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Messages - dannotestein

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: keyhotee_0.6.0就是一个鸡肋
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:10:38 pm »
结果只要一点击联系人的名字,就报错退出 :'( :'( :'(

Alt's patch was added in this weekend, sorry I didn't see this thread earlier to report it here. Please use 0.6.2 (on windows) or 0.6.1 (others):

Keyhotee / Re: When will free Identity registration start?
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:04:38 pm »
maybe it is for keyhotee founder?
I think you were reading about an early concept of helping to fund future development via "DAC angels". The idea was that holders of 1000+ PTS would create and contribute to bounties to further DAC development (which would in turn increase the value of PTS). This concept can still be employed, of course, when a group of PTS holders is particularly knowledgeable about something they want created for a DAC or to support the ecosystem, but mostly this idea has been subsumed by AngelShares which achieves a similar objective through a different mechanism (this is just my view, however).

I think you've missed the current division of work: Eric Frias and I are now working on the generic blockchain code which will be used for Keyhotee and other DACs, while the guys in Poland (lead by vogel67) are working on the GUI side and Keyhotee-specific backend requirements (e.g. system-specific messages like authorization requests, etc). These are independent efforts proceeding in parallel, mostly.

Thanks for the update!  Are authorizations stored on chain?  It seems like there will be a huge number of application specific data elements needed for new apps that use KIDs, but I imagine most of this will either be off chain or on a separate app-specific chain rather than the KID chain.  Am I far off from the design plan here?
Authorizations aren't on the blockchain. Authorizations are only known locally to the two clients who have authorized each other. Authorization will be used for things like direct connect communication and sharing a set of deterministicly computable keys between a pair of users. Authorizations are part of the KH-specific message protocol which can be used by any KH-style client.

Option 1: Release a MVP consisting of a client with a CLI/RPC interface and a working blockchain ASAP which does nothing but register and look up names.

* Let outside developers start integrating Keyhotee.
* Let people starting marketing Keyhotee outside of these forums

* "Keyhotee is ready!", but no user-friendly interface or any advanced functionality

Option 2: Delay launching the blockchain further but have a clean, feature-full application to interact with it soon after it launches.

Pros/cons: The opposite of pros/cons from above.

This poll is part of my status update in this thread:
I think you've missed the current division of work: Eric Frias and I are now working on the generic blockchain code which will be used for Keyhotee and other DACs, while the guys in Poland (lead by vogel67) are working on the GUI side and Keyhotee-specific backend requirements (e.g. system-specific messages like authorization requests, etc). These are independent efforts proceeding in parallel, mostly.

Theoretically, we could move them to working on the blockchain with us, but in practice, its much simpler for Eric and I to handle it, since we can sit in the same room and design it together. The other reason this division of labor is more sensible is that only Eric and I are really familiar with Dan's fc library which is used as the basis for the networking and fiber code, and it takes some time to understand this code well (Eric and I both worked in this code base on a past contract).

Plus, if we did bring all those guys into blockchain code now, we'd still need to add KH-specific stuff to the backend afterwards.

For those who are curious, this is current Invictus programmers as I'm aware of it (there's also a few outside guys):

In US, bytemaster works on BitSharesX
In US, emfrias and I are designing blockchain/p2p code
In Poland, vogel76, grzegorz, and PaulEU work on  KH GUI and KH-specific backend code
In Poland, gandalf provides build support, scripts, and general system admin support
In India, yuvaraj works on KH GUI and is also primary tester for KH (he's away this month on honeymoon)

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 15, 2014, 03:37:29 pm »
0.6.1 /Win7/32/ :

For anyone who encountered the above error with 0.6.1,there is a fixed version here:
(only needed if you encountered this error, there's no other difference vs 0.6.1)

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:40:25 pm »
0.6.1 /Win7/32/ :

Yes, someone reported this on the error thread already, the problem is the new Windows installer didn't include VS2012 runtime libs. We should have a new version up in a few hours that corrects it on machines that don't have it installed already.

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: March 15, 2014, 01:01:52 pm »
This is not a bug but i do not know where else to put it.

