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Messages - fuzzy

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General Discussion / Re: [ANN] Bitshares E-sports Tournament [ANN]
« on: December 30, 2015, 09:56:27 pm »
i am interested in starting a bitshares team (even if we get slaughtered).  it would be fun. pm me if anyonr would be interested in joining. 

it never ceases to stun me how many shareholders just say "screw it, let someone else pay for it" then wonder why bitshares only has a small handful of devs when it coukd become a Mecca for them. 

@fuzzy - Please let me know what time our mumble this friday will be if it's cool with you, thanx! :)

11:30 should be fine.  that gives everyone a short interlude to get crackers and milk.   8)

General Discussion / Re: Important questions from the business perspective
« on: December 28, 2015, 01:44:06 pm »
About that :

"(3) This is what we currently know about the possibility of introducing a transfer fee threshold related to the BTS value being transferred:

Actually this question never got answered (please let me know if it was) though it has been proposed on several occasions, e.g.:
Quote from: Shentist on October 21, 2015, 06:19:23 PM
a transaction with value <= 1000 BTS you have to pay say 5 BTS
if it is higher the normal transaction transfer fee will be applied

I think the actual fees prevent any way of small purchase. Tips, coffee, newspaper, ...
Any merchant would ever accept to lose about 0.1€ on a 1,2€ coffee.

Lower the fees for small transaction would be a solution

I also think that there could be another way to do that with 0 bts fees. It could be done with something like Sharebits who would integrade a super simple android/ios wallet with just 3 functions : send / deposit / withdraw. It would be centralised but it doesn't matter because nobody would ever keep big sums of money there. It would be like a day to day wallet, something like having 20€ change in your pocket.
It could be use to tip, coffee, ...
When using the "mini wallet" try to send  to a real BTS address, it would create a new address in its database based on the same name of the BTS one and send the tip there. Nobody would have even to create an account on the wallet to receive tips.

Is something like that in your plans @fuzzy ?

Ronny and I have talked about some of this stuff with Freebie.  Sharebits really does seem to be becoming the yin to bitshares yang because not only does it kind of rebrand the use of the word "shares" to something that another demographic (those who enjoy sharing) use it and bring more people onboard...but it also does have this benefit of helping "bypass" the referral system fees to a degree...which has some nice benefits (though like you said before, it shouldn't be an account that holds much money at any given time).

ShareBits integration could make it so CCEDK/Open Ledger Accounts to be able to send directly to their nanocard and convert to whatever they want at the time of purchase...or another example is our talks with bitteaser who is trying to build a presence in the google adsense sector using bitcoin.  Some big stuff, but of course I have no clue what the outcomes of those conversations will be until I find out more.  @xeroc has some ideas on how to do some cool things with sharebits and an API for it.  I think perhaps he would be a good person to talk to since he is the technical person talking about this with aliana from I should stop at where I can no longer give you 100% certainty.  :)

I return 6 months from now to find everyone complaining about the same shit they were crying about 6 months ago (free money):

you obviously have not learned anything in the past 6 months because we are complaining about the exact (EXACT? yeah, exact like deja vu all over again, the exact) same shit today as we were back then:

If you're lucky, I'll drop by just to plot the next data point number 3 and draw you an accurate trajectory that will mathematically show you the future of those who bitch rather than act

as you were

LOL. just hit that one on the head.  But dont forget there will likely be some amazing things still going on behind the scenes. 

So it seems that if there is too much volume, Sharebits doesn't create the confirmation post.

interesting.  thank you btw for the merry xmas :D

how will i receive the notification now?  i noticed it no longer sends the notice but i didnt get an email or anything either.

DAC PLAY / Re: What happened to PlayTalk?
« on: December 26, 2015, 05:18:21 am »
i would have gladly given it if id been asked.  however dont forget that dacplay forums can integrate with the sharebot and even muse and play. :)

I tried using the withdraw today. I think it worked because all my shares are gone. My question is were did they go? It gave my no option of were to withdraw them to.

Edit: I closed the sight and reopened it and my shares are back again. Is it even possible to withdraw at this time?

@hybridd will be pinged anout this. it is xmas though so id wait for a bit. 

Thank you EstefanTT! Merry Christmas to you too!

biggest test of the sharebot yet.  lets see what happens!

General Discussion / Re: ShareBot: Christmas Sharing Initiative
« on: December 24, 2015, 10:39:37 pm »
The 20K you sent me back, was that all related to the sharebot donations or also to this initiative?

Is this intitiative still going on? There were not enough participants I would say from here.

not really anyone but yourself.  as for the donations, we stopped at 9k which has been achieved.  so i sent back 15k from that donation +5k you donated toward this. 

General Discussion / Re: POLL: Why are you still hodling BTS?
« on: December 24, 2015, 08:55:50 pm »
why not? Cause i don't have any BTS to hold .. unfortunately i had to sell them over the past weeks  to get some private related challenge solved

Man it sucks when the core devs dont have any stake in the project :(

tbh yes, it's not the best motivation .. but i will publish a worker proposal soon..
Good. And dump more.  :P

lol ---  .. or stop contributing .. i don't know what's better choice for BTS .. stakeholder should decide it ..
(and who says i will sell them, don't you think, as i'm contributing nearly 2.5 years now ... i'm not a believer?
Maybe u are right, i will rethink my consideration again ... as i don't want to dump 1 BTS if possible :P )

Merry Xmas ...

what makes dpos amazing is that it gives the community surrounding a project the ability to decide how to distribute their tokens.  to me the people who build and work for bitshares should be given tokens in the system.  there is no better way to distribute.  people for some reason forget that while they complain others are carrying weight and moving constantly to help bring value to bitshares...then i see people just make ridiculous comments like this. 

please good sir show me what you have done lately.  what sacrifices have you made personally? and dont tell me you pay by losing money.  in this space it is absurd to think its going to be all upside all the time. :/

#sharebits "Chris4210X" 3 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "Chris4210X" 1 FISTBUMP
#sharebits "Chris4210X" 500 BTS

#sharebits "kenCode" 3 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "kenCode" 1 FISTBUMP
#sharebits "kenCode" 500 BTS

This man and his team have been silently working behind the scenes for quite some time now.  Awesome job Munich. :)

General Discussion / Re: [Crowd Fund] Hangout Transcripts for BitShares
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:18:04 am »
#sharebits "BitShares News" 300 BTS
#sharebits "BitShares News" 1 HIGHFIVE
#sharebits "BitShares News" 1 FISTBUMP

General Discussion / Re: [ANN] Bitshares E-sports Tournament [ANN]
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:23:57 pm »
This is so sexy.   8)

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