk" isnt true. The IOU character of what I get back from sending btc / usd to the exchange has to be mentioned.

- Contrary to what was said around 6.30: Making the order book being executed by a blockchain network based on opensource software does not eliminate "hackers wet dreams". Gateways still issue IOUs...

General Discussion / Re: New video
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:52:48 pm »
Very fresh presentation!  +5%

Weired thing: If you move (your face) there is a quite noticeable drag. It makes the picture in the area where things (your head mostly) blurry.


We are a team of crypto-enthusiasts that have been working on solving one of the biggest problems facing mass-adoption of the blockchain: entry barriers. The absolute largest hurdle to gaining a steady stream of new users is the lack of a fiat-gateway and so this is the one problem that we have set out to solve. Currently we are partnered with a central European bank that will enable instant deposits and withdrawals of Euros and also allow for USD deposits and withdraws via wire-transfer. Additionally we are currently in talks with banks in two other countries to create a more robust environment and enable more people to transfer funds through us instantly.

What we are offering is the greatest way to lower the entry barrier for Bitshares and enable users to buy and sell  Bitshares and BitAssets near instantly with their fiat funds. This will open up new opportunities for the entire Bitshares community and attract many new users as well as merchants.

On board we have a solid development and legal team that has created the infrastructure for a Fiat Gateway for Bitshares. We are now seeking funding to bring this platform to the Bitshares community. We are looking for investors with $50,000+ in capital ready to invest in such a project. Interested parties will be presented our entire business plan, legal documents and a preview of the exchange and past projects we have worked on as well as projected estimates of rate of return on their investment.

The people behind the project are very professional. Thanks gentso for posting this. +5%

General Discussion / Re: Out of the Loop, back now :-)
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:19:01 pm »
I haven't turned on my mining computer in about 1.5 years
Welcome back! ;) Sounds like you have been living in the woods for a while. Was funny to read your post!

So all you need to secure your investment is the private keys of the protoshares address you had protoshares at (1) before Feb 28th 2014 and (2) after that. I assume you didn't donate to angel shares... If you donated to Angelshares you need to private keys form which you donated.

The challenge is to get your private keys from your compromised computer into a clean machine where you can install the bitshares client ( -> downloads). Others are better security experts. I would encrypt the private keys and upload them to dropbox or so.

You own a st(e)ake in Bitshares Play, Bitshares Music, Devshares, and BitShares (main DAC). 

General Discussion / Re: PR opportunity on WSJ...
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:52:57 pm »
same issue here...

General Discussion / Chinese market
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:26:32 pm »
First, a great thanks to our fellow Chinese community members (Chinese forum community, investors and entrepreneurs)!

Here is an interview that is very much worth reading

The Chinese market especially the online retail market is tremendous and growing!

A have a (hopefully) simple question: Is it legal in China to accept crypto currencies like Bitcoin / BitCNY as payment? 

Is Supernet trying to copy us too? It seems that NXT hasn't had many original ideas since I started off with them...they just seem to sort of steal from BTS.
It seems that it is a multisig + colored coins approach to a decentralized exchange. Not super exiting imo, just making use of technology that is known for more than a year... (note that my whole knowledge about that supernet project comes from this article).
but it is much earlier that NXT do these things than BTS. I have been watch NXT since end of 2013.
Building fundamentals is superior to being early. Supernet is nice but not as much of a game changer as bitassets.
In any entrepreneurial effort there is also the notion of "timing". You can also be too early.
I dont worry about it.


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there is nothing there for me. No soundcloud playbutton or anything similar...
should be there now.
the player just didn't show up in firefox and only for this episode.
Works! THX
Edit: Still has problems: Can't forward beyond the already downloaded content.
Edit Edit: Just takes long :)


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there is nothing there for me. No soundcloud playbutton or anything similar...

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