When trying to run Keyhotee version 0.6.1 on Windows 8.1 x64 I got error missing MSVCP110.dll. When trying to install fix with libraries: "A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."
After manually downloading missing dll getting 0xC000007B application error.

Trying to find solution now, not sure is it a problem only on my machine or global.
Looks like the new windows installer grabbed the wrong copy of libeay.dll (one that required VS2010 redistributable) and I guess you're not finding the proper version. I'll try to put up a new windows version today that doesn't require it.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 15, 2014, 12:17:18 am »
We've uploaded alpha release 0.6.1 with a fix for a crash bug related to the contacts list (reported via several automated crash reports today):

Currently we're working on design of the p2p networking layer that processes DAC blockchains.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:58:24 am »
Fixed one more error in the mail server that caused connections to stay around on the mail server after KH clients dropped their connection. At this point, we haven't seen any more issues in the message communication between the server and KH, so a couple of us are meeting tomorrow with Bytemaster to discuss the design of the overlay network. This is common code that will be used by KH, BitSharesX, and other DACs as well.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 12, 2014, 05:59:05 pm »
We've uploaded alpha 0.6.0 clients for Windows, Linux, and OSX. Older clients will no longer be able to send/receive email as we've also upgraded the mail server as part of this process, so all testers should upgrade to 0.6.0. Links to the three clients can be found here:
(current OSX version requires Mountain Lion or later, we're working to lower this requirement)

Where can I find my public key in this client? I think I looked about everywhere :/
First, use the menu option "New Identity" to create a new identity. After that, select the menu option "Show Contacts" and click on your identity in the list to view the public key for that identity.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 11, 2014, 05:18:13 pm »
We've uploaded alpha 0.6.0 clients for Windows, Linux, and OSX. Older clients will no longer be able to send/receive email as we've also upgraded the mail server as part of this process, so all testers should upgrade to 0.6.0. Links to the three clients can be found here:
(current OSX version requires Mountain Lion or later, we're working to lower this requirement)

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:14:52 am »
We're planning to put out an alpha release tomorrow with crash reporting support, fixes for the duplicate mail issue, plus a couple other mail-server related fixes. The fixes to the mail server will require use of updated versions of Keyhotee, so we're releasing tomorrow so that we can release all three KH clients at once (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS).

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 09, 2014, 02:03:47 am »
The crash reporter has been committed and we'll probably finish testing that tomorrow or Monday. My bug fix for duplicate messages didn't cover all the sources of duplicate messages, but I think I've found the remaining problem: insufficient granularity on time stamp of messages (stored as seconds rather than microseconds). Depending on what solution I go with, I may be able to get the fix in tomorrow. After that, we can move back to working on the mining/blockchain code again. Given that a lot of the remaining immediate work is related to the backend code, we've added a new network-experienced programmer to the team this week, previously it's mainly been me looking at those issues.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: March 07, 2014, 01:05:25 am »
I think I found a solution for the intermittent "duplicate mails" issue, going to commit a fix to the mail server tomorrow after I've given it some final thought. We're also going to add a "crash reporter" so that testers can submit a report with a stack dump for any crash we can't duplicate here. Has anyone yet had a chance to try out the Mac client built by brownbear, drekrob, et al? It's located here:

Keyhotee / Re: Alpha Keyhotee Bug Reporting in this thread.
« on: March 07, 2014, 12:58:22 am »

I updated the details in the issue link you gave me. But what about my another issue?

These problems still exist:
1. Every time I launch the application, it receives several mails (the same ones every time) which are marked unread.
We've had a github issue open for this one for a bit, as it's been reported in the past. But it's an intermittent bug that's hard to duplicate (and therefore hard to debug). Once you get it, it repeats, but we haven't had it occur on our systems lately to debug it. We certainly haven't forgot it, we consider it a high priority issue.

You can get my public key in my signature. Have you ever checked it in your server's blockchain? I think we need to figure out whether the issue is caused in sender or blockchain server or receiver (my client).
I've been analyzing the relevant code for the past two days, and I *think* I know the problem and a solution. It's going to require a minor tweak to the mail server, so I'm going to make the change tomorrow when I'm better rested (working thru a cold for a couple of days).

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